
It's Okay

"So what's wrong? With everything going on, I can't believe that you just barely called..." My friend said a little too cheerfully.

"Youngmin! That's what's wrong!" I yelled in frustration. "I can't stop thinking about that babo! I see him all the time and he doesn't even remember. And I just can't take it..." I yelled out again. This time we were playing air hockey and thanks to my slight rage, I scored. Again. For the 5th time in a row.

"Aish, let's play something else!" whinnied Minhee. "We're almost done! Let's just finish!" I pleaded. "Fine, now what else about Youngmin-sshi?"

"I don't know. I'm not sure what I want to do. I want to jump up and give him a huge hug. But then, I want to punch him!" I exclaimed "But that's only when I think about him. In person, my mind goes blank and I have no idea what to do."

"Is there more?" she sighed. "Yah, no complaining! I listen to you whenever you have guy problems!" I finished scoring the last two points before Minhee said "Okay, okay. That is true. Go on."

"Then, after I'm with him for a minute, I feel so excited and my heart won't stop beating. It's kind of hard to explain.

"Not to mention all your drama with your extremely attractive childhood oppa. Who you never really talked about. I can't believe that he came back to town, and is somehow the one responsible for your new job." "Attractive childhood oppa?" I asked "You've never even seen him!"

"Do I need to?" my friends threw back "I've seen you blush when you talk about him. And I kinda went through your scrapbook folder...."

I stopped walking." You did what now?"

"I went through your scrapbook folder." she giggled

"Yah! I told you never to look through it!!!!" "Yeah, but if I had something like that you wouldn't keep away either!!!" "I guess it's true....."

"Anyway, your friend is really cute. What's the story with the two of you?"

I could feel myself blushing. "Hey! You're not supposed to make me feel so nervous right now!!!"

"So, is that your way of saying I'll tell you later?"

"Exactly!" I threw the last basketball and turned around. We moved on to the basketball game, and I at all sports in general, it was amazing how I won. "Well, that was fun. What are we going to do now?"

"Aigoo, don't ask me you're the one who called." "Aish, thanks for nothing!" I smiled, "Laser tag?"

"Nah, the line is too long."

"What about those racing games?"

"Nope, too boring."

"Yah! You told me to pick! At this rate you really will have to pick!" she laughed "But I didn't expect to pick boring things!"

"Fine! Why not Dance Dance Revolution?" I suggested

"There you go! That's something fun!"

So we wandered around trying to find where DDR was. But after what seemed like forever, someone was already playing it! Now if it was that really lame version of the game then I wouldn't have minded so much, but this was a different version. If you've ever seen the new version of The Karate Kid, you should remember the part where he skips school with his "girlfriend" and they play DDR. It's that kind of version. And it's pretty fun. Normally we would have waited somewhere else until the guy left, because of course standing there would be a little weird. But this guy was just too good.

Actually too good, and too familiar.

This guy was really amazing. But his style.... Then I got a glimpse of his earring. It was the same are I bought Joey-oppa. 

"Minhee, let's get out of here before-!"  Too late, the song ended and he turned around and saw me "Jae-yah!" he waved. But I didn't answer. "Come on, at least say hi!"

"Jae-yah, isn't that....?" Minhee said, but then whispered, "The really really hot one?" I nodded. "Yeah, so can we go?"

"NOPE! You two will hang out, and I will make sure we will all have fun together."

"Please? Can we hang out? We used to hang out here all the all when we were kids."

Here we go any again... my life is about to get weird again.

"Fine you win..."

"Yay!  A truce!" he cheered

Hah, but for how long?


So I made the strange choice to take my day of school off to not do anything.... Yay!

But I've decided to have a chapter schedule to follow.

This is mainly because I've written up to chapter I think 50 in my notebook, and I'm only on chapter 35 right now....

So if I can, my goal is to update a new chapter every 2 days, so my next chapter would be on Thursday

OH and anyone know who Sungha Jung is? If not, go on Youtube and listen to him!!!!!!

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I've written up to chapter 60, all I need to do is find some time to type it all up!


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Wow, I nearly forgot about this fic xD Was looking through what I've subbed to and came across this.
Anyway, did you ever get your laptop fixed? I know what it's like because mine broke a couple months back and I had to borrow a laptop :/ But good luck if you ever get back to writing this!
I've joined their fanclub!^^ how should I tell u?? I'm a half Korean that's why u could read and understand Korean!^^ BUT AM A SINGAPOREAN!!^^
silent_melodi #3
Thanks for subscribing!!!
silent_melodi #4
Lawl X3 don't we all?

And I think I did pretty good. Since I sang in Korean no one noticed my mess ups :P (thank goodness)and I think they liked me because random people came up to me to congratulate me.
And yeah, I had a ton of fun! ^^
Hahahaha, sometimes I feel like I need a life too xD

Did you do good in the talent show? Other than that slip up and laugh, did they all look like they enjoyed it? More importantly, did you enjoy it?
silent_melodi #6
Im glad u think so!!! ^^
minniebear143 #7
it's being more interesting ~ woooo can't wait for next chappies
silent_melodi #8
Thanks! I'll do my best to update when I'm not practicing! :)

Thanks for reading! I'm glad you like it! Hope you'll come back next time I update! :)