Don't Call Me Noona!

It's Okay

"Hey, I've been meaning to ask..." I started. Eunae-unni and I were sitting not too far away from where the boys were. After I had run out of the room, I been a little to freaked out to go back in....

Not that I didn't think about going back inside....

"What?" Eunae looked up. She had gotten some coffee for everyone a minute ago, including a cup of chai flavored coffee for me. So we drinking some warm coffee as well.

"Donghyun-sshi said that Minwoo calls almost all the girls he meets noona. Do you know why?" I asked

She shook her head. "Sorry, no. I wish I did though. But..."

"But what?" I asked

"I've only been working at Starship for a few months. And so has Ahjosshi. But I've heard something that some of the other staff has mentioned...."

"WHAT?!?" I could sense a dramatic story and I couldn't take the suspense!

"Well, the former manager had a daughter who came to hang out all the time. That daughter ran into her childhood best friend on the street one day and brought her along to lunch with her dad, and of course Boyfriend."

"So.... they met for lunch?"

"That's how they met. It was a love at first sight thing. But the girl disappeared a few days after.... Minwoo-yah's heart was apparently crushed, and he didn't want to fall for another girl."

"So, that's why he calls girls noona?" I asked. It seems like I was asking a lot of questions today.

Eunae nodded. "I guess he started calling other girls noona to keep them at a distance, calling them "older sister" must be a way to not fall for anyone again."

"But I've heard on some fan pages, Minwoo likes noonas?"

"Yeah, I thought the same thing. But who really knows but the people who were there that day?"

I nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I guess you're right."

Suddenly a voice shouted "Eunae-noona! Jae-noona! You can come back now!" Yeah, it was Minwoo.

"I SAID DON'T CALL ME NOONA!" I shouted back playfully. But if that's the reason why Minwoo calls me noona, I guess I wouldn't mind.


So whatcha think? :)

Like this chapter so far?

It's time to focus our attention on to other members, because who knows what will happen to them?


See you soon!

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I've written up to chapter 60, all I need to do is find some time to type it all up!


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Wow, I nearly forgot about this fic xD Was looking through what I've subbed to and came across this.
Anyway, did you ever get your laptop fixed? I know what it's like because mine broke a couple months back and I had to borrow a laptop :/ But good luck if you ever get back to writing this!
I've joined their fanclub!^^ how should I tell u?? I'm a half Korean that's why u could read and understand Korean!^^ BUT AM A SINGAPOREAN!!^^
silent_melodi #3
Thanks for subscribing!!!
silent_melodi #4
Lawl X3 don't we all?

And I think I did pretty good. Since I sang in Korean no one noticed my mess ups :P (thank goodness)and I think they liked me because random people came up to me to congratulate me.
And yeah, I had a ton of fun! ^^
Hahahaha, sometimes I feel like I need a life too xD

Did you do good in the talent show? Other than that slip up and laugh, did they all look like they enjoyed it? More importantly, did you enjoy it?
silent_melodi #6
Im glad u think so!!! ^^
minniebear143 #7
it's being more interesting ~ woooo can't wait for next chappies
silent_melodi #8
Thanks! I'll do my best to update when I'm not practicing! :)

Thanks for reading! I'm glad you like it! Hope you'll come back next time I update! :)