Suddenly There

It's Okay

I've been really lazy lately, But, I really will make an effort to update more!

Ps, like my new poster? It's a gift to all new new subscribers ^~^ and that really is Youngmin in that picture.

Sigh, he looks so grown up now!!!

Okay, on to the story!!!


"Youngmin-sshi?" Joey oppa turned around. We were still walking down the streets, swinging our clapped hand together like we always used to. But then, suddenly, Youngmin was standing there. I didn't know if I should of let go of oppa's hand or not by then, but I didn't need to make that choice thankfully.

"Jae-sshi, I'm going to go say hi to Sunbae-nim. I'll be back." Wait Sunbae-nim?

"Oppa? Sunbae-nim?" He started laughing at my confusion.

"Sorry, I was going to tell you at the ice cream shop... But since you know now, do you want to come with me?"

We stopped holding hands by then as we walked towards Youngmin. He was riding towards us anyway, so we didn't have far to walk. But I was really worried, he looked really pale....

"Joey-hyung, what are you doing here?" he asked not even looking at me.

"I'm here with Jae-yah." my oppa said while pulling me in closer. "She finally decided to forgive me!" he exclaimed so cheerfully. "We're about to get some ice cream, do you want to come?" Youngmin nodded. 

"That's why I'm here in the first place." he began. He talked about how he always loses at Rock Paper Scissors, and about how he lost a bet...

"So," he ended as we neared the shop. "I need to get good ice cream for all of those guys."

You know all this time, I felt like Youngmin's been avoiding me..... It kinda hurt. Actually, never mind that, it DID hurt! As we walked in the store he even said hi to Minhee!!! Was I invisible or something?! (not that I care or anything)

A little bit later, Joey oppa's phone rang. "Hello? Oh, yeah, I'm sorry. I almost forgot! I'll be right there!!!" he hung up. "Jae-yah, sorry I was really looking forward to our little "date"!"

He kissed me on the top of my head as a goodbye just before he left. But I was really shocked. I couldn't move.

Youngmin was still there, waiting for his order. I couldn't tell what he was thinking inside that head of his. But, still he was ignoring me.....

Somehow, my friend noticed me staring at him. Her solution? Minhee threw a straw at him. "Yah! Aren't you going to say hi to you're teacher?!" Woah, she sounded pretty mad. But it got Youngmin to turn around.

"Oh, sorry..." he bowed and then turned away.

"Yah!!!-" Minhee began again. This time I stopped her.

"It's fine, leave him alone. I have to be going soon anyway." I sighed. "I can't believe you made things turn out this way!!!" I was talking about the whole thing about Joey oppa this time. I wanted to forget about Youngmin for a minute. "You're way too good at this whole fixing relationship thing aren't you?"

She laughed. "It's my gift!" I remembered that talk I had with Cho Hee. "Yah! I remembered something!" I shouted

"No duh! Your eyes grew so big for a second I was sacred they might pop out!" she giggled.

I began to tell her about Cho Hee, but I had to make sure Youngmin wasn't listening. (Which he wasn't. He had headphones on)

"Long story short, she needs our help!"

"But, with what?"

So I really began to go into detail about Cho Hee's drama. (While Youngmin was still there.(How long does ice cream to go take?)) 

Anyway, Minhee looked pretty surprised. but she knew there was something going on with Cho Hee and the others members of Boyfriend.

"Okay, I'll help."

Youngmin finally got his order. After waving bye, he left the store.

"Aigoo...." I let out. Suddenly, breathing felt easier.... but I'm not sure why.... "Thanks..." I thought for another minute....

"You know," I started, "that guy has been acting really strange, well stranger...."

"Stranger how?" 

"I don't know.... Maybe it's one of those days." I mumbled.....

"Are you crazy today too?"


Why was he making me so flustered?! It's really weird.... But he could at least talk to me.....

"Hey, no need to get mad.... You're face is turning red."

"Huh?" Wait, my ears turn red when I'm really mad. not my face.... And I'm not even mad...... Youngmin is just weird that way..... But really, how could this happen to me?


So did you like this chapter? Subscribe if you do!! Oh, and did any international fans join Boyfriend's offcial fan club sucessfully? I want to know how!!!!! But if not, and I manage to do it first, I'll tell you if you're interested!


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I've written up to chapter 60, all I need to do is find some time to type it all up!


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Wow, I nearly forgot about this fic xD Was looking through what I've subbed to and came across this.
Anyway, did you ever get your laptop fixed? I know what it's like because mine broke a couple months back and I had to borrow a laptop :/ But good luck if you ever get back to writing this!
I've joined their fanclub!^^ how should I tell u?? I'm a half Korean that's why u could read and understand Korean!^^ BUT AM A SINGAPOREAN!!^^
silent_melodi #3
Thanks for subscribing!!!
silent_melodi #4
Lawl X3 don't we all?

And I think I did pretty good. Since I sang in Korean no one noticed my mess ups :P (thank goodness)and I think they liked me because random people came up to me to congratulate me.
And yeah, I had a ton of fun! ^^
Hahahaha, sometimes I feel like I need a life too xD

Did you do good in the talent show? Other than that slip up and laugh, did they all look like they enjoyed it? More importantly, did you enjoy it?
silent_melodi #6
Im glad u think so!!! ^^
minniebear143 #7
it's being more interesting ~ woooo can't wait for next chappies
silent_melodi #8
Thanks! I'll do my best to update when I'm not practicing! :)

Thanks for reading! I'm glad you like it! Hope you'll come back next time I update! :)