Chapter 8:Only Fools

To love or to not ?


     Days have passed since our last arguement the other day.It bothered me to say atleast. Her outburst the other day 

made me realise that she was changing.It was not like her to shout at me like that nor for her to reply with such remarks.

I hate her for acting this way.How dare that changed her !!!

The fact that she isn't replying my calls and texts is bothering me more.

Even on working basis , she would send her staff to explain every project to me. 

It was a dull weekend for me indeed.I scoff off the thought of having to see that getting close to Yuri tomorrow.

'She's not even that pretty' I mentally thought.

I checked my phone once again incase of a call or a text from Yuri.I was dissapointed to see only Tyler's messages.

I threw my phone on the couch in annoyance.

"Maybe I should just watch a movie to keep my head off stupid things."I proceeded to the kitchen to take some popcorn out.

I randomly pick out a movie to watch to kill my boredom and loneliness. 

Suddenly a cetain memory invaded my mind.


   It was a usual lonely friday night.It was one of those nights where I choose to stay at home rather than going to clubs.

 I was preparing myself for bed when suddenly the doorbell rang.


'Who in the world would disturb me in the middle of the night....? If it's one of my ex's again,I swear I'm going to kill him.'

I thought to myself.' What if it's one of those people who wants to randomly kill others ? or maybe robbers ?' 

My thoughts were going wild before I opened the door. I still choose to open the door out of curiousity.

"Hey sica" I saw Yuri holding a pair of DVD and popcorn.

"What are you doing here ?" I asked.

"I just randomly missed you so I decided to visit you.Let's watch a movie together." 'aish this girl'

"You just saw her 5 hours ago.How come you miss me already ?" 

"I miss you all the time princess.Now won't you let me in.It's rude to make visitors wait outside"

"Unless they are uninvited "I said as I crossed my arms blocking the door.

"Please....this is heavy " She made her puppy eyes to me.

"Arrasso....Get it" I said in defeat.She is too stuborn anyways.

"Finally !!!" She shouted enthusiasticly before she vanished in the kitchen like it was her own home.


   She then came back with two bowls of popcorn. She then left it on the table before she proceed to put the disc in player.

"Here" she passed me one bowl of popcorn before taking a seat next to me. 

"Thank you " I replied shortly to her before focusing on the Tv screen.The lights slowly dimmed out.

"What movie is this  ?" I asked her eyes still focusing on the Tv.

"The conjuring "She replied. 

"Wait what  ? The horror movie ?" I asked her in disbelieve.I hate horror movies the most.  

"Yes"She answered while eating the popcorn,still focusing on the TV.

"I don't want to watch it "I stood up to leave.

"Don't go , watch with me please" She made pleading eyes towards me.

"Still not going to"I said as I put aside the popcorn and crossed my arms.

"Pretty please ? We can watch another movie that you like after this " She tried to bargain.

"Still no" I said as i tried to walk away from the living room in order to go back to my room.

"Aish ...."I heard her say before I suddenly fell down on the couch again because of a sudden pull,except now on Yuri's lap.

"You will watch this with me"She said before encircling her arms around me. 'This girl is unbelievable'

"Can you atleast let me sit down comfortabally ? I'm not a baby you know."I asked her annoyance.

"Yes you are.You are my baby" She said with a dorky smile.I rolled my eyes.

"Seriously .....let me sit comfortabally"I glared at her.

" long as you watch this with me" She said as she let go of my waist.

I sat down next to her again.


   After an hour and a half of  hell,the movie was finally over. "How was the movie ? It was fun right ?" She asked.

"To hell no...It was such an unrealistic movie"I answered.'The movies was actually very agonising for me'

Laughed at my remark before she said "Of course it was that you shouted thoughout the whole movie"

"Don't you dare tease me Kwon" I warned her.

"I'm just stating a fact Princess.No point of getting all rilled up"She said as she put the bowl of popcorn in the fridge.

"Just shut up" I said.

"Can I stay here tonight ?" Yuri asked coming out from the kitchen.

"No ,go home !!!"I replied.

"Come on.Why not ?" 

"You snore " I replied.She pouted once again.

"Fine,I'll go home now" She said disappointed, Making her way to the door.

"Fine you can stay but you have to sleep on the couch outside.I don't want to hear you snore." I said before entering my room.

"Thank you Sica !!! " She shouted before jumping on the couch.

'What a kid' I mentally thought before entering my room.




         I unconciously smiled at the thought of her.Upon realising that ,I tried to wipe off the smile on my face.

'I can't possibally be in love with her right ?'It can't be.Maybe because I lack friends,that's why'

I assured myself with my stupid illogical thoughts.

I checked my phone once again,still no message or call from her.My heart aches without me realizing it once again.



      Time has only been moving slowly for me.With each tick of the clock,my heart dies a little bit.

A share of hope vanishes from my ever so positive mind.Maybe it was a wrong step to ignore her.

With each tick of the clock,my heart drowns in fear. The many what if's is killing my rationality.

'What if she forgets about me and find another substitude ?'

'What if my assumptions have been wrong and she don't feel the same way as i do ?'

'What if she moved on with her life and forgets about me ?'

I knock my head on the table once again.These thoughts are killing me.

Not to mention this anxiety within my chest making it way worst for me even focus on anything else.

Drowning myself in work is no longer working for me.It made me realise that i was indeed in deep trouble.

It made me realise that I am too deep in love with her to even pull out.

Just like falling into a deep super massive hole where pulling out is inevitable.

While I was deep within my train of thoughts,my phone rang.

Jessica's name flashed upon my phone screen. I want to answer but somehow a part of me is reluctant.

It's like a part of my heart doesn't want to answer her call. A part of my heart fear of being dissapointed and hurt by her again.

My hand reached out to my phone.My heart too heavy to press answer.With that i missed the call.

A part of me regrets it but another part of me feels relieved. Even myself is confused by the indecisiveness of my heart.

The contridiction of my mind and action. The difference between my heart and mind.

My phone rang the second time.But this time ,it wasn't Jessica calling but Kaeun instead.I answered the call.

"Hello" I speak over the line.

"Hey,I was thinking if you are free right now ? I was thinking of going to the bar to grab some drink but sadly I have

no one to go with.Would you like to join me ?" She asked over the line.'I am free now.

Maybe going out with Kauen would occupy my mind for a little while.It would probably help ease the pain in my chest.

I decided to take on her offer.After all,I need this time to rejuvanate from all these bull that i'm in.

I drove to kaeun's house to pick her up before heading to a bar near by.It was 9 p.m.

The ideal time to be hanging around places as such. I parked the car before we both entered the bar.

I was relieved over the fact that Kaeun didn't suggest us going to the same club where I first met Jessica.

The bar that we were at was remoted from the busy city life.Making it the best place to release all of my stress.

"So what do you drink ?" The bartender asked as we sat down.

We both ordered our drinks and enjoyed the music and company.

We had no conversations going on until one of us decided to break the silence.

"How are you coping up ?" Kaeun asked.

"Pretty well I guess since there is no major breakdown till now"I answered casually.

"That's good.Did she call though ?" She asked again.

"She did but I didn't answer.It was like my heart can't bear the thought of her acting indifferent again "

I looked at the glass that i was holding.

"Maybe you should give it a go when you're ready"She said.

"I'm not in a mood to talk about it so why not we drop it.I want enjoy this wonderful place and company"I said with smile.

"Arraso" She said.We talked all night about random topics aside from my sad love life.

It was fun to say at least,to have such amazing people around me make me feel rejuvenated again.

"Maybe if I don't get Jessica,there would be many more people willing to spend time with me and help me heal.'I thought to myself.



     "Jessica baby where are you ?" I heard the guy's voice coming from the front door.

"There you are !!! Why didn't you answer my message and calls ? I was worried about you " He said as he hugged me.

"Sorry I was busy with something else"I tried making up excusses.

"I thought you passed out or something,plus the front door was unlock" He said as he ended the hug.

"Sorry " I said half heartedly.My mind is off wondering something else.

"Let's go out !"He exclaimed.

"What ? Why didn't you tell earlier ? I would've gotten ready earlier." I said.

"You didn't answer the phone just now.How can I ask you then ? I have time to wait for you.Go get ready now !" He said.

"Ok" 'Aish I'm not really in the mood to go out!!! Gosh this guy is annoying !!! I should break up with him soon '

I thought to myself as I got changed.


   After a few minutes,i was finally ready.Tyler was waiting for me in the car. 

"Where are we going ?" I asked him as I entered the car.

"Somewhere...I think you would like it " He said as he starts driving.

I didn't even thought much of his answer.I wasn't even bothered by it on the first place.

I was silent throughout the whole journey.I was not in the mood of talking anyways.

It was Tyler who broke the silence first.

"Why are you so silent today ? Are you sick or something ?" He asked as he touched my hand.

I suddenly pulled away.Even i wondered why.

"Nothing,I'm just tired" I said faking a smile.I lied because I myself don't understand why I'm acting this way.

He just ignored it and drove silently after.Maybe he actually bought my lie.

   After an hour of driving,we finally reached a beach.There was a table ready in the middle of it.

He took my hand and lead me to the table where a candle light dinner was ready.

We both sat down before a waiter start serving our food.It was salad with cucumber in it.

'If it was Yuri ,she probably would ask the chef to removed it 'I mentally thought.

'Why am I comparing them ?' I questioned myself. My train of thought was disturb by Tyler.

"Do you like it  ?" He asked.I assumed he asked about the place.

"Yes I love it " I faked a smile once again.

"Let's start eating then"He said again.

"I actually don't eat cucumber" I said.

"Oh really,sorry about that" He said before calling the waiter to remove the cucumber.

The rest of the dinner went by with him doing all the talking.While I my head was wondering elsewhere.

It was hard to focus on this boring man's conversation.It was mostly about work and his hobbies.

Even though i was in the same business field as him.This guy was still boring the out of me.

With that, the night finally ended.He sent me home afterwards.I faked a smile once again before bidding him goodbye.

He drove off after giving a flying kiss towards me which i ignored with a smile.

It was good enough that he didn't try to kiss me.I entered the house silently,tired with my head thinking too much.

I put my bag on the table before proceeding to the shower. I finished showering and was ready to go out when suddenly the lights shut down and the house blackout.

"Ahhh...."I shouted out of fear.I have a fear of being in the dark.A phobia actually.

I have had it since young.Even when I sleep I have the lights on.I panicked as I search for my phone to dial Yuri.

After minutes of searching for my phone on the counter,I finally got a hold of it.

I quickly dialed Yuri's number.Fingers were crossed for her to answer.Suddenly,I heard her voice on the line.



  It was almost midnight,me and Kaeun was having a good time talking until we decided to call it a night.

Kaeun waited outside as I settled the bill when suddely I got a phone call.

I accidentally answered the call without looking at my screen.Suddenly,I heard Jessica's voice on the line.

"Yuri,help me ! It's dark...Yuri please help me"I heard her say on the line.Her voice showed fear.

That is when I realized that her house blackout again.I always knew she had fear of darkness.

"Okey,I'm on my way"I said before rushing my way out of the bar.

"Kaeun can you wait here ? It's Jessica,her house out again and she has a deep fear of the dark.I'll come back as soon as I can"I saw her nodding before I rushed my way to Jessica's house.

I was driving so fast that I bearly see anything.My mind was too worried for Jessica .

After a few minutes, I finally reached her house.I don't know how I got there that fast but I did and I enterd her house.

'aish she didn't lock the door again' I thought as I entered the house.

"Jessica !!!" I shouted.



"Jessica!!!"I heard Yuri shout for me.

"I'm here !!!"I shouted back.Trying my best to exit the toilet.

I almost fell when I opened the door when suddenly I fall into someone's arm.

"Yuri"I mentioned out of fear.

"Let's go and turn on the lights "She said as she hold me up and hold me securely.

I followed her as she lead me to the eletrical box.She let go of me but I still held on to her.

When she noticed that I was in fear,she puts her free hand on my shoulders and pulled me closer to her.

Without me noticing it,I smiled feeling secured. She opened the box and turn on the switch that was off.

The moment she did ,the whole house light up again.It was only then I realised that i was only in a towel.

I blushed in embarrassment.Yuri on the other hand ignored it and let me go as she said "The switch was kicked"

"Oh really" I asked.

"Yeah...I should get going.Don't forget to lock the door"She said.

"Wait! Stay with me tonight"I said.



"Wait ! Stay with me tonight"I heard she said.I looked at her.Her eyes were sparkling.It was somewhat sincere.

I almost said yes until I remembered that I have left Kaeun at the bar.

It was dangerous to leave a woman like her at a place like that.

It was alrady foolish of me to come running when the woman who refused me was in trouble.

If I were to stay,it would be another more foolish action to take.

"Sorry,someone is waiting for me"I said as I walk off.

"Please stay with me,I'm afraid."I felt an arm back hugging.

I might have stayed if she held me longer but she didn't because I pushed her away.

I faced her.Dissapointment was all over her face.My heart crumbled at that thought.

Even so,I braved my heart to say "No I'm not staying.It is already foolish of me to come here running when you are in trouble.I don't think I can afford to be a fool one more time by staying the night."

"I don't think it's foolish to stay and help a friend"She said.

"Jessica Jung,I love you !!! What can I do to make it clear to you that I am madly in love with you ? Why is it that no matter how much I tell you that, it won't go through your head ? I'm sick of this Jessica!!! Please this once let me walk off with the little broken pride that I 've left."I said as I walk off from that conversation.

"For the record,friends don't have with each other !!!" I shouted from the door.

   I entered the car and drove back to the bar that I left Kaeun at.She was alone and cold.I also saw a few men circling her.

I jumped out of the car and went to her."Move please" I said as I make my way to Kaeun.

I grab her wrist and pulled her with me when I felt someone holding me back.

"Where do you think you are bringing our meat for tonight ?" A middle aged man said as he and his friends blocked out way.

"Move!!!" I said as I held on to Kaeun tighter.The men still stuck into their places.

"I said move"I repeat once again,louder this time.

"No way!!! She is ours " One of the men said as he tried to touch Kaeun. I punched him right in the face.

"Run " i said to Kaeun as I let her go and punched the rest of the guys.Kaeun did run to car which I was relieved for.

I just continued fighting.I did receive some punches back but I still strongly push through and kicked them.

Soon,three of them was on the ground and I was left with two more.

"Two more to go" I thought to myself.

I continued to kick their until both of them is finally down.I kick the guy infront of me one last time.

"I told you to move right"I said before making my way to the car where Kaeun was.

"I didn't know you could fight"She said in amazement.

"Suprise"I said as I entered the car and start the engine.

I felt Kaeun's eyes on me throughout the whole journey back to her house.

I just ignored her eyes on me and continue driving.

Soon, we reached her house.

"Here we are " I said as I stopped the car.

"Your bleeding,let me put some medication on you first."She said as she touched my wound.I hissed in pain.

"It's okey...I'll be fine"I said.

"No please let me since it's my fault that you are injured " She said.

"No it's not.It was my fault,I shouldn't have left you there.If there was anyone to be blamed ,it would be me"I said.

"Please Yuri,I would be worried if you are driving in this state"

"It's okey.I'll be fine"I said giving her a reassuring smile.

"Are you sure ?" She asked worriedly.

"Yes ,very" I tried sounding most fine.

"Arraso but don't forget to text me when you alredy reached home" She said before taking off.

  As I was driving alone,my mind was clouded by the thoughts of Jessica. 

'Why is it that my heart feels like I should have stayed ?'

'Why is it that she can't accept the fact that she loves me when it's so obvious ?'

'Why is she so dense to the point of stupidity ?'

With my angry thoughts ,I went to bed that night.



  After Yuri left,I was left with a million thoughts bothering my mind.

'Who was it that was waiting for Yuri at a night like this  ?' 

'Was she that important that she left me just like that ?'

I was tosing in bed alone bothered by my own thoughts.Of course sleeping was not coming anytime soon.

Not when I was that angry.

'How dare that take my Yuri from me ?'

'Kwon Yuri how could you push me away like this ?' Somehow my heart felt sad.

With this angry and sad thoughts on my mind,I finally drift off to sleep.



Hey guys,

  Sorry that it took me a while to update.I was busy with my exams and stuff.I hope this chapter is satisfying for you all.

Please don't forget to leave a comment on this chapter!!! Tell me what you think of Yulsic on this chapter.Maybe it could give me some ideas on where to bring them. Anyhow,don't forget to subscribe and upvote !!!

I'll try to update the next chapter as soon as I can.;)

Thank you to all subcribers,upvoters and readers.You make my day all the time.It feels good to know that somebody out there is  reading my stories. Thank you very much. I love you all. XOXO.

Muah muah























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Soneisa #1
Chapter 29: Hope you get to finish this story. And I hope all rapists in fic and in real life would receive the judgement they deserve
Soneisa #2
Chapter 25: Soshi’s dance line as ex-military is so 🔥🔥🔥 and no wonder she kicked the asses of that 5 sleazy men
Soneisa #3
Chapter 15: Wow this might have been the saddest chapter
vhelzzz #4
Chapter 29: Omg finally ypu are here, welcome backkkk
Chapter 28: the lizard just her ╰_╯╰_╯╰_╯
I hope it was just mistake I meant she wasn't got (πーπ).·´¯`(>▂<)´¯`·.
Chapter 28: Omg nooooo. you Tyler poor sica u.u
Yunju_ #7
Chapter 27: Drama on the wayyyy. I like drama, but too much angsty is not good for health author-ssi kkkk~
Chapter 26: Its time for yuri to move on
Chapter 26: Yuri did it for Sica. I hope Sica will forgive Yul.
Chapter 26: I hope YulSic will be end again