Chapter 9: Worried ?

To love or to not ?



   I woke up the next morning in pain.I felt like I was punched in the face and my whole body is swollen.

I looked into the mirror only to see my whole face bruised and injured.I hissed in pain as touched the open wound.

'I should really go visit the doctor'I thought to myself.I personally wasn't expecting my face and body to be that injured.

I limp my way to the toilet to take a bath as soon as I can.

The moment I left the toilet ,I realised that I was already late for work.

'Seems like I have no time to go to the doctor' I thought as I tried my best to dress up for work.

I just drove off to work like usual without visiting the doctor.

Of course ignoring the brutal pain in my arm and face was hard but I still tired my best to fight through.

I felt everyone's eyes on me as I got on the lift and made my way to my office.

I was suddenly stopped by a hand on my arm as I was holding the door knob to my office.

"Yuri ,are you okey ?" Kaeun asked with worried eyes as she examine my face.

"Kaeun shi,get back to work !!!"The manager shouted at her.

"Wait for me at the rooftop during breaktime" She said before continuing her work.

I just replied with a nod,too tired to say a word.

I just continued working on the agreements that was needed to be ready by that afternoon.

It was just the usual busy day at work except for my brutal injuries.

Even so,those injuries were the least of my concern.My problem was always bigger and complicated than that.

  After being drowned in work for 4 hours,it was finally breaktime.

I remembered my promise with Kaeun that morning.

Thankfully,my mind still functions and remember details even in the worse state.

I sat down on a bench on the rooftop.The bench had a nice view to it.Giving me the leisure to think with a clear mind.

"Everything would be fine soon right ?" I asked no one when I suddenlly heard an answer.

"It would be if we try our best to make it fine " Kauen said with a smile as she sat down next to me.

I saw her holding a first aid kit in her hands that I presumed to be for me.

"Hello to you too" I said in which she just smiled back and continued to open the box,ready to aid me.

"This would sting a bit"She said before she press the antibiotic on my wound.I hissed again and again in pain.

"Why didn't you text me last night ?" Kaeun asked trying her best to lessen the tension and pain.

"Sorry I forgot,I was too tired yesterday.I went to bed right away."I replied.

"It's okey"She said as she continues fixing my face.We were welcomed by silence soon after that.

    After a few moments,she was finally done.She cleaned up everything and rearranged the box.

"Thank you" I said as I stood up,ready to leave.

"Yuri"She called out my name as she held my hand.I flinched a little but thankfully she didn't notice.

I faced her ignoring the pain in my hand.

"Don't ever fight for me again"She added while looking at me with worried eyes.

"I'll try my best "I said as I took off back to the office.

I was beyond tired.It felt like my body can't function no more.I slumped on my couch and drift away.



   I woke up the next day sweating.I had a nightmare last night.It had always been the same dream.

I always get the same nightmare everytime I am stuck in darkness but somehow there was something different this time.

Yuri was in my dream this time,smiling at me. I reached out to her in fear.

Before I can even reach her,she fades away like dust at the tip of my fingertips.

'Maybe it's a sign telling me I'm losing her.' A feeling of fear stuck deep within my heart.

'Aniya,It can't be....I will never lose her right'I tried denying my fear.

'It's just my fear taking the best of me.It's just a dream after all' I strung off the thought but somehow can't shake the fear.

Ignoring my train of thoughts ,I went to take a bath to get ready for work.There was a special guest coming today.

I felt so much better after taking a shower. Not saying that I stopped thinking about Yuri and the dream.

But at least my head was not having a headache anymore. I quickly got dress for work.

After I was ready,I drove my way to work. I don't want to keep my cilent waiting.

The cilent that I'm meeting today is from Japan.They are from a well known company.

This might be our biggest project for this year.

We would be getting billions from this project that is why I look forward to it.

I checked my appearance once again to make sure I look perfect before making my way to the office.

My secretary halted me before entering my office as she said "Miss Jung our cilent today changed the appointment from this morning to this afternoon at 2 'o' clock."

"Okey thank you Miss Gayoung.By the way,have Miss Kwon arrive ?"I asked 

"Not yet Miss Jung"She answered.

"Okey thank you.You may continue your work"I said before I excused myself.

I was deep in my thoughts again as I entered my office.

'Why is she late again today ?' It was weird for her to be this late.'My heart suddenly felt sad and heavy again.

Ignoring the thoughts once again,I tried focusing on my proposal for today.It was important anyway.

 Time flew by so fast that it was already lunch time.

I was not in the mood to eat so I decided to go to the rooftop to have some time off to clear my mind.

'Being all stressed won't help you with your work'I reminded myself.

 The moment I reached the rooftop,I was taken back to see Kaeun and Yuri.Kaeun was holding a first aid kit.

It seemed like Kaeun was done with aiding and they were talking.

I walk up closer to find out what they were talking about.It seemed like a serious conversation.Their expression says so.

Yuri suddenly stood up.I quickly hid behind a tree,secretly hoping for her not to notice me.

I heard Kaeun call out Yuri's name as she held Yuri's hand.'Get your hands off my Yuri !!!'I mentally scowled.

Yuri flinched at that sudden contact and her face plastered a look of pain.It was like her hand was injured.

She faced Kaeun with a forceful face expression.'Why is she not noticing that Yuri is in pain ?' I asked in anger.

"Don't ever fight for me again ?"I heard her say.

'What ? Yuri got into a fight ? How ? Why ? Aish this is making my Yuri live in danger.' I thought angrily.

"I'll try my best"Yuri answered. 'You better Kwon Yuri or I'll beat the out of the people who injured you'

I hid behind the tree ,trying my best not make any noise that would  make them notice my presence.

I watched her  as she left.She was slightly limping in her walk. 'Her injuries seems bad'I thought to myself.

I waited until that left before I made my way to Yuri's office.

'So it was that that Yuri left me for.How dare she ? How dare she make Yuri fight for her ?

That needs to get out of the picture soon.She is nothing but a bad influnce to Yuri.Making her injured like that'

I thought as I make my way to Yuri's office.

"Kwon Yuri !!!" I exclaimed as I entered her office.I was beyond mad at her for being this injured.

I was determine to make her go to the hospital and take a leave even if I have to force her into it.

I saw her lying down on the couch.She seemed so weak.It was like she can faint any time soon.

I walked to the side of her couch.It was good that I forced her to put a couch in this office of hers.

At least she can use it at moments like this. 

"Yuri get up....I'm bringing you to the hospital"I said as I got closer.I didn't get any response.

"Kwon Yuri!!!" I shouted again. Still no response.I was getting worried by then.

"Yuri "I said as I touched her.She suddenly fell off the couch.' she fainted' I panicked.

"Help,I shouted from her office" It was loud enough that someone actually came.

"Call the ambulance now !!!" I ordered the woman who entered.

"Yes miss Jung " she said before she went to call the ambulance.

"Yuri...Yuri...Wake up!!! "I tried my best to make her wake up.

"Yuri please wake up" Tears were suddenly streaming down my face.

'Don't you dare die on me 'I mentally thought.

 It was a good thing that the ambulance arrived few minutes after.

I was ready to board the ambulance when my secretary halted me. "Miss Jung,your client is here already"She said.

"Please postpone it.There is something more important now."I said. 'Nothing is more important than Yuri's health'

"But Miss Jung I don't think it's possible." She said again.

"I'll fly there or whatever .I don't care. Yuri's health is far more important to me" I said before closing the ambulance door.

   It was a blur after that.All that I remember was us rushing off to the ER and I anxiously waited outside the room.

After 30 minutes that felt like 30 years of waiting in pain,The doctor finally let me in.

"Doctor how is she ?" I asked anxiously.

"She's fine now.It 's a good thing that you brought her in the right time or else she would have been stuck in a coma."He said.

"Why so doctor?"

" She had a concussion.It seems like she was involved in a fight recently.She somehow got hit hard on her head but didn't seek treatment right away.Even her fingers and wrist are broken and dislocated.But we have already aid her wound so you don't have to worry abou that.We also put her on painkillers so that she is not in pain.She would regain her consciousness as soon as the medication wears off." The doctor explained.

"Thank you doctor.How long is she supposed to stay in the hospital ?"I asked.

"Around 3 days but she needs alot of rest"He answered.

"Can you extend her stay until 5 days ? Since she's a workaholic. I don't want her to over work herself after." I requested.

'This idiot needs to rest well' I thought.

"Sure Miss Jung.I'll inform my staff"He said before taking off leaving me alone with Yuri.

  I admired Yuri while she was sleeping.She was sleeping like an angel even with the obvious bruises on her face.

"You made me worried you know "I said to the sleeping her while caressing her face.

''You love her you know ?" I heard my sister said while standing at the door.

"What are you doing here ?" I asked her.'How did she find out that Yuri was admitted ?'

"Is it wrong to visit my one and only future sister-in-law ?" She said as she walk closer.

"Cut your crap Soojung !!! How did you find out ?"

"The office have gossipers you know"She answered.

"Have mom found out ?" I asked.'It would be another problem to me if she ever find out.

She would bomb me with a million questions that I might have no answer to.'

"She would if I tell her now"She said as she threatened me with her phone.

"Don't you ing dare Soojung !!! A word to mom and I'll break that phone of yours"I threatened back.

"Hahahaha arraso unnie.Your secret is safe with me."She said jockingly before continue laughing.

"What's so funny ?"Her laughs were getting on my nerves.

"You were so serious " She said before she continued laughing again.

"Oh just shut up Soojung"I said to shut her up.

"Oh my...Yuri !" Kaeun exclaimed as she entered the room.She went straight to Yuri's side.

"Is she okey ? What did the doctor say ?" She asked me anxiously.

I just glared at her. I broke my gaze when I heard Soojung,my sister laughing alone.

"Why are you laughing again Soojung ?"I asked angrily.

"Stop glaring and answer her unnie"She said as she continued laughing.

"Okey fine"I said as I blushed in embarrassment.I didn't notice that I was practically glaring at her.

"She's okey.Just some fractures on her wrist and fingers.She also had a concussion because she was involved in a fight recently which I believed to be your fault." I said while crossing my arms.

"I'm sorry for making her involved in a fight Miss Jung " Kaeun apologised. 

"Care to explain what happened ?" I said again.She bit her lips guiltily before answering.

"We were hanging out at a bar near my house yesterday when you suddenly called.She rushed out,leaving me at the bar." ' Yuri rushed out leaving Kaeun for me ? In your face unimportant 'I thought with a grin on my face which I tried to hide.

I tried my best keep  a straight face as I continued to listen to her explaination.

"At the time she got back,a few middle aged men were circling me.She tried pulling me away from them but they blocked her way.I ran and hide after she asked me to before she beat the crap out of them.Sadly,she had some injuries.I offered to help but she wouldn't let me" Kaeun finished explained. 'Yuri stuborn as always' I mentally thought.

"How many men were they ? " 

"There were 5 of them." 'Yuri cool as always' I thought to myself.

"Kaeun shi" I heard Yuri's light voice. She finally regained consciousness.

I frown over the idea of Yuri saying that 's name the first thing she wakes up.

"Someone's jealous"Soojung whispered in my ear.

"No I'm not "I blurred out defensively.

"Never said it was you.Bye unnie!!! I have some errands to run.Take care of Yuri unnie.

Don't forget to give her a kiss for me"She said before bidding goodbye.

"Ugh that kid!!!"I scoffed.

"Jessica is that you ? What are you doing here ?" Yuri kept on asking questions as she tried sitting down.

"Be careful ! You are injured.Just lie down"I said as I carefully pushed her back on the bed.

"Kaeun ,how did I ended up here ?"Yuri asked looking at Kaeun.

'I was the one who brought her here and now she is asking Kaeun about it' I left the room in anger.

'I was obviously the one that brought her here right away but she is expecting that to be the one who helped her.'

I scoff off in annoyance as I spaced around the corridoor trying to lessen my anger.



   I woke up in a hospital.I tried to recall my memory on how I ended up here.

Even so,nothing came to my mind no matter how hard I try.

My body was feeling less pain than before.The moment I opened my eyes,I was welcomed by the sight of Kaeun.

"Kaeun "I called out.

"No  I'm not " I heard Jessica's voice. 'Am I hearing things ? It's impossible for her to be here right ? Where am I even ?'

"Never said it was you. Bye unnie !!! I have some errands to run.Take good care of Yuri unnie.

Don't forget to give her a kiss for me." I heard a voice like Krystal said.I trailed her voice only to her standing next to Jessica.

'Am I imagining things again ? It can't be really her right ? Where the am I even ?'

"Ugh that kid !!!"I heard Jessica said in annoyance.

"Jessica is that you  ? What are you doing here ?" I asked as I tried to sit down.

"Be careful ! You are injured.Just lie down" I heard her said as she pushed me down to lie down on the bed.

'It's true.It is her' I mentally thought. I never thought she would be there standing in front of me.

Knowing that she won't reveal much detail.I looked at Kaeun and asked.

"Kaeun how did I ended up here ?" I asked after realising that it was hospital.She must be the one who brought me here.

  Suddenly,Jessica run out and left the room.If I never knew better,I would have thought that she was jealous.

Of course,I knew better and strung it off thinking that it was one of her mood swings again.

"You passed out and Jessica brought you here " 'What ? It can't be !!! Is this even real ? Am I in heaven ?'

"You're  joking right ? There would be no way in the world Jessica would care about me  ?"

"It's true.I heard she even cried on the way here."Kaeun replied.

'So it is true.That means there is a possibility that she loves me too right ? '

'Don't get your hopes up Yuri !!! She might just be worried for us as a friend' I scolded myself mentally.

"I have to get going.Don't want your wife to get all angry on me again."

"Hahaha nice try Kaeun.She ain't my wife." I said laughing.

"Bye Yuri !!!" ' she is leaving.I don't want to be alone.'

"Wait !!! Don't leave me!!! No one is here to accompany me." I shouted.

"You're not gonna be alone you idiot.Jessica is here to accompany you.Hwiting Yuri!!!"

She made a fighting pose before running out the door.



"Miss Jung!!!" I heard someone calling me.I turned around only to see Kaeun walking towards me.

'Well well if it ain't Kaeun the teenage 'I felt like I was in high school once again except the fact that I'm the mean girl this time.'She deserves it anyway.' I defended my thoughts.

"What ?" I said illy.'Well that came out wrongly.' 

"Yuri is waiting for you.I'll take my leave now Miss Jung. Goodbye!!!" She bowed  before taking her leave.

'Hah...Yuri still chooses me anyway' I thought proudly as I walk back into the room.

"You were searching for me Yuri ?" I asked with a hint of proudness within my tone.



"You were searching for me Yuri ?" She asked as she entered the room.

' now I'm left alone with her.' It's not that I hate her or that my feeling of love have changed.

It was just that I was in fear. I fear that if I look at her ,my feelings would grow more and my defences would fall apart.

I was too far into the game to ever quit.'There is no looking back now.'  I thought to myself.

All I have to do is to keep my feelings to myself until she show hers.

'It's okey Yuri.You'll get through this !!!'I assured myself.

"ummm....Is that what Kaeun said ?" I asked,trying my best to keep my cool.God knows how nervous I was at that point.

"Yes...I know that you would like my company more than hers" She said with a proud smile as she sat down on the left side of my bed.

' not too close please'I was practically begging to God to help me.

"Hmmm...if you say so"I said looking elsewhere.


"Ouch.."I said holding a spot on my stomach that she poked.

"Why did you poke me ?" I said angrily. 'That poke was uncalled for.'



  "Yes...I know you would like my company more than hers" I said as I sat down next to her.

'What's with that nerverous look plastered on her face'

"Hmmm...if you say so" She said as her eyes roamed around the room expect on my face. 

I felt anger all of a sudden due to the lack of eyes contact.

'You should look at me when you speak Kwon Yuri!!!' I mentally screamed.

I poked her stomach in anger.She held the spot I poked her in pain.

"Why did you poke me ?" She asked.A hint of anger was  in her voice.

"You should look at me when you are talking to me" I said as I glared at her.

Upon hearing that, she looked up and fnally made eye contact with me.She was still holding her stomach.

"Fine !!! There are you, happy now ?" She made a brief eye contact with me before her eyes roamed around once more.

'Damn you and your ego !!! Just wait and see '

"Not quite" I said as I held her face with my two hands and pulled her face closer to mine. Our faces were inches apart from each other before I lock our gaze ,forcing her to look at me. She was in a dazed as I pulled her in for a deep kiss.



"Not quite" She said as she took my face and closed our distance.

Our faces were inches apart before she smashed her lips upon mine.

All the walls that was built falls apart within seconds.

The moment she held me tighter was the moment I replied her kiss.

In that I realised that I have lost all control.

By then falling deeper for her seems like an risk worth taking,A rewarding risk.

Knowing the evitable,I dived deeper within the soon coming storm.



   It took a few seconds before she pulled me closer and kissed me back.

In the moment ,I know that she have lost in the game of control.

She chose the forbidden fruit. 'You can't resist me for too long Kwon' I thought as the kiss starts heating up.

Suddenly, a few knocks were heard from the door.

We stopped the kiss and looked at the door.It turns out to be a nurse bring Yuri's medication.

"It's time for your medication Miss Kwon" She said as she came in.

It don't take a genius to figure out that she disturbing something.

Judging from how ruffled Yuri and my clothes were.Not to mention our swollen lips.

Yuri cleared to ease the awkwardness.

She then took the medication that was passed to her by the nurse before she drank it all in a single shot.

"This medication would make you feel sleepy.Please have some rest" The nursed said.

"Sorry for my disturbance.Have a nice day!" She said before leaving.

I watched Yuri blushed at the remark as she put her head down.

I unconsciously smiled over her action.

Suddenly,my phone rang.It was a call from the office.

"Hello,What is it ?" I asked.

"There seemed to be a problem here Miss Jung.The managers can't handle it.They are requesting your presence since Miss Kwon is unavailable."

"Is it a major problem ? Can't I handle it later ?" I asked annoyed. 'Why is everyone trying to take me away from Yuri ?'

"Sorry Miss Jung but this is really important" 

"Ok,I'll be there" I replied shortly.


After the nurse left,Jessica's phone suddenly rang.' Ugh...Damn that person that called'

She answered the call. I was eavesdropping the conversation out of curiousity.

It seemed to be a call from the office judging from the seriousness of her tone.

"Ok ,I'll be there" I heard she said before she ended the call.

"I have to go.Something came up at the office." She said as she collect her things.

"Is it bad ? I want to help.Tell me the details" 

" I can't tell you.You have to rest. I don't want you to think about work when you are in the hospital." 

 It felt weird not being able to take responsibility on the projects that you are incharge of.

There was this guilty feeling in my heart over the fact that she has to take care of my projects from now.

"Please ....It's my work too.I don't want you to overwork yourself" I said.

" Yuri this an order from me as your boss. Just get some rest first."

There is nothing I can do since she said it was an order from her as my boss.I just sat there sulking. 

"Arraso " I said half heartedly.

"Stop being such a baby.You can get back to work as soon as you recover." She said as she planted a kiss on my left cheek.

I was taken back her action but still kept my cool. That wasn't all.The words she uttered soon after was more of a shock.

"Yuri " She called out my name as she held the door.

"Waeyo ?" I answered.

"Please don't ever get hurt like this ever again." She said.Her eyes were showing a new sight.

Her eyes showed love and affection and for the first time I can see her true heart and feelings.

"Arraso" I could only agree and follow her orders.There wasn't any part of me trying to defy her.

Not when those eyes were looking at me with such care and concern. I could have melted by then.

"Bye! I'll drop by tonight" She said with a smile.

"Don't if you are busy." I said. She must be really busy with work since a problem occured.

"I will drop by tonight.Don't worry" she said before she left.

After she left, there was this small feeling of excitement deep in  my heart.

My head was wondering off with the thoughts of her.

'How is it that I feel exitement and fear both at the same time ?'

Those thoughts were slowly replaced by the many what if's.

'Why did she kissed me just now ?' Not that we don't occasionally kiss.It was just that I was always the one who kiss her first.

This time it was different. Even her eyes,they weren't avoiding contact at all.

 In fact, she forced me into making eye contact with her. It was weird.

Not to mention the random kiss on my cheek and the request for me not to get hurt again.

'Do I stand a chance to make her realise her love for me this time ?' 

I have tried so many times but failed everytime. This time too,I surrendered when she locked those gaze on to me and kissed me.

'Why is it that my walls always crash every single time I'm with her ?'

It was like those walls could only be temporary but never to last too long.

It could be that she force is too strong or it could be that this walls that I built had holes in them,making it vulnerable.

Seemingly,those holes can't be filled no matter how hard I try.

I would always be the victim to a savage game called love.

Deep inside I was hoping for her to end my longing and pain. 

With that,I driffed to sleep.


I'm back !!! Thank you to all subcribers and upvoters and for all the commenters.Thank you also for the overwhealming support and positive comments.It feels good to have my story appreciated and loved. You guys have been amazing.

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter as much as I enjoy writing it.

Please don't be shy to leave comments on this story because I would appreciate it. 

To Apollo13: Don't worry my friend.I have in mind the juicy drama ahead for Tyler,Kaeun and Yulsic. Look forward to the following chapters and thank you for the support.

To Oroton: Thank you very much on the comment. I'll try my best to explore Yulsic feeling in more depth.

To kimchi_seoul: Thank you for the compliment. The dramatic drama is on the way so please look forward to it.

I'll try my best to satisfy your dramatic side.

To yulbaby125: Thank you for reading and appreciating my story.Because of people like you I always feel more energetic to update a chapter. I'm sure we are all missing Yulsic.

I love you all !!! XOXO

Till the next chapter ;)















































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Soneisa #1
Chapter 29: Hope you get to finish this story. And I hope all rapists in fic and in real life would receive the judgement they deserve
Soneisa #2
Chapter 25: Soshi’s dance line as ex-military is so 🔥🔥🔥 and no wonder she kicked the asses of that 5 sleazy men
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vhelzzz #4
Chapter 29: Omg finally ypu are here, welcome backkkk
Chapter 28: the lizard just her ╰_╯╰_╯╰_╯
I hope it was just mistake I meant she wasn't got (πーπ).·´¯`(>▂<)´¯`·.
Chapter 28: Omg nooooo. you Tyler poor sica u.u
Yunju_ #7
Chapter 27: Drama on the wayyyy. I like drama, but too much angsty is not good for health author-ssi kkkk~
Chapter 26: Its time for yuri to move on
Chapter 26: Yuri did it for Sica. I hope Sica will forgive Yul.
Chapter 26: I hope YulSic will be end again