The Locker Room


"Look down there!"I pointed out down at the street where u can see a bus. 

"We can make it into the bus. Its the only way out of the city."I said. He was staring at me like i was crazy.

"We can't actually go down there. Its too risky."

"Ok then. Let me put it this way. I have a plan." He smirked.


"It depends on how good your plan is." he said crossing his arms. We both sat down against the wall.

"right well see that supply closet there?"I asked pointing to this rusted old green door. He nodded, but his expression was well...expressionless.

"If we open up the floor there's a path that leads to the girls locker room. We go down and we can get my duffle bag." I would've kept on talking but he interrupted me.

"Why do you need gym clothes? You were running just fine in your Sperry's."He said looking down at my feet.

"Thanks but thats not whats in my duffle bag."

"Then what is?"He asked.


"golf clubs, hockey sticks, baseball bats…"I said and he stared.
"Well excuse me for being athletic…"He chuckled.
"Lets go."He said and we started running realizing those things were already climbing up the stairs. I ran into the closet first and handed him my broomstick.
"Get me some time."I said and ran to the wall. There was a fire hose connected and a lot of buttons. 
"You know how to work that thing?"I nodded. His eyes looked at me like he wanted to protest, so I cut him off.
"Just a little bit of time. The hose is pretty old, but it should work." He didn't look convinced but he went with it anyways. I started clicking a couple of buttons, starting off with green and ending off with red. I took a little glance back at Minho to see how he was doing. He ran up to one and started off by hitting his arm and slammed it against the wall, which crushed his head, blood splatters on the floor and wall. I saw two of them coming close to him and all he had was a broomstick.
"Minho get out of the way!"I yelled. He looked back at me and saw that I had the hose ready and aimed. He jumped back like he was escaping a bomb and I shot the water hose. I only had enough force with the hose to clear the staircase, but it was ok since we know have an even advantage. I drooped the hose but kept it on in case some of them still try they wou;d just fall and kill themselves. This time Minho got in the closet first and we acted fast. Taking everything we can find in a panic and started ripping the floors apart. I haven't snuck out into this little cave since Jr.High. Who knows how old it will be.
In time we got it, and we both stared looking at the pitch black pit.
"Its safe right?"He asked. I slightly nodded not knowing for sure.
"then ladies first?"He tried and i nodded left to right.
"Not this time."I said and he jumped down. I found a chain and locked the door so none of them can't get through, in case they passed the hose. Once I locked it, I jumped down. I felt the air pressing against my face, my hair lifting up. I heard Minho land, knowing that my landing was about to come. There was a little light, then i realized it was the locker room, and Minho was still laying in the area where I was supposed to land.
"Watch it!"I yelled, but he didn't hear and I ended up landing on top of him. I tried to avoid him and I almost hit my head until he caught me. Before I could get up and apologize real quick he pulled me back down and covered my mouth. I looked up at him and he pointed to one of the lockers. It was moving like something was filled with madness trying to get out. Rocking back and forth. Minho started whispering in my ear.
"Get up, slowly." And so I did and waited for him to get up.
"My duffle bag."I mumbled.
"Where?"He asked. I started looking at the locker numbers. 21…22…23…24…25…26…27. My locker number is 27 and thats where that mad thing was in. Minho looked shocked.
"There!"He pointed and mouthed. I nodded slowly. I started walking up to him.
"I open the damn locker, you kill that thing…"I said. He clenched the broomstick and nodded. I walked closer to the locker and opened it as fast as I can. Someone came out, running. Not a zombie, but a person, a boy. He looked about mine and Minho's age, but I've never seen him before. Actually I've never seen Minho before either.
"What the hell!"Minho exclaimed. My first action was taking the duffles bag, which I did. Then I closed the door and locked it. I let Minho handle the situation with him. I grabbed a golf club and knocked down each stall and each shower curtain making sure we were the only ones in here. We were. I walked up to the two boys.
"Name?"Minho and I asked in unison.
"Taemin."He said bowing.
"Did it bite you?"I asked. He raised an eyebrow.
"Did what?"Not very much of an answer but I'll take it anyways.
"Why were you in here in the first place?"
"Stupid football guys."
"How long have you been in here?"Minho asked.
"Ever since this morning."He said. Me and Minho glared at each other.
"So you don't know whats going on?"I asked looking down. He nodded.
"I heard the intercom. Doesn't sound so good."He said.
"Intercom?"I asked.
"the principle told everyone to get out, the teachers were supposed to help us."
"Well they're dead now…"Minho added. Taemin exploded.
"Dead? As in…"
"there's only one definition for dead."I said.
"what the hell is going on? Whats in that bag?" He asked.
"Chaos and weapons." Who knew only two words can pretty much sum up everything.
"Take a look…"I said opening one of the window curtains. He looked out witnessing those zombies climb over the fence and into the city.
"You have got to be kidding me…"Taemin said. The pit that me and Minho came in from started "making" noise. They actually came through.
"Move out!"I ordered and we ran out and into the bloody murder hallway.
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Just updated Chapter 33 guise!!!! And I'm working on chapter 34!!!!


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Chapter 35: My eyes are filled with tears right now TT.TT
Please update soon so that I can know if he's gonna survive or not
Chapter 35: no Minho can't die
Chapter 35: Nooo minho dont die.
Chapter 35: Omg intense! @.@ ahhhhh! Unexpected turn omg still in shock omo!
Chapter 35: D:< STUPID ROGER! OMG I hate him. >:c
Imma jump in the story myself and be all:
"SUPRISE ATTACK BETCH!" And then meet Stryker and be all "oh hayyyyy"
And then I'll go back to my boring student life :c
PinkFishie #6
Chapter 34: oh my gosh!!! This is really good :) Keep up the good work!
Chapter 34: Eh?
Ro- to the -ger didn't bite by Lily?..
....waeyo? ㅇㅅㅇ?

OhKai...pls update when you free....ㅅ.ㅅ
Chapter 14: New reader hereeeeee ~~~
LAWL .... Onew's pov. zzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZ......... - , -
Happy New Year~~
Chapter 34: roger survive O.O how? what the hell do he want really DX *frustated*

yeah, I'm a new reader by the way~ dont worry, I'm quite active to give comments..

just make sure to complete this story XD
Chapter 34: wasn't Roger in the house?
Wait...hwo was Roger again?
Is this her Dad? no...
Then it is the Man which they have abandoned in the house right?
Omg and she is 5'9?! why so tall? Is she Asian? No right? lol