Bonding with Minho...



Everyone was fully asleep, and after Minho made that small comment, we were both silent for awhile. I broke the silence.


“I’ve already explained myself to you, but what about yourself?” I asked trying not to be nosy. 


“Good past. Good grades. Good friends...” He said like he was remembering everything from before.


“Good looking....”I mumbled under my breathe. My eyes went wide once I made that small comment. Minho was staring at me, not in shock, but with a smile. I punched him in the arm.


“Don’t give me that look.” I said.


“I didn’t know you had it in you. And also. You said it. Not me.” He said.


“Didn’t know I had “what” in me?” I asked going back to the comment. He stared at me and smiled. I mean. What I said was true. He was very good looking. But I never truly noticed it until now. I mean, I’m in a group with all these cute guys. 


“You know. Thinking a guy was cute. Still acting normal on the normal teenager girl side even though the world practically ended already.” He said. I smiled.


“and thats the last you’ll ever hear from me in that genre.” I admitted. 


“Oh c’mon. Might as well say it louder since I heard you.” He said playfully.


“Psshh, you wish.”


“Worth a shot.” Minho mumbled.


“But still. Good grades. Good friends. Good past. Good looking...” I said with my voice trailing off for that one comment, then continued.


“You must have been perfect. You know. Having everything. Your girlfriend must of really been happy to have you.” I said.


Minho blushed, which made me in a bit of a shock moment. I never knew, I, ME, STRYKER, can make Minho blush. 


“I don’t have a girlfriend.” He mumbled.


“Well then. She must of been stupid to dump you.” I said looking at him.


“I never had one before.” He mumbled. I went wide eyed.


“Liar.” I said. He chuckled.


“I’m serious. I wasn’t very attracted to anyone in my class.” 


“Are you sure? I mean. All the girls are pretty.” 


“Yea, they’re pretty. But not suitable for me.” He said. I smiled.


“ahhhh. So your one of the picky guys who wants the perfect girl.” 


“NO!” He snapped. I kept on going with the idea.


“I know what your saying. Its really hard to find some girl who’s perfect.” I said in a joking matter.


“You know. Pretty. Smart. Skinny. Rich. Athletic. Popular.” I continued on.


“You can’t find those girls. It must be WAY to hard.” I said in a sarcastic tone.


“You must have had your eyes locked on someone before. Or plenty of times.” 


“Its not like that! I said it wrong. I mean...uh.” He stopped.


“OH!! You do have someone in your heart!” I snapped, but making sure not to wake the others.


“Stop it.” He mumbled trying to make me silent.


“Who is she? Do I know her? What am I saying. I barely know anybody.” I mumbled at first talking to Minho, but then ended up talking to myself. I would’ve kept going, but something stopped me. 




He...he...kissed me. His lips met mine with NO WARNING. And the most weirdest thing is, I kissed him back, but once I realized what I was doing I stopped and broke it.


“I’m...i’m going to sleep now.” I mumbled, and forcibly shut my eyes, but still kept my face in the direction of Minho. I took a little peek to see his reaction, and he just kept on driving. I couldn’t help but do one thing before I forced myself to sleep.


I smiled.




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Just updated Chapter 33 guise!!!! And I'm working on chapter 34!!!!


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Chapter 35: My eyes are filled with tears right now TT.TT
Please update soon so that I can know if he's gonna survive or not
Chapter 35: no Minho can't die
Chapter 35: Nooo minho dont die.
Chapter 35: Omg intense! @.@ ahhhhh! Unexpected turn omg still in shock omo!
Chapter 35: D:< STUPID ROGER! OMG I hate him. >:c
Imma jump in the story myself and be all:
"SUPRISE ATTACK BETCH!" And then meet Stryker and be all "oh hayyyyy"
And then I'll go back to my boring student life :c
PinkFishie #6
Chapter 34: oh my gosh!!! This is really good :) Keep up the good work!
Chapter 34: Eh?
Ro- to the -ger didn't bite by Lily?..
....waeyo? ㅇㅅㅇ?

OhKai...pls update when you free....ㅅ.ㅅ
Chapter 14: New reader hereeeeee ~~~
LAWL .... Onew's pov. zzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZ......... - , -
Happy New Year~~
Chapter 34: roger survive O.O how? what the hell do he want really DX *frustated*

yeah, I'm a new reader by the way~ dont worry, I'm quite active to give comments..

just make sure to complete this story XD
Chapter 34: wasn't Roger in the house?
Wait...hwo was Roger again?
Is this her Dad? no...
Then it is the Man which they have abandoned in the house right?
Omg and she is 5'9?! why so tall? Is she Asian? No right? lol