
White Confession



Practice was never ending in the practice room. Everyone was doing their best and they were all focused including yourself. First practice with microphones in your hands wasn't so bad but it wasn't great either. As the last part of song ended which was your rap, everyone posed and everyone just deflated on the ground like a balloon would. 

"So...tired..." Lani tries to catch her breath. 

You came back from the bathroom with a new dry shirt and drank from your water jug. "You girls are working so hard." At the moment, Boyfriend came in. "Sunbaeni~~~m!" Michi and Kimy immediately went up to them and bowed politely. The boys laughed, chuckled but also bowed back. Minwoo came up to you and gave you a back hug which caught you off guard. "Boo!" 

"Yah! Minwoo!" You pushed him off and hid your blushing face with a towel. "Yah, Minwoo don't do that to my crush!" Kwangmin goes over to you and protectively wraps his arm around you making you blush more. You lay down the floor on your stomach covering your face with your towel and rolled away. Minwoo and Kwangmin began to laugh. 

You stopped rolling when you felt that you hit someone. You were now on your back and you peeked out of your towel. "Hi ~~~~~." Youngmin, your real crush, greeted you with his best smile and it made you really blush. You covered your face again and rolled back to Minwoo and Kwangmin to save you from embarrassment. 

Youngmin chuckled and enjoyed watching you. 


Boyfriend were now praciting for their latest song "I'll Be There" and Sweet Kisses was there watching and waiting for their turn. You admired Minwoo's powerful stamina while he was dancing and Kwangmin's rap was unbelievably cool. Youngmin was pretty handsome as well. You couldn't understand why you like the boy but you knew that he appealed to you the most. 

After their practice, it was your turn. Boyfriend didn't leave yet since they wanted to watch you practice. Donghyun had his video camera and took a video of it. A while later, all of you were monitoring yourselves during practice. "Not bad." Hyunseong commented and praised everyone. "All you need to do is to show this on stage." Jeongmin placed his arm around you and wiggled his eyebrows. You rolled your eyes, took his arm off and walked away towards the door. 

On your way to the bathroom, your phone beeped. It was a message from Sungjong. 

From: Sungjong

I'm on break today! 
Should we go out?


To: Sungjong

Mian Oppa~
Practice is until night time :(


From: Sungjong

Awwwwwwww!! It's always like this!!


You chuckled and didn't reply back. *Drama queen~* 

After coming out from the bathroom, your phone beeped again. 

From: Myungsoo

I'm going to your house later. Sungyeol wants to give you something. 


You blinked and wondered what it was that Myungsoo needed to deliver it. *Strange Yeol oppa...*

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Chapter 32: This is my favorite chapter!! Poor Youngmin and Myungsoo~ XD Keep up the good work~
14 streak #2
awwww >.< that was sweet and awesome!!!!!!!
will you be making a sequel of this?????
i feel sorry for youngmin...i hope he finds someone else who loves him ^^
nnguyen123 #3
Will u make a sequel?
ParkAhRin604 #4
Aww~ So sweet <3 <3 <3
thank you! ♥
awww... its soo sweet...<br />
can you make a sequel for this story so that we readers would know what will happened with youngmin!!! plzzz..<br />
<br />
i love this story... it's the besttt!!!!!!
misx06 #8
love this story.. ((:
Thank you! ♥
I <3 it!!