
White Confession



It's the 2nd day before your debut and you've been practicing with Sweet Kisses since 7 in the morning. You only had light breakfast and you, and the rest of the members have been hungry for quite a long time. "Oppa~~~~ Can't we please take a break?" Michi asked as she collapsed on the couch, dreadfully sweating. "I'm hungry!" Sera spoke up on the floor.

"Yeah! We all are!" Lani and Alex said. "All right, all right. Lunch break." their manager. Everyone looked at him and glared at him. "For two hours..." he mumbled and left the room. "Yeah!" All the girls cheered with delight. "Where should we go?" Sera asked. "Somewhere far~" Raine sang and everyone snickered. While everyone gave out ideas of where to have lunch, someone peeked its head in. 

"Annyeong~" a voice said.

Everyone turned their heads and saw that it was Youngmin. He came in with a smile. "Oh, Annyeonghasaeyo~" All the girls stood up and bowed. "Can I take ~~~~ out to lunch?" He looked at the girls with wonderous eyes. You looked at him wide eyed because he asked so bluntly. "Sure you can!" Michi giggled. "But let ~~~~ change first." Kimy nodded at you, and you looked at Youngmin. "Um...I'll be right back." You meekly smiled at him, ran to get your bag and ran to the bathroom to change. 


You and Youngmin were in their van. You changed into shorts, fit singlet and a hoodie over it. "How long do you have?" You looked at him. "Around 2 hours." You replied. He looked at his watch and smiled. *Lots of time.* He looked back at you and smiled, you didn't know what was going in his mind but you just smiled back. 

The van stopped at what seemed to be a park but there weren't any playground or buildings near by. It was just grass and a big tree in the middle. "Is this where you filmed for 'Don't Touch My Girl'?" You looked at him with big curious eyes under the hoodie. He looked back, "You noticed? No one ever notices that this place was used for Boyfriend's MV." He faked a cry. 

You giggled a bit. "What are we doing here?" 

He started walking with a basket on his other hand. "We will be having lunch out here and re-enact Minwoo's scene of our MV." He cheekily smiled then laughed. You laughed back and followed him. He stopped right in the middle where a tree was standing giving you and him some shade, he took out the picnic cloth and settled it on the grass. 

You helped him take out the food, paper cups, paper plates and the sodas in cans. "You can take your hood off now." He nodded at your hood. "Oh! Right.." You slowly slid off the hood and tied your hair up into a ponytail. "Take it off." He bluntly said. "H-huh?" He looked at your flustered face and held a chuckle. "I mean, take your hair tie off. It's better if you leave it down." he let out a smile. 

"Oh..." You hid away your almost blushing face and took your hair tie off and let your hair fall on your side. He smiled in satisfaction. 

"Let's eat!" He started taking out what he brought and gave you some. You smiled at him and felt like you were going to blush again so you had to pretend that you were going to sneeze to hide your blushing face. 


Lunch didn't take long because you and Youngmin were finished after 40 minutes. 20 minutes for eating and 20 minutes for talking after eating. You and Youngmin decided to play thumb war, cards and even catch. You had the time of your life with your crush and you never felt happier though you had Myungsoo in your mind after a while. Since yesterday, that both of you held hands and you didn't mind it, you suddenly missed him. 

"~~~~~~!" Youngmin called. You looked up and you saw him running towards you but you hallucinated it to be Myungsoo. You lightly shook your head and saw that Youngmin was already there. "You okay?" He asked worriedly. "Uh...Yeah, just fine." You gave a small smile. 

As time flew by it was already almost the end of 2 hours and Youngmin had to drive you back to Starship. It became a tiring day because of the games you played. You were slowly drowsing off to sleep while listening to your ipod, and your head was about to fall back but Youngmin caught it in time and gently placed you down on his shoulder. 

You felt your heart jump but it didn't jump that hard as when you were in the haunted house with Myungsoo. You didn't know if it was because of the freaky things inside that haunted house in Lotte World or was it because Myungsoo was right beside you. Your eyes had now closed leaving you with an unknown answer to your question...Who does your heart beat for?

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Chapter 32: This is my favorite chapter!! Poor Youngmin and Myungsoo~ XD Keep up the good work~
14 streak #2
awwww >.< that was sweet and awesome!!!!!!!
will you be making a sequel of this?????
i feel sorry for youngmin...i hope he finds someone else who loves him ^^
nnguyen123 #3
Will u make a sequel?
ParkAhRin604 #4
Aww~ So sweet <3 <3 <3
thank you! ♥
awww... its soo sweet...<br />
can you make a sequel for this story so that we readers would know what will happened with youngmin!!! plzzz..<br />
<br />
i love this story... it's the besttt!!!!!!
misx06 #8
love this story.. ((:
Thank you! ♥
I <3 it!!