Feelings for...?

White Confession



Weeks after your debut performance, your schedule was full. 

Radio shows, variety shows, photoshoots, interviews, guestings, and promotions, it was completely packed and you barely had time to update your facebook now. It was only twitter or me2day. Even chatting with fans became less ever since Sweet Kisses' popularity rose up.

But despite the hectic schedule you girls have, you had time to think about something that happened one week after your debut.


- Flash back to the week after Sweet Kisses' Debut - 

"~~~~~~, I like you as the way...you like me." Youngmin said. *He...likes me?* 

You stood there, constantly blinking and unknown of what your next move will be or his next move.  

He took your hand and looked into your eyes. "Please think about what I said...I know you like me too but...right now I'm asking...would you be my girlfriend?" Your eyes widened as he made a proposal about being his girl, but you didn't want to make a decision fast and you said that you will think about it. 


You were walking around your dorm thinking about what Youngmin said and just sat down and released a big sigh. 

*Youngmin likes me and then asked me to his...but...why don't I feel as happy as I'm supposed to be? I mean...I've liked him for a long time right? I should be happy that he asked me to be his girl...* 

You leaned back on the back rest and looked up at the ceiling pouting. *Is it because...his not the one on my mind right now?* Just then in the middle of your thinking, your cellphone rang. You checked the caller ID and it was Myungsoo. 

"Hello?" You answered.

"Can we talk?" He said. There was a short silence. 

"Sure..." You said and he ended the call. You wondered what he wanted to talk about as you got ready to leave. 


An hour later you were in the park with your mask and hood on waiting for Myungsoo. A few minutes of waiting he finally came also wearing a disguise. Both of you approached each other and stopped right in the middle. He removed his mask and so did you. 

- End of the Flash Back - 


Sitting on the car, watching the rain drops glide down on the car window while listening to 4Men totally fit the mood and what you were feeling and thinking about. *Myungsoo also told me he likes me...The boy I've always liked or the boy that I've been close for a long time?*

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Chapter 32: This is my favorite chapter!! Poor Youngmin and Myungsoo~ XD Keep up the good work~
14 streak #2
awwww >.< that was sweet and awesome!!!!!!!
will you be making a sequel of this?????
i feel sorry for youngmin...i hope he finds someone else who loves him ^^
nnguyen123 #3
Will u make a sequel?
ParkAhRin604 #4
Aww~ So sweet <3 <3 <3
thank you! ♥
awww... its soo sweet...<br />
can you make a sequel for this story so that we readers would know what will happened with youngmin!!! plzzz..<br />
<br />
i love this story... it's the besttt!!!!!!
misx06 #8
love this story.. ((:
Thank you! ♥
I <3 it!!