Debut Performance

White Confession


Today was a Sunday. 

Your debut day in Sweet Kisses as the Sub Vocal, Main Rapper and Lead Dancer also as the Tough Maknae. 

It's a few days before New Years Eve and New Year, an exciting day to perform in front of your fans who have waiting for your debut performance since your music video was released. Back stage you and girls were getting your hair and make up done.

As you were getting ready, Boyfriend comes in and cheers you girls on before they go on stage for there "I'll Be There" performance. 

Sistar, who had a busy schedule was able to drop by for a while and gave you all good advice. Group by group many artist who met you girls during the Christmas party came in brought some gifts and gave good lucks to you all. All of you felt confident but there was still a hint of stage fright. 


After a few more artists it was already your groups turn. You were already ready and set to go on stage, you just needed to wait for your turn. First performance was you, Lani and Alex then the next would be you and the rest of Sweet Kisses.

You were all nervous but confident to do your best. As you were waiting backstage, Infinite comes passing by. 

"Girls!" Sunggyu whispered loudly. "Oppa!" The girls replied but you just smiled. 

"Good luck okay?" He gave a thumbs up and smiled that no one could even see his eyes anymore. 

Sungjong gave you a tight hug and a good luck before he left. Myungsoo high fived everyone but he gave you a hug knowing that you were the most tensed and scared out of everyone else. "You'll do great." he whispered in your hair, gave you a light squeeze as he hugged you then pulled back to smile.

He was about to leave as he saw that you wearing the Infinity necklace he gave you. 

"You never took it off?" he asked. 

You looked at your necklace then back at him. "Only when I'm in the shower." You smiled at him and he did too. 

Woohyun wished everyone another good luck and then went back to their dressing room. 


It was finally your turn. As soon as you stepped out, your fans screamed as loud as they can. You went into position, the same for Lani and Alex, then the three of you waited as your music played. 

And that was the start of Sweet Kisses way to fame in the KPOP world. 

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Chapter 32: This is my favorite chapter!! Poor Youngmin and Myungsoo~ XD Keep up the good work~
14 streak #2
awwww >.< that was sweet and awesome!!!!!!!
will you be making a sequel of this?????
i feel sorry for youngmin...i hope he finds someone else who loves him ^^
nnguyen123 #3
Will u make a sequel?
ParkAhRin604 #4
Aww~ So sweet <3 <3 <3
thank you! ♥
awww... its soo sweet...<br />
can you make a sequel for this story so that we readers would know what will happened with youngmin!!! plzzz..<br />
<br />
i love this story... it's the besttt!!!!!!
misx06 #8
love this story.. ((:
Thank you! ♥
I <3 it!!