Am I Jealous?

White Confession



"Seven member group...pre-debut performance at Music Bank...wait...did he say Music Bank?" You talked to yourself as you were in your room looking up at the ceiling trying to make yourself sleepy. Ever since you heard Myungsoo's revelation about a girl he likes, you grew concerned and you didn't know why.

You kept on thinking who it is and what group is she from and what company. 

"I shouldn't even care! I have Youngmin! Wait...not really have Youngmin but...we both like each other!" you turned to your side looking at the wall. 

"I like Youngmin! Youngmin! Youngmin! Youngmin!" You repeatedly said his name and looked at the wall. As you looked at the wall, Myungsoo's face popped out. 

"Andwae!" You turned to the other side, facing your stuff Domo-kun that's as big as your pillow. 

You turned over to your back again and lifted Domo-kun up in the air and looked up from a worm's eye view.


" you know why I'm feeling this way?" 

You waited for a response. But it was more of your heart talking. 

"Mwo? Jealous? NO!" You suddently blurted aloud but quickly covered your mouth. 

"I can't be jealous Domo-kun! I's not right! Myungsoo and I are just close friends!"

You brought Domo-kun closer to your chest and hugged it tight.


"We are just close friends...aren't we?" you mumbled as you drifted off to sleep leaving your question unanswered. 


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Chapter 32: This is my favorite chapter!! Poor Youngmin and Myungsoo~ XD Keep up the good work~
14 streak #2
awwww >.< that was sweet and awesome!!!!!!!
will you be making a sequel of this?????
i feel sorry for youngmin...i hope he finds someone else who loves him ^^
nnguyen123 #3
Will u make a sequel?
ParkAhRin604 #4
Aww~ So sweet <3 <3 <3
thank you! ♥
awww... its soo sweet...<br />
can you make a sequel for this story so that we readers would know what will happened with youngmin!!! plzzz..<br />
<br />
i love this story... it's the besttt!!!!!!
misx06 #8
love this story.. ((:
Thank you! ♥
I <3 it!!