Tough Maknae

White Confession


You were in the recording studio with the other members waiting for your turn to do the rap parts of the song. While waiting, you were using the iPad to update the fans of what you were doing. News about Sweet Kisses debuting has been officially released and you were allowed to advertise the group and even make a twitter and fanpage on facebook with your account that you've kept hidden. 

@SweetKisses_K: Here in the recording studio with the Unnies! ^_^ Tweeting away using our new iPad ♥ We'll be debuting soon, don't worry! Please wait a little bit more! D-8!!!!!

It was finally your turn to go to the recording studio. Kimy took over on the iPad and also updated. 

@SweetKisses_K2: Annyeong! ^^ Kimy here. Krystal, out maknae is now recording her part. She sounds so cool! ^o^ We can't wait till we release our album and debut on stage! Please watch out for us and wait a little bit more okay? D-8 ^_~


You were all still in the studio recording a few more songs but it was already dinner. The manager left to buy dinner while you girls just stayed in the recording booth. Lani, Alex and Sera were listening to their iPods while reading books. You and Kimy were taking turns on the iPad. Raine and Michi were asleep on the side. 

"Do we have a group twitter?" Kimy asked you. You didn't look at her, "We don't have one as a group. Let's make one?" 

"Okay!" Kimy scooted closer and helped you make a new account for the group. 

@SweetKisses_K: Everyone! Please follow @7SweetKisses! It's our groups' twitter account! Tweet tweet ^_^

@SweetKisses_K2: TWEET TWEET @7SweetKisses FOLLOW FOLLOW ^_^ 

You went to your mentions and saw a lot of replies and retweets to your tweets. There was one mention that caught your attention. 


"Is that who I think it is?" Kimy suspiciously looked at you. 

You suspiciously looked back at. "Who do you think it is?" Both of you looked at each other then ended up laughing. 

@SweetKisses_K: Kamsahamnida @INFINITELKIM! ^_^

@INFINITELKIM: @SweetKisses_K Reveal who the members are! ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

"That's a good idea! We can reveal ourselves unofficially using twitter." Kimy brightened. "Huh? You mean...release unofficial teaser photos?" You asked. She nodded eagerly. "To show our natural look since our concept is Natural." She had a point. You agreed and the first teaser was you. You didn't argue though since it's how the order of the official teaser photos will be released. 

Kimy took a picture of you using her iPhone then logged in the group's account to upload the picture. 

@7SweetKisses: A request from one of the "fans". We'll reveal to you our maknae! Meet...the Tough maknae KRYSTAL ♥ 

Kimy attached the picture of you with a fighting pose and a close up picture of you smiling. The tweet was posted. You logged in the group's twitter in the iPad to have a bigger screen then looked at the mentions, retweets and followers. There were a lot of responses from your followers who were now dedicated fans of Sweet Kisses. More followers followed the groups' account on twitter and even yours. 

"Wow...I wonder how much it will be when the official teaser photos gets released." Kimy wondered. 

Your manager finally arrived and dinner was set up then everyone ate. The conversation was loud and playful. You and Kimy announced to the members about the group's twitter account and that a lot of fans started following. You even told them about the unofficial teaser photos. "I think we should make Kimy last since she's the leader." Michi suggested. 

"Oh I feel so special~" Lani poked her side. "YAH!" Everyone was startled and the room was filled with laughter. 

Hours after dinner, recording was finally done. Everyone went back to the van and slept on the way home to the dorm. You were still on twitter replying to fans and to Myungsoo. 

@SweetKisses_K Ah~ So sleepy ㅠ.ㅠ

@INFINITELKIM: @SweetKisses_K Go sleep please~ 

@SweetKisses_K: @INFINITELKIM: Shireo~ 

@INFINITELKIM: @SweetKisses_K Pleaseeeeeeeeeee~

@SweetKisses_K: @INFINITELKIM: Araso araso.. >_< 

@SweetKisses_K I'll take a nap in the car first. I'll reply to everyone again soon! Take care! Mwaaaah ♥.♥


Meanwhile in Japan...

*Sleep well Krystal.* Myungsoo gazed at your smiling picture that you posted on twitter. He couldn't look away. He wanted to look at you for a long time. He missed you, and he knew that. He felt strange while looking at your picture, he knew something inside him has changed but he didn't know what. 




SweetKisses_K, SweetKisses_K2 and 7SweetKisses aren't real accounts on twitter. They're only for this story ^_^

The only real account is @INFINITELKIM. Yes it's legit for those who don't know ^_^ It's really L! 

Here's mine if you want to follow: @RinDomo

OH! I reached a total of 1000+ and counting subscribers! THANK YOU SO MUCH YOU GUYS ♥ I LOVE YOU ALL!

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Chapter 32: This is my favorite chapter!! Poor Youngmin and Myungsoo~ XD Keep up the good work~
14 streak #2
awwww >.< that was sweet and awesome!!!!!!!
will you be making a sequel of this?????
i feel sorry for youngmin...i hope he finds someone else who loves him ^^
nnguyen123 #3
Will u make a sequel?
ParkAhRin604 #4
Aww~ So sweet <3 <3 <3
thank you! ♥
awww... its soo sweet...<br />
can you make a sequel for this story so that we readers would know what will happened with youngmin!!! plzzz..<br />
<br />
i love this story... it's the besttt!!!!!!
misx06 #8
love this story.. ((:
Thank you! ♥
I <3 it!!