Nothing's going right

Goodbye, forever.

“Unnie, have you heard!?” Sohyun shouted to the sleeping HyunA and started shaking her. “Stop.” HyunA tiredly said as she held on to her spinning head and got up from her bed. “So what was it again? Heard about… what?” HyunA asked as she shook her head and stood up to walk to the bathroom to wash up. “The news…? Have you heard about it? I doubt so, cause you sound like you haven’t.” The maknae told her as HyunA curiously popped her head out of the bathroom door to look at Sohyun.


“What news?” HyunA said while she walked over of the bathroom, drying her freshly washed face with a face towel before plopping down on the sofa beside the maknae who was watching tv. She then nudged Sohyun’s arm for an explanation while watching tv. “The news unnie. Didn’t Junhyung oppa tell you? No one did? Where’s your phone?” Sohyun said while looking at HyunA in disbelief and saw HyunA flinching a little upon hearing her say Junhyung’s name. “If no one told you anything, check it online. Just search Junhyung oppa’s name.” Sohyun said before going to the kitchen to get food.


Oh well, fine. HyunA thought as she got up to get her cell in her room. She unlocked it, missed calls and messages, just great. She sat down on her bed and looked through the missed calls – two from Jihyun, another from G.NA and a few more from the Beast members. So why are they calling me, and what do this news got to do with… him? She felt annoyed. Her head was still aching quite a bit. So who is it that’s calling now? She thought as her cell started ringing.


“Hello?” HyunA said, sounding almost irritated. “Who’s this?” , she has forgotten to check the caller id before picking up. “HyunA ah, are you… fine? Okay?” She heard G.NA’s concerned voice over the phone. “I’m fine… of course I’m fine. Why unnie?” She questioned the older girl. “Haven’t you heard…?” G.NA sounded surprised, she’s fine? “About? So what’s this thing that I’m suppose to hear unnie? Why not you tell me?” HyunA was getting pissed. So there’s this thing I’m supposed to know, and it’s related to this guy, and when I know it I’m just going to be… not okay? Is it? HyunA thought. “Erm, HyunA… you should find out about it yourself. Hey, I’m sorry, I got to go now.” G.NA said, quickly, before hanging up.


Okay, so about this I have to know. What is it!? HyunA was getting mad. She went online and searched Yong Jun Hyung, but what happened next made her stomach turned and flipped around. She felt sick, like as if she’s going to throw up anytime soon. She clicked on the link which says: Beast’s Yong Junhyung and Kara’s Goo Hara confirmed to be in a relationship. Her heart was aching and her chest all tight after reading.


HyunA stood up and walked out of the room to get a cold glass of water in the kitchen, or maybe to the bathroom to wash her face again. She was feeling dizzy, unwell. Her face looked blank, mixed with confusion. She was startled, very startled. This… this can’t be happening, right? She mumbled to herself while Sohyun looked at the older girl in front of her. “This can’t be, right? Right Sohyun? It isn’t the truth right?” HyunA asked Sohyun, scaring her a little. “Unnie, are you okay?” Sohyun walked towards her. “Am.I.what? Am I… am I okay? So, it’s really the truth…? Really…?” HyunA said as she dropped to the floor, unable to accept whatever that’s going on. It’s too sudden for her – first the break up, now this. Sohyun quickly bent down and hugged the surprised girl on the floor.


“Unnie, don’t be like this please.” Sohyun said, almost breaking into tears as she saw how broken HyunA was. HyunA just stayed still in Sohyun’s arm, still unable to believe anything – anything but the truth. She pushed Sohyun away, before standing up. She wanted to dial his number and ask him if this is really the truth, a fact – but who am I to him, again? We broke up, right? She looked around the house blankly, hoping it is a dream. She wants to scream, but she can’t find her voice to even speak. And suddenly everything’s pitch dark and the last thing she heard was Sohyun’s worried voice screaming “Unnie!”

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Your writing skill is awesome author
I liked the second ending! Junah forever!
shootingroses #3
@Lovely Thank you so much for reading and supporting, and commenting. It means so much to me! <3
Lovely #4
This is so freaking sad! I loved how this was written. Love this coupling *sniffle sniffle*
shootingroses #5
@_saranghaekyuti Thank you. ^^
_saranghaekyuti #6
I love it x) you actually deserve that overall mark x) My tears are dripping down upon my cheeks.
shootingroses #7
@L_O_U_N Thank you for reading, and loving this story. ^^ Hahaha, I'm glad you enjoyed this story. Thank you so much again ^^
I think you made my right eye cry lol<br />
I L.O.V.E.D this story even tho it was so's really beautiful. I'm all emotionally confused right now lol sry!!
shootingroses #9
@gladxx Awww, thanks for reading and supporting this story. ^^ It means a lot to me. Thank you so much~!! ^^ <3
gladxx #10
I really LOVE this couple . And the story, I also cried when HyunA died in the original ending. the FINAL is the original ending for me :))<br />
Me too, I only ship JUNAH couple among others <3 <3 <3 MORE JUNAH stories to come!!! Congratulations for this wonderful/successful FANFICTION :))))) <3