No more, not anymore

Goodbye, forever.

HyunA was shaking from head to toe, she has never felt this way before – afraid, nervous, confused. She did, but not to such extend where she just wants to collapse on the floor or disappear somewhere. She wasn’t able to absorb that much things at a go. She remembered Sohyun’s incoming phone call. She looked at the phone ago, but squatting on the floor. What am I to do now?


‘Hello?” HyunA picked up the phone in her hand and place it against her ear. “Unnie! I heard from Dongwoon that you lost your charm bracelet, are you okay?” Sohyun’s voice sounded anxious and afraid over the speaker. Ah, the charm bracelet… HyunA just stayed silent, she was just plainly confused. “Unnie, are you okay…?” Sohyun asked again, hearing no response from her constantly hyper happy unnie. HyunA was scaring her again. “Unnie…?” Sohyun tried again. “Huh…? Oh, yeah… yeah, I’m… I’m fine.” HyunA said, allowing Sohyun to relax for the time being. “Unnie, where are you? The other members are at the dance studio already.” Sohyun informed her – she was late for her dance practice. “Oh… I’ll be there soon.” HyunA said, trying to sound alright.


No more HyunA, not anymore. You can’t let your members worry anymore. Stand strong this time round. HyunA told herself as she picked herself up from the floor and pushed the lift buttons. She was determined this time round to not let her members worry anymore, especially her leader and her dongsaeng. She caused them too much trouble, too much worries.


HyunA stepped into the lift and took a few deep breathes – in, out and in, out. You’re going to be just fine this time round. She neatens her clothes and hair, smiled a few times towards her phone screen to check if her smile looked natural. Natural enough. She prepared herself and plastered a big smile on her face as she walked out of the lift and headed to the dance studio, acting as normal as possible. 

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Your writing skill is awesome author
I liked the second ending! Junah forever!
shootingroses #3
@Lovely Thank you so much for reading and supporting, and commenting. It means so much to me! <3
Lovely #4
This is so freaking sad! I loved how this was written. Love this coupling *sniffle sniffle*
shootingroses #5
@_saranghaekyuti Thank you. ^^
_saranghaekyuti #6
I love it x) you actually deserve that overall mark x) My tears are dripping down upon my cheeks.
shootingroses #7
@L_O_U_N Thank you for reading, and loving this story. ^^ Hahaha, I'm glad you enjoyed this story. Thank you so much again ^^
I think you made my right eye cry lol<br />
I L.O.V.E.D this story even tho it was so's really beautiful. I'm all emotionally confused right now lol sry!!
shootingroses #9
@gladxx Awww, thanks for reading and supporting this story. ^^ It means a lot to me. Thank you so much~!! ^^ <3
gladxx #10
I really LOVE this couple . And the story, I also cried when HyunA died in the original ending. the FINAL is the original ending for me :))<br />
Me too, I only ship JUNAH couple among others <3 <3 <3 MORE JUNAH stories to come!!! Congratulations for this wonderful/successful FANFICTION :))))) <3