The hidden truth

Goodbye, forever.

I have to find that bracelet. HyunA told herself. Unknowingly, she wandered around and reached the door of the recording studio. She was about to turn around and walk away when she heard some voices coming out from the recording studio. Her curiosity kicked in and she leaned towards the door to listen who it was inside. She heard a familiar man’s voice, isn’t it Junhyung oppa, and… she heard another person’s voice, this time a voice of a higher pitch which sounded extremely familiar, Hara unnie?


What are they talking about? HyunA’s curiosity kicked in even more after finding out who was in the recording studio. I shouldn’t be doing this, it’s just wrong to eavesdrop. She told herself, but another voice told her – but you’re still curious. She finally gave into her urge of eavesdropping. She leaned closer towards the door, careful to make no sound at all. But what she didn’t know was that her decision to eavesdrop will change her life.



“So… where did we stop the other day?” Junhyung asked Hara was seemed to be fidgeting all over her seat. Hara finally stop fidgeting upon hearing his question, she looked up at him and spoke, “Ah… erm, about our fake relationship.” Junhyung just nodded – a sign that he understood and she should continue talking but Hara just stopped, and said nothing after that.


“So,  you said you were being forced too?” Junhyung finally spoke upon sensing how tense the atmosphere was. Hara nodded, “but why?”, as she heard Junhyung continue asking. “What why? Did you have a reason too for being forced by your company to get into this fake relationship with me?” Hara asked him back, carefully eyeing the older guy in front of her.


Hara had a good reason for it; her company was going to take her off Kara if she didn’t accept that request. With her group’s lawsuit which ended not long ago, the company felt that their popularity level had dropped and that some of their fans have left them – in short, the company needed some news to boast their popularity level again which was the fake relationship she is in right now. But aside from being afraid of being taken off the group, she had a darker secret. Hara waited patiently for the older guy to answer her.


Junhyung just looked around the recording studio, and the conversation between him and Hong CEO just played in his mind, over and over again. He wanted it to stop badly, but there’s no way it would stop and telling Hara about it won’t hurt a single bit, right? He thought to himself. “Yeah, I do have a reason for it. I’m not sure if it’s good or not, but its one hell important reason to me.” He finally spoke, looking at Hara. Hara just smiled back at him as he continued, “What’s your reason?”


Hara looked at him, a little surprised. She has never expected him to ask. “Oh…” Hara stuttered a little, before continuing, “mine? Haha, it might be ridiculous to you but the company threatened to take me off the team if I didn’t accept this request – actually, it isn’t a request, but more of like an order.” She paused for a slight moment to study Junhyung’s face – he nodded in understanding but he was slightly shocked, maybe due to the face that the company would want to take her off the group for such a slight reason – before continuing, “But, there is something else other than taking me off the team too. That’s actually the main reason why I actually decided to take the order.” Hara just laughed her last sentence off, hoping to sound as carefree as possible – hoping she didn’t sound like she was too serious, be she knew how serious her reason was.


Junhyung was about to speak as he wanted to probe further about her main reason, but got cut by Hara’s sudden words, shocking him a little. “So, now, your turn. Your reason for accepting this request, or should I say order?” Junhyung just looked at the petite girl in front of him. His voice was stuck in his throat, not wanting to come out. Is it okay to tell her about HyunA? He asked himself over and over again, and decided to – hoping it isn’t a wrong mistake.


“I did it to protect someone. Both she and I might get kicked out of the company. The CEO threatened to.” Junhyung said, after letting out a sigh. He was about to continue when Hara spoke, “Who’s this lucky lady who got your heart?” She let out a soft chuckle. “HyunA?” Hara said, jokingly – little did she knew she hit jackpot – as Junhyung’s face stiffened. She saw the change in Junhyung’s face and asked, “Was I right…?” Junhyung just looked at her blankly, before nodding.


“Oh I’m sorry…” Hara said. “It’s okay. It’s a fact anyway. The CEO threatened to kick both of us out. I don’t mind getting kicked out, but if I’m going to pull HyunA down, it’s definitely unfair to her. I mean, it’s her dream to stand on stage and perform. She feels the happiest when she's standing on stage, performing. I have no right to take that away from her...” Junhyung said, straightly, trying his best to hide all his sadness. “I’m sorry, really. Well, it’s the same for me too, but I’m not supposed to talk about it.” Hara said, consolingly.


Junhyung just looked at her, apologetically. “It’s okay. I hope this conversation actually helped us to get closer, I mean we’re still a real couple to the rest of the world who don’t know anything.” Hara nodded, and continue, “It did, Junhyung-shi. Let’s just hope we actually became closer so the public would actually believe our lie.” Junhyung just nodded, and the room became awkwardly silent again.


I miss you, both Junhyung and Hara said to themselves as they thought about the ones they’re protecting.



HyunA’s eyes widen and agape as she slowly dropped onto the floor after listening to Junhyung and Hara’s conversation. She couldn’t believe what she just heard. This can’t be true, right? It’s just a lie… right? She asked herself over and over again as the conversation just keep replaying in her head. So oppa… oppa broke up with me… with me to pro- protect me… HyunA just sat on the floor stunned.


She just shook her head, telling herself this isn’t true, wishing she hadn’t heard it, hoping everything will just disappear – or maybe hoping she would disappear from the surface of Earth instead. She suddenly felt her phone vibrating, causing her to get back to her senses. She remembered she was still sitting on the floor in front of the recording studio, and that Junhyung and Hara are inside and they might come out anytime. She quickly stood up; brush her shorts before quietly and quickly walking away from the recording studio totally forgetting about finding her charm bracelet.


She looked back at her phone which was in her hand as she walked away from the recording studio. It was an incoming call from Sohyun. Should I pick up or not? She looked at her phone blankly before looking up to her surrounding blankly. Her head was in such a big mess she wasn’t able to think straight anymore. 

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Your writing skill is awesome author
I liked the second ending! Junah forever!
shootingroses #3
@Lovely Thank you so much for reading and supporting, and commenting. It means so much to me! <3
Lovely #4
This is so freaking sad! I loved how this was written. Love this coupling *sniffle sniffle*
shootingroses #5
@_saranghaekyuti Thank you. ^^
_saranghaekyuti #6
I love it x) you actually deserve that overall mark x) My tears are dripping down upon my cheeks.
shootingroses #7
@L_O_U_N Thank you for reading, and loving this story. ^^ Hahaha, I'm glad you enjoyed this story. Thank you so much again ^^
I think you made my right eye cry lol<br />
I L.O.V.E.D this story even tho it was so's really beautiful. I'm all emotionally confused right now lol sry!!
shootingroses #9
@gladxx Awww, thanks for reading and supporting this story. ^^ It means a lot to me. Thank you so much~!! ^^ <3
gladxx #10
I really LOVE this couple . And the story, I also cried when HyunA died in the original ending. the FINAL is the original ending for me :))<br />
Me too, I only ship JUNAH couple among others <3 <3 <3 MORE JUNAH stories to come!!! Congratulations for this wonderful/successful FANFICTION :))))) <3