The truth and everything else

Goodbye, forever.

Junhyung stood there watching the retreating figure of Doojoon before pulling out his phone from his pocket. Should I tell the other members and the rest of 4minute? He softly mumbled to himself. He shook his head at his own words – others might have thought he was mad; mumbling to yourself and shaking your head at your own words. He placed his phone back in his pocket before walking over to the front desk to ask where HyunA’s private ward is.


“Excuse me. May I know the Kim HyunA’s private ward number and where is it situated?” Junhyung politely ask the nurse at the front desk. The nurse slowly looked up at the owner of the deep voice she just heard. She’s actually slightly surprised to see Junhyung. It must be someone who looks similar to Beast’s Junhyung. The nurse thought. “Oh, she’s in ward 612. It’s situated on the 6thfloor. Walk out from the lift, turn left and walk all the way to the end and you will be able to find it.” The nurse kindly told Junhyung, brushing away her previous thoughts.


“Ah…” Junhyung said, trying to memorised the directions. “Thank you so much!” He smiled at her before walking over to the lift. After turning away from the nurse, his smiling face changed into a blank one. He pushed the up button of the lift a few times before standing in front of the lift and wait patiently. I wonder if HyunA’s awake already… He thought as he slowly made his way into the lift, pressing the number 6. He then pulled out his phone to inform Doojoon where HyunA’s ward is.


Junhyung looked up and put his phone down upon hearing the lift door opening, a voice said “6thstory”. He walked out of the lift and looked around. The place was quiet, very quiet. He was actually shocked to see almost no one visiting the patients in the private wards. Turn left he remembered what the nurse told him. He headed left, walking as softly as possible. He didn’t want to disrupt the peace the 6thfloor is having, however no matter how softly he tried walking, his muffled footsteps still echoed a little in the awfully quiet level.


He reached the end of the corridor and looked at the numbers engraved on the front of the door. 612. This is the right ward right? He thought to himself, before thinking about HyunA who was inside. He stood in front of the door for a few minutes. He actually felt nervous meeting her again – his stomach was filled with butterflies, leaving no space for anything else. He let out a sigh before raising his right hand up to knock on the door, just in case HyunA’s awake.


He hears no voice – nothing. She must have not waked up. He then slowly proceeded to open the door, as gently and quietly as possible – afraid of waking the resting HyunA up. He quietly placed both his and her stuffs on the couch in the room before heading over to the white chair placed by the left side of the bed. He gently pulled the chair away from the bed, creating sufficient space for his legs before sitting on the chair.


He caressed the few scratches on HyunA’s porcelain doll-liked face, careful not to hurt her or wake her up. He carefully studied how thin she has become. She must have been suffering so much, because of me. Junhyung thought as he held HyunA’s left hand and slowly locked hands with her. It’s your entire fault, Yong Junhyung. He said, softly but still audible. He slowly placed her hand down and rested his head just a few inches away from her hand, unknowingly drifting off to sleep after a hectic day.


HyunA stirred up in her sleep, and slowly opened her eyes. Am I dead? She looked around her surrounding closely, careful not to miss a single thing just in case she’s really dead. She felt someone holding on to her left hand. She slowly sat up and positioned herself in a way she’s comfortable with. She then looked down at the figure that was holding on to her left hand. She carefully used her right hand and brushed the hair covering his face away. Junhyung oppa? I’m not dead then. She smiled at her own thoughts.


She then gently caressed Junhyung’s face with her free hand. She traced his eyes, his nose, his lip and finally, his jaw line. You grew thinner after we broke up. It’s my fault, isn’t it? She said as she saw how sunken in his cheeks were and how obvious and sharp his cheekbones were now. Junhyung started stirring up in his sleep. She knew it, he’s going to wake up anytime now.


Junhyung slowly sat up straight and stretched a little, before noticing HyunA was actually sitting up instead of lying down resting. “Oh, HyunA… You’re awake.” Junhyung said while looking at the one he love in front of him. I’m glad she’s fine, he thought to himself, if not I would never be able to forgive myself. HyunA just smiled at him before reaching her left hand over to his cheeks, it softly and gently. “Oppa…” She finally said as she remembered how much he suffered and went through because of her.


Junhyung held the hand that was caressing his face tightly – he didn’t want to lose her, never ever again in his life. He quickly pulled HyunA in for a tight hug, surprising HyunA a little with his sudden actions. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” Junhyung said, repeating his words. “It’s all because of me you’re always getting hurt, getting into trouble.” He continued, as his tears streamed down his face. HyunA felt her shoulders getting slightly wet. Is oppa crying? She pushed him away slowly, her hands on his shoulders now. She looked at his face, and carefully used both her thumbs to wipe away his tears.


It’s her turn now. Her eyes turned watery as she continued to look at the older guy. She felt guilty for making him go through so much – it was her fault, yet Junhyung felt that it’s his causing him to take all the responsibility himself. He was blaming himself so much she felt guiltier. “No… it’s not like that oppa. It was never your fault, not once, not a single bit.” She said as a fat tear drop rolled down her cheeks. She gently caressed Junhyung’s face before continuing, “I knew all about it oppa. I found out the truth – the truth behind our break up. It’s my fault, all mine. If it’s not for me, you won’t be hurting this much… You should have told me about what Hong appa said oppa. It’s not fair for you to carry all these responsibility which were mine too. It’s not… fair.” She said sadly, as more tears rolled down her cheeks.


HyunA looked around for something, while Junhyung just sat there and look at her fidget. “What are you looking for?” He asked her, seeing how long she has been fidgeting. “A letter…” HyunA said, her voice trilling off. “Letter?” Junhyung asked again. “Yeah, letter. A piece of folded paper.” HyunA told him as her eyes met his. Junhyung reminded Jihyun passed him something before going off.



Jihyun walked out of the emergency room slowly and headed towards the direction of both Doojoon and Junhyung. “They’re sending her to her ward right now. I’m going back to get her stuffs since she’s admitted.” She informed them. “I’ll send you back to your dorm. You go on first; I’ll be right behind you. You know where my car is right?” Doojoon told her. Jihyun nodded and patted Junhyung’s shoulders before turning around to leave.


She then turned back again, remembering something. She walked over to Junhyung and pulled out a folded piece of paper from her pocket. “I suppose this is for you, I found it in HyunA’s hand. I haven’t read it, no worries.” She told him while pulling his left hand out placing the letter into his hand. She just smiled and nodded at him before turning around to walk away.


Junhyung looked at the letter in his hand one last time before placing the letter into the back pocket of his jeans.



“Oh, that piece of paper.” Junhyung said, remembering. He pulled out the piece of paper from his back pocket and handed it to HyunA. HyunA just looked at him blankly before taking the piece of paper from his hands and opened it. She smiled and said, “This is it.” She looked at Junhyung, and passed him the paper. “It’s for you oppa. Read it.” Junhyung took the piece of paper back and opened it up to read it. He slowly put the paper down on the bed after reading it.


“Yah Kim HyunA. It’s not your fault at all, it’s mine.” Junhyung said while holding both HyunA’s hands. HyunA slowly peeled his hands off before pulling him into a hug, a big one. “It’s my fault. It’s our fault. I’m sorry oppa. I’m sorry for putting you through this, getting forced to make a decision because of me.” HyunA said, crying badly this time round. Junhyung just rubbed her back – an attempt to comfort her – while saying, “I’m sorry baby, I’m sorry. I promise you, the next time such a thing happens, I’ll tell you about it and we will make the decision together, alright? But I do hope there won’t be a next time.” Junhyung finished his sentence which a small chuckle.


Junhyung slowly pushed her away from him before telling her, “I promise you, I’ll be here for you till the day I die and we will overcome all odds together.” He smiled at her while doing the exact same thing HyunA did to him before – rubbing away her tears which his thumbs.


HyunA closed her eyes and gently planted her lips on his; causing Junhyung’s eyes to widen a little but returned the kiss back which his eyes closed too. HyunA pulled back a little, breaking the kiss and stared intensely into his deep eyes – she missed looking at him like this – before pulling him in for another hug while Junhyung just smiled at her actions.





I'm sorry for this really long final chapter. But I hope you guys enjoyed this story, really! It’s my first time writing a fanfic, and with this amount of support you guys gave me, it really motivate me to start another story soon! I love you guys so much, and you might want to anticipate the next story I’m doing. ^^ But don’t get your hopes too high, it might not be as good as this. :( And… I’m sorry to all my readers, but I think I’ll only write Junah stories. (Only because I’m a huge Junah shipper and I only ship them (out of the other kpop otps). Also, these stories are like my gifts to the rest of the Junah shippers. ^^) But if you have any request of other kpop otps, I might think of accepting them. :)


*Feel free to message me for request on other kpop otps. No worries, I'm a really nice preson. I don't bite! ^^

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Your writing skill is awesome author
I liked the second ending! Junah forever!
shootingroses #3
@Lovely Thank you so much for reading and supporting, and commenting. It means so much to me! <3
Lovely #4
This is so freaking sad! I loved how this was written. Love this coupling *sniffle sniffle*
shootingroses #5
@_saranghaekyuti Thank you. ^^
_saranghaekyuti #6
I love it x) you actually deserve that overall mark x) My tears are dripping down upon my cheeks.
shootingroses #7
@L_O_U_N Thank you for reading, and loving this story. ^^ Hahaha, I'm glad you enjoyed this story. Thank you so much again ^^
I think you made my right eye cry lol<br />
I L.O.V.E.D this story even tho it was so's really beautiful. I'm all emotionally confused right now lol sry!!
shootingroses #9
@gladxx Awww, thanks for reading and supporting this story. ^^ It means a lot to me. Thank you so much~!! ^^ <3
gladxx #10
I really LOVE this couple . And the story, I also cried when HyunA died in the original ending. the FINAL is the original ending for me :))<br />
Me too, I only ship JUNAH couple among others <3 <3 <3 MORE JUNAH stories to come!!! Congratulations for this wonderful/successful FANFICTION :))))) <3