
Goodbye, forever.

Dongwoon sensed someone fidgeting and looked at the anxious younger girl beside him who was searching frantically for something in the lift bewildered. “HyunA yah, what’re you looking for?” He asked while he looked on at what she’s doing. “Something…” HyunA mumbled as she continued looking around. She then looked into her bag for it, hoping it is inside and not lost.


“HyunA, just tell me what you’re looking for. I can help you look for it.” Dongwoon said while nudging her. HyunA looked up at the older guy, anxious. “Erm, it’s my charm bracelet. The one…” “The one…?” Dongwoon asked her. But seeing her unable to continue her sentence, he continued it for her hoping its right, “The one Junhyung hyung got for you?” HyunA just nodded her head and continued looking for it.


“Where was the last place you went?” Dongwoon asked her as he looked at her search the lift anxiously for her missing bracelet. HyunA looked up at him, looking defeated – like as though she given up searching for it in the lift. “I was near the recording studio when I knocked into Junhyung oppa… It must be around there. I’ll go there and look for it.” HyunA said as she quickly pressed the lift button for that floor.


HyunA raced out of the lift as soon as the lift doors opened leaving Dongwoon standing there alone – feeling bewildered, slightly shocked and confused. “HyunA! I’m going to look somewhere around here then!” He shouted as he looked at her disappearing figure. The bracelet must have meant a lot to her for her to actually be looking for it like this. That poor HyunA. He let out a sigh before looking carefully around on the floor for the bracelet.



HyunA ran back to the place where she had bumped into Junhyung and looked for it carefully all over the place for it. I really can’t lose this bracelet! Anything but not the gifts he gave me. She was on the verge of crying. She felt lost – with so many things happening suddenly. She dropped to the floor and cried a little. HyunA, you don’t have time for this. She told herself and got up to look for it again.



HyunA was enjoying herself at the Cube’s Christmas party. Her members were having a blast with G.NA unnie at the party, while the Beast members were fooling around one another. She was having a conversation with her papa Hong – Hong CEO – but excused herself for a moment. She looked around the room for Junhyung. He hasn’t been around for quite awhile now. Where did he go? She thought to herself before heading for chair to sit down and relax from the hardcore partying she did just awhile ago.


Junhyung slowly crept behind her and covered her eyes scaring her a little. “Who’s that?” HyunA asked, with a slight scared tone in her voice. “It’s me.” Junhyung whispered into her eyes softly and let out a soft chuckle. “Now, close your eyes tight and I’ll bring you somewhere.” Junhyung said, still covering her eyes. He slowly helped her out of her seat and they left the party unnoticed.


“Oppa, where are we going?” HyunA asked with her eyes shut. “It’s a secret. Be careful, there’s a flight of stairs in front of you.” Junhyung said, with caution. “Where are we going?” HyunA tried asking again, hoping he would tell her so she won’t feel so anxious about what’s going to happen. “I told you it’s a secret, HyunA yah.” Junhyung told her straightly, trying to hold back his laughter. HyunA gave up and pouted.


“Okay, get ready. We’re reaching in... 3… 2… and 1!” Junhyung said while letting go of his right hand which was covering her eyes but left his left arm around her shoulders. HyunA’s eyes widen and brighten as she looked at the beautiful place in front of her. Is this even real? Am I dreaming? She wanted to pinch herself, but decided not to. “Oppa, this is just… amazing.” HyunA said slowly, while looking around - her hands tracing over the ornaments on the small Christmas tree beside her.


“And, your present.” Junhyung said while presenting her a silver box. HyunA just looked at him in shocked. She was unable to believe whatever that’s happening right now. “Oppa, this isn’t a dream right?” She asked unknowingly, causing Junhyung to laugh. He playfully pinched her nose before telling her, “No. This isn’t a dream. Now, would you like to open your present?” HyunA just looked blankly at the box on his hand before looking back at him.


She slowly reached for the box while Junhyung has this wide grin plastered on his face, anticipating her surprised face when she open the box. HyunA took a glance at Junhyung before looking down, smiling to herself. Oppa’s just cute. She slowly opened the box to look at its content. “Oppa…” HyunA slowly said upon opening the box, seeing the content in it. “Isn’t this the bracelet I saw the other day at the shop?” HyunA asked as she looked up at her oppa who was now smiling brightly nodding his head.


HyunA pulled Junhyung in for a big tight hug while she thanked him. “Thank you so much oppa! Thank you!” HyunA said cheerfully, on the verge of crying. She was touched by his actions. “HyunA yah… you’re killing me.” Junhyung said with his voice strain, he wasn’t really getting oxygen. “Oh, I’m sorry oppa! I’m just,” HyunA said while releasing him, “so touched.” She looked at him and smiled.


Junhyung’s eyes widen as he felt a pair of lips being planted on his. He closed his eyes and returned the kiss back before pulling HyunA in for a hug. “I know.” He said while laughing. “And there’s another present.” He said while pulling another smaller box out from his pocket. “How many presents do you actually have for me oppa?” HyunA asked while looking at him.


Junhyung just let out a small chuckle before opening the box, revealing a small trinket – a small silver Christmas tree. He carefully hung the trinket on the charm bracelet before putting the bracelet on for HyunA. HyunA just smiled at him before pulling him in for another hug. “It’s snowing oppa, thank you for such a merry Christmas.” HyunA said as she saw snow falling from the skies.


And ever since that Christmas, Junhyung would gift her a small trinket on a special occasion, and slowly bit by bit they filled up the charm bracelet with their memories.



I have to find that bracelet. HyunA told herself. Unknowingly, she reached the door of the recording studio. She heard voices in the studio, and leaned towards the door to listen who it was inside. Isn’t it Junhyung oppa, and… Hara unnie? But what shocked her the most was the thing she was going to hear. HyunA dropped to the floor and covered . What… what did I just heard? She was unable to believe what she has just heard. 

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Your writing skill is awesome author
I liked the second ending! Junah forever!
shootingroses #3
@Lovely Thank you so much for reading and supporting, and commenting. It means so much to me! <3
Lovely #4
This is so freaking sad! I loved how this was written. Love this coupling *sniffle sniffle*
shootingroses #5
@_saranghaekyuti Thank you. ^^
_saranghaekyuti #6
I love it x) you actually deserve that overall mark x) My tears are dripping down upon my cheeks.
shootingroses #7
@L_O_U_N Thank you for reading, and loving this story. ^^ Hahaha, I'm glad you enjoyed this story. Thank you so much again ^^
I think you made my right eye cry lol<br />
I L.O.V.E.D this story even tho it was so depressing....it's really beautiful. I'm all emotionally confused right now lol sry!!
shootingroses #9
@gladxx Awww, thanks for reading and supporting this story. ^^ It means a lot to me. Thank you so much~!! ^^ <3
gladxx #10
I really LOVE this couple . And the story, I also cried when HyunA died in the original ending. the FINAL is the original ending for me :))<br />
Me too, I only ship JUNAH couple among others <3 <3 <3 MORE JUNAH stories to come!!! Congratulations for this wonderful/successful FANFICTION :))))) <3