Hanging in there

Goodbye, forever.

HyunA quickly paid for her taxi fees, “Thank you ahjusshi!”, and got off the cab. She had asked the taxi driver to drop her off opposite the coffee shop since she was rushing for time. She looked out for the incoming cars as she fidgeted around. She pulled out the letter meant for Junhyung and held it tight in her right hand. Finally, no cars. She smiled to herself as she crossed the road.




A speeding car knocked her as she was crossing the road, sending her flying a little. She felt her vision getting blurry, and her whole body was aching. She slowly closed her eyes, leaving her unconscious while a group of passersby gathered around the incident and looked at the young petite girl, lying on the floor in her own pool of blood as the driver got out of his car to check on the victim.


Junhyung saw the commotion going on and decided to take a look. He saw a familiar figure lying on the floor. He pushed his way through the crowd causing some people to look at him for a better look. He carefully made his way towards HyunA while the onlookers just mumbled some stuff like, “Poor girl…” Junhyung carefully kneeled in front of the unconscious girl.


“HyunA…?” He softly called out while the onlookers continued whispering and mumbling. He carefully brushed the hair that was covering her face, revealing an unconscious HyunA. Unknowingly, his tears started dropping. He picked her up, causing her blood to stain his white shirt. “HyunA yah, wake up.” He told her. “Wake up!” He screamed this time round, crying.


He looked at the onlookers, pleading for help, but all of them just stood there and did nothing. “Please, someone call for the ambulance.” He said pleadingly. This was when someone finally pulled out his phone to call for the ambulance. Junhyung then diverted his attention back to the younger girl in his arms. “HyunA, hang in there. Just hang on. You’re going to be fine… just fine…” He softly told her – while his words were meant for himself too.


“The ambulance is here!” He heard someone called out than saw a few paramedics running towards him. He just looked at them and passed the younger girl to them, slowly. The nurses then rushed her up the ambulance while Junhyung quickly gathered her stuffs and boarded the ambulance too.


Junhyung pulled out HyunA’s left hand which was stained with her own blood. “HyunA yah, wake up…” He pleaded while crying. He was afraid, so afraid of losing her. Was this the reason why I got that bad feeling yesterday? He asked himself. “Sorry HyunA yah.” He said in between his sob, “but please, just wake up.” He held her hand a little tighter. He didn’t want to let her go, he isn’t willing to, I’m not ready to let you go. He looked at the unconscious girl and kept hoping she would be alright.


A few nurses along with the paramedics rushed HyunA to the emergency room upon reaching the hospital. The triage nurse quickly got a doctor to attend to HyunA upon seeing the state she was in.  Junhyung wanted to go into the room along with them, but got stopped by the triage nurse. “I’m sorry, but please wait outside. And I need you to sign her in at the front desk!” The nurse told him urgently while pushing him out and over to the front desk before rushing somewhere else to get some stuffs. Junhyung just stood in front of the front desk, blankly after signing HyunA in – not knowing what to do now. I…. I need to inform her members.


He pulled out his phone and dialed Jihyun’s number. “Hello?” He heard Jihyun saying, sounding slightly amused since Junhyung hardly calls her. “Hello?” He heard Jihyun asking again, this time slightly pissed and worried. “Jihyun, HyunA….” Junhyung stopped. He wasn’t sure of what to say. “HyunA what!? What happened to HyunA!?” Jihyun shouted on the phone, while Junhyung just stayed silent. “Junhyung! Can you tell me what happened to HyunA?” Jihyun asked him worriedly. “She… she got knocked over by a speeding car. She’s at the hospital right now…” Junhyung finally said. “What!?” Jihyun shouted, “I’ll be right there.” She hung up the phone and rushed over to the hospital.

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Your writing skill is awesome author
I liked the second ending! Junah forever!
shootingroses #3
@Lovely Thank you so much for reading and supporting, and commenting. It means so much to me! <3
Lovely #4
This is so freaking sad! I loved how this was written. Love this coupling *sniffle sniffle*
shootingroses #5
@_saranghaekyuti Thank you. ^^
_saranghaekyuti #6
I love it x) you actually deserve that overall mark x) My tears are dripping down upon my cheeks.
shootingroses #7
@L_O_U_N Thank you for reading, and loving this story. ^^ Hahaha, I'm glad you enjoyed this story. Thank you so much again ^^
I think you made my right eye cry lol<br />
I L.O.V.E.D this story even tho it was so depressing....it's really beautiful. I'm all emotionally confused right now lol sry!!
shootingroses #9
@gladxx Awww, thanks for reading and supporting this story. ^^ It means a lot to me. Thank you so much~!! ^^ <3
gladxx #10
I really LOVE this couple . And the story, I also cried when HyunA died in the original ending. the FINAL is the original ending for me :))<br />
Me too, I only ship JUNAH couple among others <3 <3 <3 MORE JUNAH stories to come!!! Congratulations for this wonderful/successful FANFICTION :))))) <3