
Hello, My Ghost Friend
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I think I made this chapter fluffy


A ton of things happened in the 6 months of Haewon's absence. For instance, Jungkook had graduated from high school, along with Jimin and Taehyung. He could recall the whole ceremony in his mind. Taehyung had danced in front of the crowd, Jimin shed manly tears too. As for him, he was glad that he got through high school alive.

After the graduation ceremony, girls confessed to him, but he turned them down. When the girls, heartbroken, asked for a reason, Jungkook shrugged. He couldn't tell them that he'd been dating someone for the past few months. They would ask who, since they never saw him with a girl, and then he would have to say that he was dating a ghost who would become human and would return to him soon. He didn't want to fake Haewon's identity either.

In college, things were no different. Girls were asking him out left and right, in the libraries, in the lecture halls, in the cafeteria. They were like ninjas, because one minute they would be across the hall from him and the next they would be behind him, curling strands of hair behind their ear. He wondered if finding his own hiding spot was starting to become necessary.

Seungcheol had left in those six months. It was a month before graduation when Jungkook was searching for the older boy around school. He went to the rooftop and Kim Myungsoo was standing there. He told Jungkook that Seungcheol ascended to the heavens a week before so he, like Haewon, could become human again. Jungkook didn't cry, but he did feel disappointed that the former baskebtall club captain never said farewell to him.

Jungkook used to despise the idea of getting involved in matters of the undead. However now he was more interested in helping them rather than avoiding them. The malevolent spirits were the ones he would avoid and the lost spirits were the ones he would try to assist in the best way he could. It was because of this that caused him to earn the title: The Ghost Saviour. He wondered who in the world came up with the name for him. It sounded like some sort of television show for elementary school kids.

"Jungkook!" Song Yoonha, a girl in his business class, ran up to him after calling his name. She wasn't the most popular girl, but she was nice. 

Jungkook turned around with a stoic look displayed on his features. "Song Yoonha? What do you want?"

"I was wondering if you'd like to come with us to hangout once your classes are over." Yoonha gestured to several of her friends who were smiling. "We're not clubbing or anything like that, we're just thinking of going to Hongdae to see this new cafe  "

"Yoonha likes you!" One of her friends yelled.

Yoonha widened her eyes and her cheeks started to redden. "I-I-I'm sorry about that, don't listen to them!"

Jungkook nodded in understandment before he decided to break it to the girl. "I'm sorry, but I have plans today, so I can't go."

"O-Oh, that's okay, we can go another   "

"And about you liking me... I suggest that you stop developing feelings, because I'm not going to accept them. I already have a girlfriend."

That being said, Jungkook turned around to walk away. He was aware that he'd shattered Yoonha's heart, and left her friends in shock, but it wasn't his fault that he was being extremely loyal to Haewon. As he sauntered off, he could hear the girl scream at him.

"Hey! Hey! Jeon Jungkook! Exactly who is that girl?!"

People are awfully noisy these days... Jungkook thought to himself, poking a finger in his ear to drown out the high pitched shouts.

On his way out, he felt hands slap themselves on his shoulders. He looked to his left and right at Taehyung and Jimin who were grinning at him. They'd enrolled in the same university and were majoring in performing arts just like him.

"Jeon Jungkook!" Jimin grinned. "What happened back there? We saw the whole thing!"

"It's not my problem anymore. I rejected her and you guys know why." Jungkook said casually. "Plus she's not my type, I like girls who are daring and adventurous. Song Yoonha is too softspoken and feminine."

"Well, kudos for you to being a good boyfriend!" Taehyung patted the younger boy on the shoulder. "By the way, when is Haewon coming back? I miss her!"

At the mention of the girl, Jungkook's mood started to deflate. It had been exactly six months, but he hadn't seen Haewon at all. He knew she would be able to get through the process of becoming a human safely, so he wondered why she wasn't next to him right now. If he was going to be forced to wait even longer, he sweared he was on the verge of exploding in anger to the heavens.

"I don't know yet..."

"Our Jungkook's so lonely~" Jimin sang in a sad tune. "Namjoon hyung said he's treating us out to eat pork belly, and there're going to be drinks! Wanna come?"

The memory of Jungkook having to haul his immensely drunk hyungs in one taxi months ago sent shivers down his spine. He didn't want to do the same thing all over again. Not to mention, he'd have to pour their glasses for them while watching them lose their senses.

"I'm going to go grab some coffee!" Jungkook told his two friends before speeding off.



Jungkook sat alone in a quiant coffee shop near his university. He sat at the high tables facing the window and watched busy citizens pass him by. He spotted a few couples while people watching, and he couldn't help but get jealous at them for boasting their love life so proudly. Meanwhile, he was being a lonesome university freshman who was waiting for his iced americano.

Urban Zakapa's 'Cafe Latte' was playing in the coffee shop and Jungkook started to murmur the nostalgic lyrics to himself. The moments of when he took Haewon to Hongdae and when she'd witnessed him singing in front of a large crowd played through his mind. Strangely, he was getting reminded of his eccentric girlfriend a lot today.

The buzzer in Jungkook's hand vibrated, signalling that his drink was ready to be picked up. He headed over to the counter, eager to collect his drink so he could cool himself. He saw the iced americano standing on the counter top, but just as he reached for it someone had snatched it away. Jungkook frowned and turned his head to where he saw his drink getting taken away.

"Hey! That's my drink!"

"I know it's your drink."

Jungkook stood still, unmoving from his position with his hand which was about to snatch his drink still hung in mid air. What the  

"S-Seungcheol hyung?!" Jungkook shouted in the middle of the cafe and reached his hands out to pinch the older boy by the cheeks. Seungcheol's cheeks felt warm, not cold, and they were red. Everything about him seemed alive and vibrant. He didn't look different at all, he just had a new set of stylish clothes instead of his old school uniform.

"Who else would I be?" Seungcheol chuckled and ruffled Jungkook's hair. "It's been a long time. Six months, maybe? Hey, is it me or do you look different, like you look more mature than you were six months ago."

"It's only been six months, hyung, not a few years. I'm still the same, maybe I've grown taller, but that's not important!" As Jungkook stared at Seungcheol, he realised that he was curious about a lot of things.

"Jeon Jungkook," Seungcheol called to him with a grin gracing on his pinkish lips, "you're itching to ask me questions, aren't you? Well, we can sit here and talk for as long as you like. Well, if you buy me another iced americano, then we can." He handed him back his drink

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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 33: This story is so cute xD
Chapter 32: Finally I finished reading this! I say this many times, but everytime I read a boyfriend Jungkook he tends to be so perfect it hurts. Even before he becomes a boyfriend he's already sweet af.
This story is fluffy with the right amount of angst, I got teary eyed a lot ㅠㅠ
Chapter 18: Woah,this is so cute...Taehyung is so funny and the first koss woah!
Chapter 17: Woah,this chapter is so cute^^
Chapter 16: Oh this chapter is dramatic,the fighting scene is a woah...(gonna read the nxt chapter,i should have read this later,but my excitement is oh yeah)
Chapter 15: Oh,this chapter is full of sadness...excited to read the next chapter hehe(gonna read it right now^^)
Chapter 14: Oh,Jungkook already know the truth...Haewon's timing is so bad..
Chapter 33: Oh my gosh this is so fluffy really love it so much
Chapter 33: Cute story! I really like it!
hugs ^^,
Chapter 32: So fluffy,I die of fluffiness from this chapter,I want a boyfriend like Kookkie too...>.<