
Hello, My Ghost Friend
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A/N : If you like mild fluff this is the chapter for you!


The final bell of the day sounded throughout Yeonhwa High School. Students were eager to make their way out of the campus with their friends for an evening to relax. The weather was just right; it wasn't too hot nor was it too cold. By now, class 3-3 was complete empty except for one lonesome seat.

Jungkook leaned back on his seat after a hard day's work of copying down notes. The pressure from studying was starting to get to his head and he felt like he was going to die of brain damage. He stared at his open book in front of him with disgust before swiftly shutting it closed. He stuffed his books in his bag and looked out the open window next to his seat. 

His eyes wandered from the students playing soccer on the field to the members of the Track and Race Club doing their warm-ups to the teachers getting off of work in the far distance. A girl running down the path towards him was the person who caught his attention. Her hair was flying in various directions all at once as there was a cheerful smile plastered on her face. 

When Jungkook set his eyes on her he didn't know a smile didn't hesitate to take over his face. It wasn't a slight smile, or a full smile he would give his friends with his lips closed, but a smile where he proudly showcased his pearly whites to her. And then the more he looked at her clumsily running over to him, he started to chuckle to himself. 

Haewon waved her hands at him frantically like a maniac on fire. What is this girl doing? Ah, so lame. Jungkook rubbed the back of his neck, suddenly getting embarrassed at her. He turned around to find a completely deserted classroom and he was relieved there was no one next to him to witness this. But the smile was still on his face, and when the girl nearly tripped over the ledge in front of her he sweared he almost had a heart attack. He was close to climbing on the ledge to jump off the building.

"I'm okay, I'm okay!" Haewon proclaimed loudly. 

"She's like a baby learning to walk." Jungkook leaned forwards so he could rest both of his arms on the ledge of the window. He placed his chin on both of his arms and watched the girl entering the building. 

Not more than thirty seconds later, he could hear the classroom door sliding open. He turned around and found Haewon in her messy state from earlier, standing at the classroom doorway. Did she fly here? It seemed impossible to him to speed through three floors in less than thirty seconds unless she'd skipped steps. But Jungkook knew Ji Haewon would be the type to trip over her first attempt at skipping steps. 

"Did you teleport here or something? I'm pretty sure you got here in less than thirty seconds." Jungkook said. 

"No, it took a minute, you idiot. Learn how to keep time!" Haewon pushed her hair back (Jungkook turned away because she looked too attractive), and sat down on Yugyeom's seat which was in front of his. 

"Do you want water?" Jungkook was about to reach in his bag for his water bottle when the girl waved her hands before he could grab it. "No, no, I'm not thirsty!"

"If you say so." He kept his bottle back in his bag before sitting in his seat too. "You know, you should seriously watch where you're going next time. If you fall it's going to be a pain for me, you know?"

Haewon glared at him, but her glares had no effect on him whatsoever. Jungkook's eyes lowered to her arms that seemed perfectly fine, but a part of him still wanted to be assured that the girl was alright.

"Hey, stand up for a second." Haewon opened to say something only to have her words intercepted by Jungkook. "No questions, just stand up and raise your hands above your head."

The girl did as she was told. 

"Now turn around five times. Do jumping jacks on my count. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Good, now stretch your hands in front of you and draw circles with them  "

"Jeon Jungkook, stop fooling around!" Haewon rested her hands on her hips and accusingly stared at him as if he had sentenced her to slavery for ten years when all he'd done was ask her to carry out some simple physical procedures. If she still didn't get the message of what he was trying to do, then he guessed he would have to tell it to her straight. 

Jungkook kept silent and stood up. He walked over to her with a few small, quiet steps, placing his hands on her shoulders. "I'm not fooling around. I'm just making sure that you're okay." Even his heart was starting to pound loudly at these words. "Because I care about you, and I don't want you to get hurt from that dumb clumsiness of yours." 

Cue, intense staring for one minute. Jungkook knew Haewon was at a loss of words, she could've been feeling what he was feeling or maybe she could've been downright thinking he was trying to pull a prank on her to get her perplexed. He kept his grip firm on her shoulders and held back the words he wanted to say so Haewon could go first.

She's not saying anything... She's just staring at me. I think I put her in a trance of something, she's not even blinking anymore. Can she read eyes, then? I think I like you, Ji Haewon. Nope, still no reaction. This just has to wait for another time, doesn't it? Jungkook knew he should've thrown in a teasing remark about her hair. He cleared his throat. "Ah, I wonder who you inherited that clumsiness from. You should real

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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 33: This story is so cute xD
Chapter 32: Finally I finished reading this! I say this many times, but everytime I read a boyfriend Jungkook he tends to be so perfect it hurts. Even before he becomes a boyfriend he's already sweet af.
This story is fluffy with the right amount of angst, I got teary eyed a lot ㅠㅠ
Chapter 18: Woah,this is so cute...Taehyung is so funny and the first koss woah!
Chapter 17: Woah,this chapter is so cute^^
Chapter 16: Oh this chapter is dramatic,the fighting scene is a woah...(gonna read the nxt chapter,i should have read this later,but my excitement is oh yeah)
Chapter 15: Oh,this chapter is full of sadness...excited to read the next chapter hehe(gonna read it right now^^)
Chapter 14: Oh,Jungkook already know the truth...Haewon's timing is so bad..
Chapter 33: Oh my gosh this is so fluffy really love it so much
Chapter 33: Cute story! I really like it!
hugs ^^,
Chapter 32: So fluffy,I die of fluffiness from this chapter,I want a boyfriend like Kookkie too...>.<