
Hello, My Ghost Friend
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"Light it, light it!"

"Hey, stop jumping! You're making the whole thing shake!" Jungkook's hands trembled as he neared the lighter to the candles.

It was already hard enough that they were trying to set up a birthday cake on a rusty old metal structure that could've toppled in the sea if they leaned against the railings. Having an overexcited girl next to him didn't make him feel at ease at all, he was more worried that he would set the box on fire. The lookout point could barely occupy two teenagers, let alone a bear-shaped cake. 

By now the sun had already set. The sky was painted dark and glittering stars were sprawled across it. Behind them was the modern landscape of Busan, consisting of lighted skyscrapers and the distant sound of music and cars zooming by. In front of them was the mesmerising sea view. The waves crashed gently on to the sandy shore while the moonlight reflected on to the sea water. In the distance were fishing boats returning from a day's of hard work, moving slowly in the night. 

"I can see why you wanted to bring me here," Haewon spoke just as Jungkook finished lighting the last candle, "it's the perfect place to spend time with your partner. I mean, come on, look at all those couples!" He turned around and she pointed out for him the various couples settled on the sand, far away from them.

"Hopefully, they don't spot us. I don't want anyone calling the firefighters." Jungkook grimaced at the thought of someone spotting flickers of light on the lookout point from the candles and misunderstanding them for an SOS call.

The chilly wind blew past the both of them, and they shivered at the same time. Jungkook shielded the candles from the wind as he met eyes with Haewon before they chuckled at each other. The girl walked over to the cake, sitting cross-legged opposite of him. 

"Are you cold?" He took off his jacket before she could answer, draping it over her shoulders.

"Won't you be cold?" Haewon shivered again as she watched Jungkook reaching over to help her zip his jacket up to her neck. He looked at her face and smiled at her nose which was starting to turn red. Christmas was still three months away, it was too early for her to be looking like a reindeer.

Jungkook pulled back and gestured towards the cake. "Let's start celebrating or we'll run out of time. It's your first, real birthday celebration in five years, right?"

Haewon nodded at his question. Her eyes were too focused on the cake in front of them, so she wasn't looking at him. Jungkook was almost about to thwack her on the head but he decided against it. He didn't want their childish fights to last the whole night, he wanted something more romantic, before he would send her off for six months. 

"Great, we're turning eighteen at the same time." Jungkook clapped his hands together. "Now, do you still remember the birthday procedure?" He teased.

"Of course I do!" Haewon shot him a glare. "Even a toddler would remember that. First, the birthday song. We're going to sing it together, right?" Jungkook nodded and she grinned. "Okay, that's good. On the count of three! One... two... three!"

In unison, they opened their mouths to bless the night with their mellifluous singing.

"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to dear Haekook, Happy Birthday to you."

"Haekook, were you thinking of combining our names like that?" Jungkook smiled, because he had been thinking exactly the same thing. He never expected them to blurt out the same word. To him, it couldnt've been another coincidence.

"Yeah, and it looked like you thought the same thing too." Haewon laughed. "And now, it's time for our wishes! So..."

Jungkook ignored Haewon rambing on and on about how their wishes were supposed to be kept secret from each other. While she was talking, he already had his hands clasped close to his chest as he shut his eyes. Once he was done wishing he interrupted Haewon in the middle of her extremely long explanation about birthday wishes.

"Let's dump the tradition. I want to tell you my wish, right now and right here. Because I know I won't be able to wait another six months to deliver it to you and I'll regret not saying it sooner. Ji Haewon, my birthday wish is for you to go to heaven safely, pass the trial safely, and return back safely. So that in six months, you can come back running in to my arms without any scars or worries. I want nothing else but that."

The expression that was on Haewon's face was unreadable. Her eyes were blank for a second after hearing Jungkook's wish. A few seconds later, Jungkook found himself waiting for her to finish making her wish. He observed how Haewon muttered silent words to herself and with every word said her hands seemed to tighten themselves. What is she wishing so hard for?

Haewon opened her eyes. "Now, it's your turn to hear my wish. I wish that once I safely return to this world, I can start living a happie

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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 33: This story is so cute xD
Chapter 32: Finally I finished reading this! I say this many times, but everytime I read a boyfriend Jungkook he tends to be so perfect it hurts. Even before he becomes a boyfriend he's already sweet af.
This story is fluffy with the right amount of angst, I got teary eyed a lot ㅠㅠ
Chapter 18: Woah,this is so cute...Taehyung is so funny and the first koss woah!
Chapter 17: Woah,this chapter is so cute^^
Chapter 16: Oh this chapter is dramatic,the fighting scene is a woah...(gonna read the nxt chapter,i should have read this later,but my excitement is oh yeah)
Chapter 15: Oh,this chapter is full of sadness...excited to read the next chapter hehe(gonna read it right now^^)
Chapter 14: Oh,Jungkook already know the truth...Haewon's timing is so bad..
Chapter 33: Oh my gosh this is so fluffy really love it so much
Chapter 33: Cute story! I really like it!
hugs ^^,
Chapter 32: So fluffy,I die of fluffiness from this chapter,I want a boyfriend like Kookkie too...>.<