
Hello, My Ghost Friend
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Haewon was prepared for the rubble that was going to fall on top of her. She knew that she was a ghost, so she wouldn't feel any pain if it were to hit her. Thinking of that made her forget about keeping her secret from Jungkook. Her mind was in a mess, and her legs didn't want to move. 

The only helpless action she could do now was squeeze her eyes shut to hope for the best, for a miracle to happen, maybe.

All of a sudden, she could feel a presence of someone beside her. The large pieces of concrete hit against the person's back before crumbling on the ground. Various shouts, whispers and talk followed after that. There was someone who was standing in front of her, she could feel it eventhough her eyes were closed. The people around her were talking about some handsome, crazy male. 

"Why didn't you move?" The hoarse voice asked. "You thought the rubble would just pass through you?" 

Haewon timidly opened her eyes to see who it was, and Myungsoo was standing in front of her. Drops of sweat trickled down his forehead as he panted heavily. How he was able to appear in front of her in just a short amount of time, she would never be able to find out. The only thing she knew about him was that he'd just taken the excrutiating damage for her. Her, a useless ghost girl who couldn't step out of danger by herself.

"Myungsoo  " She murmured. "Are you okay?!" 

"Don't say anything," Myungsoo pressed a finger on his lips, "people are going to think I'm crazy for looking like I'm talking to myself."

Wait, how does he know? Does he know? Haewon heart rate went speedened up at what the boy had just said. She creased her eyebrows together, doubtful of his words. "Wait   What do you mean  "

"Run first, questions later. Just follow me." 

This was a side of Kim Myungsoo she'd never seen before. The more serious, stony-faced, scary side of him. Standing in front of Haewon was no longer the same  cheery runner she'd met two months ago. 

She watched Myungsoo lower the visor of his black cap while people were trying to crowd around him to ask if he was okay. No one took notice of Haewon, which was fine and normal. After giving curt bows to the crowd, Myungsoo hurriedly walked away. Haewon guessed that it was time for her to follow him so he could give her some explanations.

She'd forgotten all about Jungkook, who watched her figure following Myungsoo and leaving him behind.



"So, what you said just now, you know what I am?"

Haewon watched Myungsoo nod solemnly, his eyes fixed on the ground. "You're a ghost. I already knew from the start..."

They were sitting side by side on a grassy slope next to the Han River. The sky was already beginning to replace itself with a darker shade. If Haewon could, she would want to talk all day here with him. There were so many more things she wanted to know. 

"Then, about Seungcheol, you knew that he was dead too?"

"He was well known throughout the whole school, how could I not know." Myungsoo sighed, still not daring to meet Haewon's eyes. "I told him to tell you that I didn't know about my ability to see ghosts, so that we could become friends. Because I thought if you knew, then you'd act differently around me. You wouldn't be as outgoing as I saw you when we hung out, you wouldn't want to tell me your stories   I thought of those things. Kind of petty, right?" A forced laugh escaped his mouth. 

Haewon didn't know how she was supposed to feel, but she certainly wasn't angry at him. She found it satisfying that Myungsoo wanted to befriend her although she was a ghost that people would often fear. 

Myungsoo gathered the courage to look at her, and asked her in a small voice. "You're not... angry, right?"

It may have seemed to the boy that Haewon was contemplating about whether to forgive for lying or not, but honestly she was just trying to suppress her crazy laughter threatening to escape from . Seeing Myungsoo acting all innocent and childlike around her was amusing. A few seconds later, she couldn't hold it in any longer. 


Myungsoo had his mouth hung agape. "You're not pissed?"

"And what about you?" Haewon asked him as she wiped the stray tear at the corner of her eye. "You don't feel like running away for dear life because I'm a ghost?"

"No, I'm used to ghosts by now. Especially Seungcheol, he's a nuisance." The pitiful look on his face was replaced by a more happy look. "So, I take that you're not angry then? I'm... sorry for lying, Ji Haewon."

"Apology accepted, just don't do that again." She grinned at him, patting him hard on the back. "Well, that's one burden lifted off my shoulders. I guess I don't need to hide my identity from you anymore, but... Jungkook..."

It was ironic. Haewon was acting exactly as how Myungsoo was before; she was keeping the secret of her true self. She was doing it because she didn't want to lose someone, like how Myungsoo didn't want to lose her as a friend. She didn't want to lose Jungkook. The thought of him avoiding and giving her the cold glare could possibly be her worst nightmare.

"You don't want him to find out, do you?" Haewon nodded slowly.

"Then..." Myungsoo started off, his voice sounding hesitant, "I'll help you. The reason I protected you earlier was because I knew you didn't want to get found out by Jeon Jungkook anyway. What do you say?" He stuck out his hand.

Haewon felt her eyes beginning to water, touched at Myungsoo's offer. She clasped both of her hands tightly over his, unawar

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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 33: This story is so cute xD
Chapter 32: Finally I finished reading this! I say this many times, but everytime I read a boyfriend Jungkook he tends to be so perfect it hurts. Even before he becomes a boyfriend he's already sweet af.
This story is fluffy with the right amount of angst, I got teary eyed a lot ㅠㅠ
Chapter 18: Woah,this is so cute...Taehyung is so funny and the first koss woah!
Chapter 17: Woah,this chapter is so cute^^
Chapter 16: Oh this chapter is dramatic,the fighting scene is a woah...(gonna read the nxt chapter,i should have read this later,but my excitement is oh yeah)
Chapter 15: Oh,this chapter is full of sadness...excited to read the next chapter hehe(gonna read it right now^^)
Chapter 14: Oh,Jungkook already know the truth...Haewon's timing is so bad..
Chapter 33: Oh my gosh this is so fluffy really love it so much
Chapter 33: Cute story! I really like it!
hugs ^^,
Chapter 32: So fluffy,I die of fluffiness from this chapter,I want a boyfriend like Kookkie too...>.<