
My Heart Choose You | Collection of BaekYeon Oneshots
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My life is a beauty~

Once again, her phone ringed and Taeyeon groaned. Well, yeah, her ringtone was actually her own song, don’t judge her, she likes her own voice anyway. The girl then with a sigh, stand up from her seat and went to the living room – she was just having her dinner with her group – and grabs her phone before she picked it up.

“Hello, who’s this?” Taeyeon asked, she didn’t bother to look at the caller ID actually, as she then headed back to the dining room to finish her dinner.

“Yah, didn’t you look at the ID? It’s your Baekoong.” She light up when she hears his voice as she broke into a wide smile.

“I don’t.” She chuckles at her own words, before she took a seat and glares at all her members who were turning their head around to focus on her.

“Anyway, why do you call me?” She asked, knowing that there obviously something that Baekhyun wants to tell.

“Uhm, since you are free for today and the rest of the week-” “How the do you know that?” “And today is also New Year, I’m wondering if you could spend it with me.” Baekhyun said, kind of ignoring the fact that Taeyeon had cut him off.

“Well, yeah, I’m free. So pick me up at 8 then?” Taeyeon said looking over to Tiffany’s phone which shows that it was still 30 minutes to 8.

“Of course, I will see you then, Tae.” Baekhyun said and she smiled – not like the boy will see anyway.

“See you, bye for now!” Taeyeon said cheerily and without waiting for the other responses, she quickly hangs up the call. And as she looks up, she found all of her members staring at her – okay, more like glaring to be honest.

“Are you going to see him, Tae?” Tiffany asked and Taeyeon nods her head as she eats her dinner – which has been abandoned for a quite time.

“You sure it’s safe? Where are you going to?” This time, it was Sunny, her roommate and Taeyeon eye-smile at her, before giving her a convincing smile and Sunny sigh in defeat.

“At 8 isn’t it?” Yuri asked and Taeyeon nods.

“Sorry if I can’t spend time with you guys for this new year, but you know that it was also a rare chance for me to meet him and it seems like he has plans for the night.” Taeyeon said, looking down as she felt guilty about it but the members only cooed at her and keep muttering that it was okay, and Taeyeon smiled weakly.

Indeed, they are her real friends.


“Kim Taeng, your boyfriend is already waiting outside.” Tiffany said after she had knocked on her door, her head was the only part that Taeyeon can see, as the former was actually peeking on her.

“Can you tell him to wait a few minutes? Girls’ thing, babe.” Taeyeon said as she holds up her lip tint so Tiffany can sees it. The American only chuckles at her before she nods her head.

“But no seriously, he really looks like he is going to die soon by the look on his face so you better hurry up!” Tiffany said and Taeyeon gives her a weird look before she make an ‘o’ sign using her head. A few minutes after Tiffany disappeared, Taeyeon has finally finishes her makeup – or what she rather say girls’ thing. The latter then comes out from her room only to find Baekhyun standing against the wall, with his soft cream knitted sweater and black tight pants.

“Oh, you’re finally here!” Baekhyun said happily once he notices that the girl was finally there, out from her room. “For a second, I thought you are going to cancel our

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Won't u make another strort for baekyeon?ㅋㅋ..i just read this story these day and i love ert chapter ..ert always hilarious and funny...hihi...
Col_chip09 #2
Chapter 13: WOW! DAEBAK!!!
Col_chip09 #3
Chapter 10: Author-nim, somehow this story are made me thinking about my best buddy. GREAT JOB
kasterian #4
Chapter 24: My favorite oneshot was Coffee Cup, but I also liked Car Ride...couldn't really choose. heehee Thank you for this great collection of Baekyeon oneshots!! Oreos for life!! ^^ Please continue writing various stories! Thank you very much!!
Chapter 33: My fav is obviously and naturally the last one xD
Chapter 32: Last oneshot... I didnt feel this. Thank you for giving us so much good content to read. I'll miss your cute stories and it hurts my heart. I hope our oreo community wont fall apart and that we'll always stick together. Thank you!
Chapter 33: Thank you so much for writing all these wonderful BaekYeon one-shots :) I really enjoyed the last one bc it was too sweet. Happy new year! I'm definitely looking forward to your chaptered story.
Chapter 33: cant wait for another baekyeon story from you authornim! happy new year! :)
Chapter 33: my favourite is the last one! x3 my heart choose you~~ ^^
laimou #10
Chapter 33: you are the best. i really love you and your stories. i'm going to cry really really thank you for these amazing one-shots