Nobody Else

My Heart Choose You | Collection of BaekYeon Oneshots
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Nobody Else

“Taeyeon,” A voice called out and Taeyeon quickly looks up only to meet with Baekhyun’s warm stares as the boy leans against the doorframe and Taeyeon raise her eyebrow, putting her book down a little so the boy could get a better sight of her. She gets up from her sleeping position and sits on the couch. Baekhyun only shook his head at the little things but she knows how much Baekhyun is such an upright person. Well, not really a person.

“What are you doing?” He asked, and she rises up her book and he sighs at the sight of it. “Stop studying already, why are you so obsessed with studying?” He asked and she chuckles before shrugging. He took the spot next to her, his back leaning to the back of the couch as he look at her. Taeyeon, his girlfriend who’s not only pretty but also very smart… well, almost perfect, unless the fact that she’s a human and nobody is perfect – even if she is to his eyes.

“Tests are going to be so hard and you know that… wait, what’s her name again? Ah, right, Hyuna. Yeah, I’m not going to let Hyuna beat me on being the top student. I’ve had it all this years and I’m not going to let it go so easily.” Taeyeon said and Baekhyun thinks it’s cute how she sounds so angry and serious, her eyes are piercing through nobody’s souls but she still looks so adorable, somehow only like a young kid who’s throwing out useless tantrums.

Well, that’s the perks of being so smart. Taeyeon is pretty much a genius, well, Baekhyun is pretty much a smart head himself but well, he can’t beat Taeyeon. The girl has always been on top, until she pretty much found herself a rival, Hyuna, a new student on the university. For some people, well, it’s something normal but Taeyeon is rather competitive. Not to mention, Hyuna has been mocking her for the past months – and she acts so cocky, that makes Taeyeon hates her to death.

“You’re a bit… childish.” Baekhyun said, in a matter of fact and Taeyeon pretends like she didn’t hear his words as she goes back to her book. He chuckles before he ruffles her hair, making her groaned as her bangs fell right on her eyes.

She knows she was being childish though. But a challenge is a challenge. Besides, Hyuna needs some piece of things to up her cockiness. Baekhyun might tell her she’s being childish but for her, to win this is such a challenging things and on this challenge, she swears to herself she won’t lose to Hyuna.

“Just don’t burden yourself just because of some score.” He said, pushing her head on the crook of his neck, something he knows that she likes. She snuggles in closer; her boyfriend’s scent is something so alluring. It feels dreamy… and inhumane, well, maybe because her boyfriend is indeed inhuman. What’s more shocking than to know she’s dating a vampire?

“God, you know what I like so much.” She says, trying to push him away a bit but it’s not like her strength means anything to him. He’s a vampire, what did she expects? He was for sure, a thousand times stronger than her, and she can’t win against his strength obviously.

“Just rest for a bit, can you? I know you’ll do well on the test so now all you need is some rest.” Baekhyun says and Taeyeon sighed before giving up on her attempt and just leans closer to him, snuggling even closer than ever seeking for the warmth that didn’t really exist in the first place.

“You smell good. Did you just take a shower?” She asked and he hums as an answer. “I just drink some blood and I smell awful afterward, so I took a shower in the end to get rid of the scent. I swear to god, it smells so gross, seems like my friend bring me the wrong blood.” Baekhyun answered and Taeyeon chuckles softly at him.

“Sometimes I still can’t believe that I… date a vampire.” She says and he chuckles, before kissing the top of her head. “And I couldn’t believe I fall in love with a human.” Baekhyun said and the both of them laughed, filling the cold night air with their warm laughter instead.


The week before is only filled with sighs, be it on the class, hallways, cafeteria even at home. The sighs can be from relief or stress, since it was the test week. For Taeyeon, it was mostly a sigh of relief of studying very hard. She somehow couldn’t believe herself that she aces those tests, it was not hard for her at all thanks to the staying up late at night to study. Meanwhile the opposite of her, Baekhyun didn’t mind that much about that score, as long as it went well then he’s just fine with it.

There are times where after the test she would come up to him with a wide grin on her face as she shout, “I did it!” somehow like a child, but Baekhyun would only chuckles on her before he gives her a hug and ruffles her hair and after some times he would caress her back saying, “I did say you will make it.” He said it softly and it really calms her down.

This week, it was a free time. Since the test already ends, the only thing people need to worry about is their final score but well, Taeyeon is already calm about that. And she’s so happy because of that, and also her rival or actually so-called rival seems to worry much in her score. It seems like Hyuna didn’t do well in the tests and no matter how much it seems mean, she was happy because of that. That means there’s a bigger chance for her to be on top.

Also, free time means she could spend her time with her boyfriend. No more books at night but instead just him by her side. Unless it turns out that Baekhyun was nowhere to be seen. He would always disappear, off to nowhere, even sometime at night he won’t go back to their shared apartment. Even if he does, he won’t tell her where he just go, he come back like nothing happens, like it was normal.

And Taeyeon hates to be suspicious to her own lover but it was his act that leads to her curiosity. His acts make her think as if he’s… cheating on her. Even though it may seems a bit impossible, especially since he’s a vampire, and there’s not many people who know his true. There are some vampires on the university they both attend, but there’s like only 4 of them, which consist of Baekhyun, his tall friend Chanyeol, the cold girl Krystal and the new student Yeri.

Krystal already dates another fellow human being, while Yeri… she’s still blood-related with Baekhyun so it would makes no sense. And Chanyeol, well, Taeyeon is sure that Baekhyun is not bi, so even if he cheats there’s no way he’s with Chanyeol.


Or he is.

“I actually… pity you, Taeyeon.” She was rather familiar with the annoying voice’s owner, who else if it’s not Hyuna? Taeyeon looks up and as expected, she was met with Hyuna’s face. “Ugh, it’s you. What do you want now?” She asked and Hyuna smirks and Taeyeon actually felt uneasy with her smirk. It was as if she knows the world’s biggest secret and that’s obviously not a great thing.

“I don’t know, maybe I just want to know if you actually break up with your boyfriend or not.” She said, a light teasing smirk on her face and Tae

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Won't u make another strort for baekyeon?ㅋㅋ..i just read this story these day and i love ert chapter ..ert always hilarious and funny...hihi...
Col_chip09 #2
Chapter 13: WOW! DAEBAK!!!
Col_chip09 #3
Chapter 10: Author-nim, somehow this story are made me thinking about my best buddy. GREAT JOB
kasterian #4
Chapter 24: My favorite oneshot was Coffee Cup, but I also liked Car Ride...couldn't really choose. heehee Thank you for this great collection of Baekyeon oneshots!! Oreos for life!! ^^ Please continue writing various stories! Thank you very much!!
Chapter 33: My fav is obviously and naturally the last one xD
Chapter 32: Last oneshot... I didnt feel this. Thank you for giving us so much good content to read. I'll miss your cute stories and it hurts my heart. I hope our oreo community wont fall apart and that we'll always stick together. Thank you!
Chapter 33: Thank you so much for writing all these wonderful BaekYeon one-shots :) I really enjoyed the last one bc it was too sweet. Happy new year! I'm definitely looking forward to your chaptered story.
Chapter 33: cant wait for another baekyeon story from you authornim! happy new year! :)
Chapter 33: my favourite is the last one! x3 my heart choose you~~ ^^
laimou #10
Chapter 33: you are the best. i really love you and your stories. i'm going to cry really really thank you for these amazing one-shots