
My Heart Choose You | Collection of BaekYeon Oneshots
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Taeyeon is 20 years old, living off life as a university student. Rich, smart and pretty are the common words used to describe her. She thinks of her life as something she can’t play around though. Being the first child of such a rich family means she’s the one holding the burden. Even if her younger brother is the one at fault, she would be the one who gets the end of the stick. That’s why she always keeps her eyes on her brother, to make sure he didn’t do anything dumb to embarrass their family.

Today is the first day of her break. She took an early exam period so she could have a 2 week break. It was peaceful for her at her flat when the door suddenly clicks. Of course, it’s her brother. Since their parents are going on a business trip overseas, her brother will lives with her for the meantime. “Eh? Why are you home so early? I thought you get off at 3? It’s still 2.” Taeyeon asked him once he comes to the room. The black haired boy ignores her, and sits right beside her instead.

“I didn’t really go to class after the 2nd break, I went to the consultation room instead and after, the teacher told me just to come home first and take a rest.” He said calmly as he watches the TV. The questioning look on Taeyeon’s face turns into worries in a mere second once she hears that. “What happen to you? Did you get into another fight? Is someone bullying you? What actually happens, Kim Baekhyun?!” Taeyeon asked him. She was worried as hell. Even though she has never told it to anyone and hates to admit it, she cares so much for Baekhyun. The things that hurt him will also hurt her.

“None of those are the matters, Noona.” He answered. Baekhyun flashed an assuring smile to her but the worries on her face didn't disappear. Even if he tries to convince her that he's okay, he knows that his sister won't believe him. "Then tell me what the matter is? Why would you go and see a consultant if you're fine. If you have a problem, you know that you can always share it with me, right?" She asked him and he nods, muttering a low “I know” after that.

"But this time, it's a matter that is only my worry. I am really okay, Noona." Baekhyun said. It was not really a lie though. It was indeed a problem of his own, and Taeyeon doesn't need to know what it is. "You have lunch already?" She asked him and Baekhyun shook his head. Taeyeon then smile before she pats Baekhyun’s shoulder. “I will cook lunch for you. Go shower first, Baek.” Taeyeon said and Baekhyun smiles at her. “Thanks, Noona. I’ll go to my room first.” He said and stands up from the couch, leaving Taeyeon alone in the room.

Baekhyun has always been a cheerful kid, for all she knows. But to think he goes to a consultant, and not bothering to tell her about it is kind of weird. Baekhyun always tells all his worries to her, all his problems, he always does. What would make him not trust her this time? When her phone rings and her mother name flashed on the screen, Taeyeon was snapped out of her thoughts. She stands up and heads to the kitchen before she answers the call.


“I’m home.” Baekhyun shouted as he opens the door to his sister’s flat. It was dark all around, and he was confused. Is the light out? To think all the other apartments are all lights and music, it can’t be. Baekhyun furrowed his eyebrow; he and darkness didn’t go really well. “Noona? Are you home?” He asked to no one in particular. The lights are still off and his body couldn’t move an inch, too scared that somehow something will jump in front of him which of course, wouldn’t happen.

All of a sudden, a cold skin touches and slips to his warm palms, intertwining it together. Baekhyun almost let out a shriek when suddenly he heard, “Lights on!” and then all of sudden; the dark room was filled with flashy lights just as if it was Christmas at that moment. He look over to his side and found his sister right beside him, smiling widely while her other hand holds the cake and then she sweetly tells him, “Happy birthday, my beloved brother.”

Baekhyun didn’t say anything for a few seconds, as his brain is trying to register what just happen. Does that mean it was not a light out but just Taeyeon preparing for a surprise? Somehow, after a tiring and hard day Baekhyun felt the warmness washed away all of it. “Noo- all of it for me?” He asked her and she nods, still with that bright smile plastered all over her face. “What would I not do for you, Baek.” She said and while Baekhyun broke out to a smile, she adds, “Now, blow the candles before it goes off.”

Baekhyun do as what he was told to. He first closes his eyes and makes a wish to himself before he then blows the candles and Taeyeon cheers on him. Sometimes Baekhyun think how lonely it is when you live with only your sibling, not to mention, only one. But somehow, with Taeyeon it’s never boring. She always tries her best to cheer or support him. “What did you wish for?” She asked him and he teases her with a smile, “I thought I shouldn’t be telling you about it though.”

“What secret would you have?” She mock him, but all in a joking manner. She puts the cake on the table, before she wraps her arms around his waist, her head leaning on his chest and it made him a bit startled. “None?” He answered teasingly and she only sighed. Taeyeon did smile afterward though, finally letting go of the hug and told him to sit on the couch.

“It’s not complete without our Dad and Mom, but today, I feel really happy just celebrating with Noona.” Baekhyun said and Taeyeon smiled sweetly. “I love you, Baekhyun-ah.” And when she said those words, unknowingly, his heart flutters. Baekhyun smiles to himself. He was as happier as ever right now. Only with those words, and it seems like his life is only complete.

If only that day, he didn’t think like that. If only his heart didn’t flutter that way. If only he didn’t think about anything else that makes it special, because it’s not.


“Hey, Baek, want to go outside?” Taeyeon asked. Baekhyun shifted his attention from his papers to her, raising his eyebrow once he sees her all dressed up – she even tidy her hair for once and actually wears a matching lipstick, wow. “Where are you going?” He asked her and she shrugs her shoulder, as if she’s not going to tell him unless he actually wants to go with her. Baekhyun huffs a sigh, Taeyeon can be so stubborn sometimes and it’s not like he really enjoys being alone at night too anyway, “Fine, I’ll go.”

Taeyeon spins around, her face flustered but she smiles in the end. “I knew it. You’ll be dead without me around you anyway. Come on, go change your outfit, we’re going to somewhere a bit luxurious.” Taeyeon said and Baekhyun nods his head before he stands up and goes to his room. Actually, even if he didn’t enjoy being alone, he also didn’t really enjoy going out. The only good thing is he will spend his time with Taeyeon, that’s the only good thing. “ it up, Baekhyun, getting a bit of fresh air won’t be that bad,” He mutters to himself, as he changes his clothes. And maybe he could tell her another thing.

He comes out of the room after 2 minutes, only changing to a black t-shirt with white shirt with the two top buttons undone and his black jeans. His black hair was left messy and undone, but he could care less about that. “I thought I told you we’ll go to some luxurious place? Look, I even wear a dress.” Taeyeon said, spinning after that to show her silk blue dress and Baekhyun rolled his eyes. “How luxurious can it be?” Baekhyun asked her teasingly and she only smiles before she caught a hold of his hand and drag him out of their flat, “Come on, we need to go now.”

They didn’t really talk in the car; both are just enjoying the calm songs Taeyeon’s playing and since they’re going somewhere that seems to be far away from the center of the city where they live in, it was quite a long time without a conversation. When they reach the place, Baekhyun then find out that Taeyeon didn’t really lie about going to a rather luxurious place; they really do end up going to a restaurant by the beach, almost out of Seoul. “Why are we going here all of sudden?” He asked.

“I just want to have a quality time. But I don’t want to spend it

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Won't u make another strort for baekyeon?ㅋㅋ..i just read this story these day and i love ert chapter ..ert always hilarious and funny...hihi...
Col_chip09 #2
Chapter 13: WOW! DAEBAK!!!
Col_chip09 #3
Chapter 10: Author-nim, somehow this story are made me thinking about my best buddy. GREAT JOB
kasterian #4
Chapter 24: My favorite oneshot was Coffee Cup, but I also liked Car Ride...couldn't really choose. heehee Thank you for this great collection of Baekyeon oneshots!! Oreos for life!! ^^ Please continue writing various stories! Thank you very much!!
Chapter 33: My fav is obviously and naturally the last one xD
Chapter 32: Last oneshot... I didnt feel this. Thank you for giving us so much good content to read. I'll miss your cute stories and it hurts my heart. I hope our oreo community wont fall apart and that we'll always stick together. Thank you!
Chapter 33: Thank you so much for writing all these wonderful BaekYeon one-shots :) I really enjoyed the last one bc it was too sweet. Happy new year! I'm definitely looking forward to your chaptered story.
Chapter 33: cant wait for another baekyeon story from you authornim! happy new year! :)
Chapter 33: my favourite is the last one! x3 my heart choose you~~ ^^
laimou #10
Chapter 33: you are the best. i really love you and your stories. i'm going to cry really really thank you for these amazing one-shots