
My Heart Choose You | Collection of BaekYeon Oneshots
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“Baekhyun,” His mind went blank for a second, but he hears his name getting called. It was pitch black on his mind, and he can’t even think properly. “Baekhyun,” This time a soft thing - almost like a skin - touches his face, his name is called again and Baekhyun slowly regains his sense before his eyes flutters open and a blonde girl comes into his blurry vision. It was a blur, and Baekhyun didn’t know what is happening. “Who- who are you?” He asked, a bit flustered. His voice comes out soft, and the girl only chuckles at him.

“Your best friend, don’t you remember me?” She asks, Baekhyun heard the disappoinment on her voice. She tilts her head to the side a bit and that makes her show a rather cute side, “Me, I’m Kim Taeyeon but you can just call me Taeyeon. I know you but it seems like you don’t know me.” She said and Baekhyun shook his head, before he mutters lowly, “I don’t know you.” Taeyeon only sighed, sliding off from seating on his bed as she stands up. “Well, whatever you are going to say, I’m here for the good.” Taeyeon said, and Baekhyun nods.

His mind can’t work, all the craziness within him got stuffed up, and it might have caused the things he forgot. He got amnesia since before anyway, it was an accident, where he almost dies. “Well, then I’m glad that my best friend is here then.”


Since the day where Taeyeon appears, everything in Baekhyun’s life seems to turn upside down – well, mostly his personal time. He would find himself drawing to whatever Taeyeon is doing on the corner of his room; usually she was just playing on his iPhone, playing whatever game he has – which is a soccer game. The usual time that he spends to study hard at night is gone, replaced with soft and small laughter coming out from him when he talks with her.

Taeyeon is funny, witty, adorable, and cute. Sometimes, when she got too bored on his room, at the morning when he wants to go to the school, Taeyeon would ask him if she can walk there too. Of course, it makes Baekhyun so happy and he nods without any more thoughts – he likes the idea of spending his time with her. And sometimes he would find her at the park near the school, one where he would walk pass when he wants to go home.

He found out she was waiting for him at a time, almost after a full month she’s doing the routine. He laughs, he cries, he smiles; he did all of it with her, the two are inseperable. Baekhyun loves how adorable and pretty she looks when she smiles, when the corner of her lips stretch up into a wide line, and the corner of her eyes crease softly, and her eyes are shining. Her laughter always made him laugh too, the sound of it was heavenly, and you can pull out a conclusion that she's ‘happy’ just by listening to it.

And when she cries, her tear drops are all shining, as if it was made of the star and every bits of it touch the floor but it never wet the floor. And it was weird, the very first times, she cries, she will always wipe her tears, never letting it drop to the floor, but at sometimes it did. And when it does, later when he steps on it, it was dry. Yet when he steps on his own tears, it was always wet. It was weird, it really is. How do her tears dry so fast like that?

And after, he gets more lost into it. Baekhyun was lost, she was his best friend, yet now that he is thinking about it what is she doing for life? Didn’t she have school or anything? And is there none of his family that sees the weirdness in her? No. Does she even have a family? Well, his family did acknowledge her but it seems like none of them seems to see the weirdness that seems to be embracing her these days.

Like any other day, that day was just another Sunday. He was with Taeyeon in the living room, as the both of them are watching the TV and he was giggling with the jokes he cracks. And it was right after when he sees his older brother entering the room and Taeyeon crack a ‘hey’ to his brother in between her chuckles. It was ignored though and Baekhyun frowned, his brother always acts like he didn’t know that Taeyeon even exist.

“Hyung, Taeyeon was greeting you. Why are you ignoring her?” Baekhyun asked, in a flat tone. His eyes are despising his brother’s act. His brother gives him an innocent look and he shrugs, before he then says, ‘hey to you too’ to particularly the spot beside Baekhyun but Baekhyun sees it in his brother’s eyes that he didn’t even really look at Taeyeon. As if he was talking to the spot on the couch that is a few inches away from him but really, Taeyeon’s face is just an inch away from Baekhyun’s.

“Well, whatever.” He said, shrugging as his hands touch Taeyeon’s smooth long golden blonde hair and ruffling it, “It’s alright.” Baekhyun say, before he smiles and this time Taeyeon also smile but one thing he knows, it didn’t reach her eyes.

And it was as if she was a mirror to him, whatever he's doing, she's doing it too. And he realizes that he loves every bit of her, and he didn’t want to lose her, ever.


“Mom, do you ever… doubt anyone’s e

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Won't u make another strort for baekyeon?ㅋㅋ..i just read this story these day and i love ert chapter ..ert always hilarious and funny...hihi...
Col_chip09 #2
Chapter 13: WOW! DAEBAK!!!
Col_chip09 #3
Chapter 10: Author-nim, somehow this story are made me thinking about my best buddy. GREAT JOB
kasterian #4
Chapter 24: My favorite oneshot was Coffee Cup, but I also liked Car Ride...couldn't really choose. heehee Thank you for this great collection of Baekyeon oneshots!! Oreos for life!! ^^ Please continue writing various stories! Thank you very much!!
Chapter 33: My fav is obviously and naturally the last one xD
Chapter 32: Last oneshot... I didnt feel this. Thank you for giving us so much good content to read. I'll miss your cute stories and it hurts my heart. I hope our oreo community wont fall apart and that we'll always stick together. Thank you!
Chapter 33: Thank you so much for writing all these wonderful BaekYeon one-shots :) I really enjoyed the last one bc it was too sweet. Happy new year! I'm definitely looking forward to your chaptered story.
Chapter 33: cant wait for another baekyeon story from you authornim! happy new year! :)
Chapter 33: my favourite is the last one! x3 my heart choose you~~ ^^
laimou #10
Chapter 33: you are the best. i really love you and your stories. i'm going to cry really really thank you for these amazing one-shots