Coffee Cup

My Heart Choose You | Collection of BaekYeon Oneshots
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Coffee Cup

I like to go to this place. It was simple, the wooden color matches the furniture, the dim light on top of our head, and the smile on the worker's face, makes me feel welcomed.

Though I usually just like to be here because they have a free internet access, and believe me, that thing is the best thing for every living college student out there. It was as if you have found a heaven in the world, well, for me it is.

I always come over at night. Because my class ends at night, and I could only do my work, projects or essay, after I go to school. The morning is for me to sleep on my bed until the sun passes by our head, and is going to be unseen again.

"Good evening, Miss. Enjoy our cafe," The usual worker holds out the door for me and I smile to her as I walk inside. The corner has always been my favorite spot, cozy and makes me feel like I'm alone, and it's the nearest spot to the wifi router, which is what I want exactly.

Footsteps are heard to come into my direction, and I raise my head, eyes shifting from my laptop before I settled on the cute worker in front of me. His hair was light brown, almost as if it was a dirty blonde. His eyes are like puppy, big and adorable. And his lips are so perfectly structured, and somehow it just makes me thinks he feels so happy all the time, my thought.

I have known him for as long as I step my foot on this place. Which probably mean it was around one year ago when I found out this place is near my home, compared to my old hanging place which is far, 4 stations away.

I know he likes to spies on me behind the counter, his eyes are trying to act as if he was looking outside the window, but I am more than sure he's looking at me. I notice it after he starts looking at me for like, a month. I don't know if he has a crush on me or what, but I would really love to hear some kind of explanation from him.

"Good evening, Miss. What would you like to order?" He asked. One of his hands is holding a note, while the other is holding a pen. I somehow think he looks cute like that, the uniform did help too. The jet black pants, the tight white shirt, and the black vests obviously make him looks even cooler.

"Uh, I will just have the usual. I'm sure you know my usual." I said and he nods his head, scribbling something on his notes, before he put his pen and notes on the pocket of his pants, before he bow, muttering a 'thank you' to me and goes back behind the counter.

He shouts my order to his co-worker, and I smile when he shouts the right thing. A mocha with whipped cream on top. It has always been my favorite coffee of all the time.

I went back to doing my essay on my laptop while I wait for my order to be delivered. Yet I once again felt a pair of eye staring at me. I quickly look up only to find him turning around, acting as if he is not looking at me just now. I would say he was a pretty bad actor, but whatever he prefers.

Sometimes I wonder if he would actually try to hit on me or he will stay to stand from afar, watching me when I'm on my laptop. I hope he will do the former. I like him actually. Baekhyun, he is very polite and he always smiles to people, I guess that two is already enough for me.

I like guys who smile a lot, which is not many in the college. Either stressed out or they just want to look cool, I don't know. Baekhyun is like taking a cool and sweet break after being drenched in a hot and sweaty work. I like him but I never really have the gut to talks to him.

Not like he have the balls to talk to me either. I am just going to wait for him to make the first move. If he never did, then it's okay. But if he did, he's sure more than welcome.

Sounds of footsteps approaching make me look to the window glass. Sure enough the blurry reflection on Baekhyun is there. I turn my head to him and flashed him a smile. He smiled back before he put my cup of coffee to the table.

I already put the money on the table, a habit I always do and he doesn't seems like to mind taking it from the table too, so when he already takes the payment and shoving it to his pocket but didn't goes to the counter as quick as he usually do, I look at him with a confused face.

His serious face changes to a smiley one. He smiles widely to me before he says, "Please look at the cup carefully." I didn't understand what he said, but he didn't seem to bother to explain it to me either as he left quickly.


I hold the cup before raising it to my eye level for a better sight of it. It's just the usual cup with nothing special─ oh, I see it. I see the words written with the black marker scribbled on the cup of the coffee.

I look at him and he seems to be waiting for my reaction. I raised my eyebrow and shook my head but I let out a chuckle. His face soften when I chuckle, he's probably very relieved now.

On the cup, there's some numbers scribbled there while there is a text under that, and if I read it right ─ it's kinda messy ─ then it says, 'call me when you get home'. I seriously felt so happy just by looking at it.

Just after I pray so hard this morning that a thing between us will change, it did. He makes the first move already and for the game to continue on, I need to play it carefully. Carefully but still need to be smart.

"He's smooth." I muttered as I take a sip. For the rest of the minutes I spent writing on my essay, I didn't really care about what's happening around anymore but I for sure can't seem to get him out of my mind.

It was around 12 to 1 AM when I finished my essay, my cup is already empty and I'm planning to just toss it later. Besides, I've already save the number he wrote there. So I stand up, gathering my things and shoving my laptop to my backpack before I stand up and leave the place.

Or, walk to the counter instead. "Baekhyun?" I called out and the cute worker turns his head to me. I could see that he was fluttered and I could notice the red tint appearing on his cheeks so I smile at him.

"You… please expect a call tomorrow." I said, and his eyes widen but he smiles anyway. He lets out a soft chuckle before he looks at me teasingly.

"Do you mean this morning?" He asked teasingly and I remember that it past 12 already and I try to act as if I say nothing wrong, but I still corrected my words.

"This noon. You can expect a call at noon, because I sleep on the morning." I said and he lets out a chuckle once again.

"I clearly see why." He said and I smile widely at him before showing him gestures that I will call him and he chuckles.

Even after I exit, I felt the urge to still turn to my side to look at him through the window glass. So I did.

He waved at me and I chuckle at him, but I wave back anyway. Today is going to be a good day. I already got a good start at the start of the day, and I'm expecting to hear more for him in the middle of the day.

Sometimes, you just need to make a move to change the whole thing between you and your significant other. Because without you trying to, even if the risks of failure are high, you won't succeed if you won't try.

I'm glad he man up and try, because a success that follows us after two dates, engagement and marriage to the upcoming birth of my first child, it all won't happen if he never try to take a big step forward that can change all the things between us.

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Won't u make another strort for baekyeon?ㅋㅋ..i just read this story these day and i love ert chapter ..ert always hilarious and funny...hihi...
Col_chip09 #2
Chapter 13: WOW! DAEBAK!!!
Col_chip09 #3
Chapter 10: Author-nim, somehow this story are made me thinking about my best buddy. GREAT JOB
kasterian #4
Chapter 24: My favorite oneshot was Coffee Cup, but I also liked Car Ride...couldn't really choose. heehee Thank you for this great collection of Baekyeon oneshots!! Oreos for life!! ^^ Please continue writing various stories! Thank you very much!!
Chapter 33: My fav is obviously and naturally the last one xD
Chapter 32: Last oneshot... I didnt feel this. Thank you for giving us so much good content to read. I'll miss your cute stories and it hurts my heart. I hope our oreo community wont fall apart and that we'll always stick together. Thank you!
Chapter 33: Thank you so much for writing all these wonderful BaekYeon one-shots :) I really enjoyed the last one bc it was too sweet. Happy new year! I'm definitely looking forward to your chaptered story.
Chapter 33: cant wait for another baekyeon story from you authornim! happy new year! :)
Chapter 33: my favourite is the last one! x3 my heart choose you~~ ^^
laimou #10
Chapter 33: you are the best. i really love you and your stories. i'm going to cry really really thank you for these amazing one-shots