24. Kimchi!

Because of Our Dads [Edited]
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HyeoEun’s POV

Sigh. Kyuhyun has been overseas in Taiwan to promote so I’m alone in the apartment. I don’t go up to the dorm for two reasons. One, half the team is in Taiwan while the other half is busy with schedules. Two, if I were hosted by one member, another member comes out of his room only to run back in to put on his shirt. I was saving myself and them (more of them) the embarrassment. Hey, they’ve had plenty of shirtless moments, but not in their own house where there is a woman.


I have a manager now! Well, because I got a role in a movie as a police officer. The role wasn’t that big, but I had a manager nonetheless. I was happy about my chance to debut, but I was worried about my manager. I had talked to Kyuhyun on the Internet about him before. My manager either gives me a erted look or a frustrated look. I couldn’t perform the intimate scenes properly so I could understand his frustration. As for the erted look, I got chills every time.  It’s not just the manager that gives the look; even the director gives the look!


Kyuhyun told me that he had informed his hyungs about the manager. The oppas visited the set on my first day and observed my manager. “You’re right. There’s something not right about him. “HyeoEun-ah. If he dares to come try anything funny, call us, especially if he comes over to your apartment. Managers are usually not allowed to go into a girl’s house,” Leeteuk oppa said and assured me that the members would be there.


The apartment has always been empty on the weekdays, but now they were empty on the weekends. Kyuhyun has been out of the country lately, so I decided to do elaborate dishes that can kill me of exhaustion, since there were lesser members who would visit me. Considering that I can cook well (modest), they didn’t see the trouble in keeping me company.


Food of the day: Kimchi; 3 boxes worth. I switched on the stereo and turned up the volume slightly. “I Am the Best” by 2NE1 was on the radio. I started bopping my head to the music, rubbing salt on the Chinese cabbage leaves. Suddenly there was a knock on the door, and I went to answer it. “Would you keep the noise down?” My neighbor was sensitive, considerin

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lee-chelle #1
Chapter 51: Yay! Everything has cleared up and my ranting down below helped me calm down lol! I was bottling up how I felt about the whole situation till it exploded lol!! ^^'
lee-chelle #2
Chapter 48: I feel like I'm missing something here... Why is she so bent in breaking up with him? It wasn't his fault that he couldn't be there that night it happened. It's not like he chose not to be there. Tbh the way I see it she's over reacting. I'm more upset at her than I am with Kyu for not understanding his side. Even after forgiving him I don't understand her motives.
I hate ending but this ending really make me smile.
thank you for writing this story, unnie! :)
artsiedartsie #4
Thanks to all!
mi_HYU #5
sweet....after all..they had rina..

chukkae authornim...!!
winterflowr #6
That was very sweet! They were able to have a child T_T
mi_HYU #7
i hate endings......

but....i love the story....really...it's great...
omo, I'm tricked xD
more! more!
--venissa #9
update soon:)
yeayy! propose already! update soon! :D