No excuses

What Kpop doesn't know?

Oh man, I am so comfortable.

When did we get silk sheets?

Oh I don’t even give a . I am not complaining.

I let out a delighted moan as I stretched. My eyes still closed. A smile on my face. I am in utter freaking bliss. These sheets are so soft and cool. I continued to move around the bed taking in this amazing cloud.

I slept so great last night. I don’t even remember the last time I slept this great. It was peaceful, calming, and happy. I feel so freaking revived.

Chirp.. Chirp…Chirp..

Fluttering my eyes open, I stared up at the ceiling. Even the birds sing to greet me. Which is weird considering there aren’t really any birds near our dorm. I continued to stare at the bright white ceiling. The ceiling fan above continued to spin rapidly chilling the room. My face contorted in confusion.
Nor do we have a ceiling fan.

“!” I gasped sitting up. The dark purple silk sheets dropped down to my lap revealing that I am in fact fully clothed. Oh thank god. I scanned the room in panic. This isn’t the dorm. Nor is it any room I remember. Don’t judge me, I am not a that sleeps around in different people’s places. Yes, I know you were thinking that. Don’t deny it. Ok back to the problem at hand. There is only on explanation for all of this. “I’ve been kidnapped.” I let out in horror.

My heart sped up in fear as I jumped out of the bed. My bare feet hit the fluffy carpet. Why is everything so soft here? I could just sleep on the ground. It’s like a cloud of memory foam.

Damn it! Focus Sam! You’ve been kidnapped. This is no time in complimenting your kidnappers fluffy comfortable room. But you got to admit, they really know how to make the victim feel comfortable. Before they kill them…

My eyes widen in horror. Yup, I need to get out. What if the person that kidnapped me is a crazed stalker.

He or she ,I don’t judge, is a saesang fan of mine. I am their obsession and they finally got me at my most vulnerable. I gasped crossing my arms over my chest, what if they touched my pure body when I was asleep.

Just then multiple loud snores broke the silence. My eyes snapped to the closed white door.

Multiple snores…

multiple kidnappers….

multiple stalkers….

Multiple saesangs….which is 1000x worse than one.

“Damn it. Damn it! I knew this will happen one day.” I whispered harshly as I paced around the room. I am openly panicking now. “I told that manager to stop making us do y concepts. It makes us to alluring. They will want us. I mean who wouldn’t, look at me. That’s besides the point. I’ve been kidnapped and possible violated in my sleep.” I lifted my head looking up at the ceiling. “If I die please let me become a ghost so I can haunt the out of that useless manager.”

“Sam?” A deep voice grumbled in confusion.

Oh god, I woke up one of the kidnappers. In panic, I grabbed the first thing near me as a weapon. I will beat my way to freedom. I won’t go down without a fight. They will regret the day they decided to kidnap the great Sam.

Omma, I am going to make you ing proud.

I stood behind the door waiting for it to open with my hands in the air holding my weapon.

Bring it on weird kidnapping stalker.

He mumbled my name again as the door knob turned.

It all happened in slow motion. The creaking of the door opening slowly, followed by an image of dark red fluffy hair. I didn’t even have time to register his face in my head for I attacked. With a scream to rival an opera singer. I unloaded every self defense technique I know on the man with a pair of boxer shorts I found hanging on the black dresser.

“Sam! Sam! Stop!” The man yelled in panic as he fought my attacks. He tried to dodge, but that only made me attack worse like a rabid dog. I swung the boxers at him like a whip. The sounds of cloth slapping skin can be heard echoing along with our voices. “Damn it!”

“You’re dead! Thinking you can kidnap me for your weird sick fantasy about me.” I yelled as I continued to attack him with the boxer shorts. “You don’t know, I am crazy. I am a psycho. I will kill you before you can do something. I better have all the hairs on my head. Crazy. You dead.” I kept yelling.

The man fell to the ground with a groan. Yes, I got the upper hand. His hands went over his head. Bet you didn’t think your idol knew how to fight. He kept yelling at me to stop, but I couldn’t. My adrenaline is to high right now. I can hear running coming my way from his buddies. They are coming to his aid.

I have boxers as a weapon and I am not afraid to use it. Bring it freaks. I can take you all.

“Sam!” The two men yelled as they jumped to the door frame.

Both were out of breath from being rudely awakened to only run to their friends aide. I stopped my attacks in shock as I stared at them. Recognizing them immediately. Dropping my weapon, I let out a gasp in realization.

Oooohhh !

I looked back down at the guy I brutally attacked with boxers. He looked back up at me with wide eyes. His breathing labored as he leaned back on his muscular arms. I scanned his body to see red marks all over his arms from were the boxer made contact with skin.


“Hehehe…funny story.” I let out nervously looked back at the guys at the door. Yoochun and Junsu stood there with a ‘look’ as they crossed their arms over their chest. Oh, I so owe them big time now. “I kinda thought I was kidnapped by saesang fans.”

“Why would you think that?” Jaejoong exclaimed.

I looked down at him. Did he seriously just ask me that?

“Oh. I don’t know unfamiliar bed. Unfamiliar room. Too much in a panic confusion to remember that I fell asleep at the recording studio. Or to even think that you guys would carry me to a bed!” I yelled waving my arms around in emphasis to my words. I looked back at Yoochun and Junsu to see them staring at the ground. What the hell could they be staring at? Jaejoong and I followed their gaze to only stare at a pair of honorably retired torn heart designed boxers. You have served me well men’s underwear. I would salute you, but… “About that..” I let out sheepishly looking back at the three bewildered men.

“So you thought you were kidnapped by saesangs and your immediate reaction is to beat your way to freedom with a pair of boxers.” Yoochun let out.

You can so tell he is trying his hardest to hold in his laughter. His face practically turning red. I glared at the man in warning. He better not laugh. This is a serious situation here. I almost killed Jaejoong with boxers because of my actions.

“You got your handed to you by your own boxers.” Junsu snorted.

And with that, both men at the door burst out in hysterical laughter. They held on to each other in support. Both repeating the words ‘beat up by his own boxers’ in their hysterics. Jaejoong’s face turned bright red, matching the red marks on his arms. Jaejoong yelled at the guys to ‘stop’ and ‘that it wasn’t funny’.

Hearing them laugh is actually making me see the hilarity of the situation. I tried to fight the laughter bubbling in my throat.

I can’t laugh.

I won’t laugh.

This was serious, Sam. You actually thought you were in serious danger. It was scary. You thought you had to beat you way to freedom. You thought, it was a life or death situation. I had to bite my lips in my mouth to suppress the smile.

If I smile.

I laugh.

I can’t laugh. I turned my eyes away from the three men. I have to focus on something else. I have to clear my mind. With my eyes closed, I let out shaky breaths. In and out. In and out. In and out.

There I got it.

I got this. I am safe.

Just then I opened my eyes to only stare at the heart designed boxers on the ground. It laid on the ground lifelessly, his life going to an honorable cause.

“Damn it!” I let out in a high pitched voice. The laughter exploding out of my mouth. I had to bend forward as my stomach constricted. I can’t breathe. Oh god, I just beat up Jaejoong with his own boxers. I fell to the ground on a fetal position holding my stomach as I continued to break out in to hysterics. The memory of what just happened kept replaying in my head. Tears streamed down my eyes. “I’m soo…hahahah….sorry……Jae…”

“Yah! It’s not funny anymore!” Jaejoong’s voice yelled over the laughter.

I forced my body to turn towards him. I let out weird noises as I tried to regain my normal breathing. I’m pretty sure I sound like a excited donkey. Wait, bad image.

Jaejoong just stayed seated in front of me. His legs crossed under him. His arms crossed over his chest. He kept a frown on his face, but his eyes twinkled. The brown depths stared at me. I stopped laughing as I stared at him. My heart at top speed as I stayed laying on my side. I stared at him with a smile still on face. He smiled back at me in response.

“Sorry.” I said. He shrugged. I moved my body to a sitting position in front of him. My legs crossed under me. “So this is your apartment?” I scanned around the room in wonder. His room was neat for the most part. Black furniture and Dark purple sheets. I can see two doors on the other side. I’m guessing that is the closet and bathroom. No doubt, it’s a huge closet. Considering this bedroom is freaking huge with a king size bed. Jaejoong nodded. “You carried me here…to your bed?” I let out accusingly.

“I-I.” Jaejoong immediately started to stutter as he turned red. I smiled at him enjoying teasing him. “I…didn’t know where you lived. S- so I just thought this was easier. The couch looked uncomfortable.”

“Chincha?” I quirked an eyebrow as I crossed my arms over my chest. With a mischievous smile on my face, I watched Jaejoong openly panic.

“Chincha! You can ask the guys!” Jaejoong exclaimed. He turned his head to the side. Looking at the now quiet guys. “Yah! Tell her! I just carried her here that’s it.”

I turned my head to look at the two guys at the door. They stared at me with the same teasing glint in their eyes as mine. They are going to play along. Poor Jaejoong, He never should have introduced me to them. I can sense amazing adventures in the future. Some even getting us in trouble.

“I don’t know, Hyung. I don’t think I can lie to Sam. I actually like her.” Yoochun tsked as he shook his head in disappointment.

“Yah! Don’t lie!” Jaejoong warned.

Yoochun only smiled at him completely ignoring his warning.

“Hyung, how can I lie about you softly placing her on your bed like a princess. You tucked her in basically feeling her body up and down.” Yoochun let out dramatically. “ I was so embarrassed upon witnessing the intimate kiss you placed upon her forehead.”


My eyes widen in shock as I turned to look at Jaejoong. My face heating up just at the thought. Even if it is just a joke, I couldn’t help but blush. Jaejoong immediately shook his head and hands disagreeing to Yoochun’s accusation. Adding fuel to his embarrassment, I slowly placed my hand on my forehead as if I can still feel his lips on me.

“Sam, I- I didn’t do it.” Jaejoong said completely flustered now. He then focused narrowed eyes at the smiling Yoochun. “That didn’t happen. Don’t lie. I just put her on the bed and then went to the living room to sleep with you guys. Tell her.”

Yoochun nodded. He turned his head too look at me with sullen eyes. Regret swirling in his chocolate depths. Man, he is a great actor. I am seriously buying all this.

“It’s true, Sam.” Yoochun sighed. Jaejoong immediately nodded his head like a bobble head in satisfaction. “After he laid with you for a few minutes admiring your beauty, he came to lay with us. He cheated on you with us.” I gasped. “I know, we deceived…”

Yoochun didn’t even get to finish his self speech, for Jaejoong immediately jumped up chasing him out the room. Poor man almost tripped out the door hitting his shoulder on the door frame. His cursing rang loud and free. Junsu and I chuckled as Jaejoong’s profanities can be heard echoing throughout the condo. Yoochun’s laughter and teasing soon followed. They ran around the apartment like children not even bothering to remember their ages.

I shook my head at them. A smile glued to my face.

What am I to do with these idiots?

I looked at Junsu with a wide smile while I jumped up. I am starving. I am hungry. I grabbed the laughing brunette man’s hand and ran out the door. Might as well make breakfast while the guys are fighting like children. I shall force Junsu to help me. Actually, he would have to do most of the work.

I actually can’t cook. Every time I try, it always ends up going horribly wrong. I’m serious, last time I practically made a tornado of a mess in the kitchen. Soonie had to kick me out when she noticed. Even on ‘family outing’, Suzy got frustrated with my cooking skills. She compared me to Daesung. The nerve.

Now where is the kitchen?

“What are you doing?” Junsu let out.

“I’m hungry and your making food.” I simply ordered looking back at Junsu.

We passed the wrestling pair on the ground completely ignoring them. They will be done soon anyways. I continued to lead Junsu to the large kitchen. It had dark red cabinets and the latest black appliances. Oh , it’s actually lunch time. Damn, my schedule starts at 3 and it’s …1:15! Without hesitation, I walked to the fridge letting go of Junsu’s hand.

“I’m not making lunch.” Junsu stated. I kept one hand on the opened fridge door while the other I placed on my hip. Quirking up an eyebrow, I stared at Junsu. The brunette crossed his arms over his chest in defiance. “I am not making lunch.”

“Really?” I inquired. He nodded. I frowned. “Oh, you going to make lunch.”

Junsu scoffed at me as he let out another defiant ‘no’. I smiled evilly at him.


“Thanks for the lunch, Junsu!” I happily cheered as I proceeded to dig in. Junsu grumbled under his breath still mad at me for making him cook. I just smiled happily at him with my cheeks inflated with food. Jaejoong and Yoochun ended their fight a long time ago and were now busy eating. Both of them sat on either side of me. I swallowed the food in my mouth. “So what now?” They looked at me confused. “The song is ready. Your album is ready. What is your next course of action?”

“We still have to shoot the music video for the title song.” Yoochun pointed out. “It should be done by next week if we work non-stop then we will preform on music shows soon.”

Oh yeah, Jaejoong told me about that. They will preform for the first time in years on M! Countdown. I smiled at them as I witnessed their eyes sparkling in excitement. They carried a conversation about what they have left to do and the stages they will do. Each word coming out of their mouths more excited than the other. As if, everything they went through. The pain they suffered. The sadness they held. Are about to be wiped away. All those years of going through was worth it to them. Because it led them to this moment.

This amazing moment.
And I get to witness it.

“Sam?” Jaejoong breathed out breaking me away from my thoughts. I shook my head then looked at him while humming. “We asked if it was ok if Gummy does your parts on the music shows. It is not-..”

“No! It’s fine I understand.” I quickly said waving my hands. I smiled widely pretending it was alright when in actuality my heart clenched in sadness. I seriously do wish I can sing on the same stage with them. But we can’t, I can’t. I want to. But I can’t. “ I’m sorry, I can’t do it. I wish I could.” I let out sadly.

“Are you sure?” Jaejoong asked looking at me with concern.

“This is what I signed up for, remember. I knew this will happen.” I assured them upon witnessing their concerned faces. “Don’t worry. I will cheer for you guys backstage.” I lifted up a fisted hand. “Fighting!” I exclaimed. The three men smiled happily at me as they nodded their heads. “Now!” I let out getting up. I stretched my arms out letting out a satisfied moan. “Who’s doing dishes?”

“I cooked.” Junsu argued getting up also. He made his way to Jaejoong’s room. “I’m going to shower. Hyung, can I borrow some of your cloths?”

“You still haven’t returned the ones you borrowed last time.” Jaejoong retorted.

Junsu stopped at the door frame. His face contorted in confusion. I let out a chuckle as realization passed through Junsu’s eyes. With a shrug of his shoulders, he walked into the room telling Jaejoong that he is still borrowing his cloths.

And that leaves the three of us to decide.

I turned back to the table to see Jaejoong gathering the empty plates together. No Yoochun in sight. That son of a ! Running away from chores when

he didn’t do . At least, I helped Junsu cook.

Well, more like Junsu was cooking and he got so frustrated with me that he kicked me out of the kitchen.

But that still counts. I tried to help, but I was denied. I shouldn’t have to do dishes. Damn it, why did I have to say something earlier.

“Where’s Yoochun?” I let out. Jaejoong looked up at me. His hands filled with the empty dirty plates trying to balance them. I’ve seen how he balance’s things. It’s best if I take the plates. With a sigh, I walked to him. Since we all know I am going to have to help him with the dishes. Just us alone. Wait, did those bastards do this on purpose. “Here give me half.”

“I had them.” Jaejoong pouted as I grabbed half the plates. I gave him a look then trudged to the kitchen. Yeah right, he didn’t have . The plates were shaking violently on his arms. “I wasn’t going to drop them.”

“Considering how clumsy you are, I doubt that.” I snorted. I carefully placed the dishes in the sink while turning on the water. Just as I was about to grab the sponge, Jaejoong came up to me and hip bumped me out of the way while putting his half of the dishes in the sink. “Hey!”

“I wash. You dry.” He ordered pointing to the kitchen towel on the counter. “And Yoochun went down to the car to get your phone and bag. We left it there yesterday trying to carry you inside. It took the three of us to carry you here.”

“Liar!” I gasped in embarrassment.

Jaejoong immediately shook his head.

“I wish I was. You kept snoring really loud almost made Junsu deaf then you flailed your limbs a lot. Almost kicked Yoochun in the nuts.”

“Why didn’t you wake me up?”

“And risk you beating up my precious face like you did to my arms this morning.” Jaejoong gasped. My eyes dropped down to the red marks covering his muscular arms. Now I feel like . His poor arms. “Never! This is the money maker besides my angelic voice.” I rolled my eyes suppressing a smile. Idiot. Jaejoong smirked at me. “Why else would you always want to see me?”

“Your face? You think I always want to see you because you’re hot?”

“I prefer y or even godlike but it was nice to hear you admit I’m ‘hot’.” He teased.

My cheeks immediately heated up as cursed under my breath. Damn him. I glared down at the dish I was currently drying. Jaejoong chuckled making me more mad. I am now drying the dishes, imaging his arrogant face on them.

Damn Him!

Why am I even drying the damn dishes!?!?!

Because you ate the food fatass!

I scowled as I continued my task at him. Jaejoong handed me the soaked clean dishes. Damn it, I should have just held in my hunger and left. I hate chores. I would be a horrible house wife. Glancing up at Jaejoong from the corner of my eye, I started to pity him. I so feel bad for him. He would have to do most of the house work in this relationship.

I froze.
Did I just?

My eyes widen in shock. Oh my god! I can’t believe I just..

“What the fu-“ I jumped screaming in shock as I felt something wet and bubbly cover my nose. Crossing my eyes, I can see soap covering it. Looking at Jaejoong’s smiling face, I glared. “Did you just put soap on my face?” I huffed. He nodded. “Why?”

“Why not?” He shrugged. Then he touched my face again now putting a soap beard on my chin. He put laughed as he gathered layers of soap and pointed it at the bottom. The cold feathery bubbles tickled my face. I growled in annoyance as he just laughed. “You look like a garden gnome!”

He continued to explode in laughter not even noticing me moving my hand towards the hose of the sink with the spray attached. Keep laughing. Just keep laughing. Enjoy this. Enjoy this moment because soon I will get pay-

“Payback!” I screamed grabbing the spray hose of the sink.

With amazing speed and precision, I pulled it up and aimed it towards the laughing man. I didn’t even regret it as I pressed the handle button letting out a strong stream of water to him. I howled with laughter as Jaejoong jumped back in shock to only slip on soap on the ground. He fell to the tiled floor with a groan. Water completely soaking him. And continued to soak him.
You would think, I would stop. Poor man fell to the ground and is soaked. He learned his lesson.
Yeah, no. You guys know I go to the extremes.

He gave me a freaking soap clown nose and Santa Claus beard.

It is war.

“Sam…Sam..Don’t do it!” Jaejoong warned.

Brown eyes wide as he stared at the object on my hands. I just smiled. You put soap on me. I pour half a bottle on you. His hand came up in defense. As I poured half liquid bottle on top him while still wetting him. Jaejoong screamed as he tried to get up, but failed. It was so slippery and soapy everywhere in the kitchen. He looked like a new born lamb trying and failing to get up.

I stopped spraying the water in order to laugh. My laughter echoed even a snort coming out here and there. But I couldn’t stop.

Hey, to be fair, I did warn him and everyone I am crazy. He should…

I was cut off from thoughts by a wet cold hand clamping down tightly on my wrist. I looked down to see a soap covered Jaejoong giving me a smirk. His hair was slicked back revealing his whole face. As his eyes held a mischievous glint.

Oh , I think my heart just stopped.

He looks so hot.

Wait, back to the problem at hand! Literally!

“Jae…Don’t you dar…..ahhhhh!” I went to threaten him, but was to late.

It all happened so fast. The only thing that was heard echoing through the kitchen was my screaming followed by Jaejoong’s laughter. What started at a harmless little fight (yeah right. It was a war) turned into an epic battle of soap between man and woman. Soap started to fly everywhere as we filled the kitchen up with water. Our laughter sang happily through the kitchen. We ran around the kitchen attacking each other even slipping a couple of times laughing. I’m pretty sure we both slipped like every other second. We are going to have bruises for sure.

I was completely soaked from head to toe and my cloths stuck to me like second skin.

“What the hell?” I heard Yoochun’s voice yell.

I turned my head towards the voice. My breathing labored as a smile adored my face. I didn’t even get see Yoochun for a second for Jaejoong immediately tackled me to the ground.

“Son of a !” I cursed. A groan of pain soon followed as I rolled on the ground. My back throbbing in pain. I can feel Jaejoong pressed against my side. His arm over my waist. He let out a chuckled followed by a sigh. I opened my eyes to only stare up at him. Him hovering over me with a soft smile. “You just had to tackle me, didn’t you?”

“I didn’t think you would get hurt.” He breathed out. Drops of water from his hair dropped on my face like rain drops. He is my only line of vision. His cheeks slightly red. As he breathed heavily, out of breath from all the running and laughing. “Sorry. You ok?”

I rolled my eyes.

“I’m laying on wet soapy ground with a half ton idol on me. What do you think?” I let out sarcastically.

“That it’s a wet dream come true.” Jaejoong responded with a wide smile.

“You’re an idiot.” I laughed shaking my head.

He just shrugged. I stared up at him in awe. This close. Him being this close. I can see everything. The sharpness of his jaw. The flecks of amber in his eyes. The twinkle it held as it stared back at me. My heart accelerated the more I stared at him. He seems to be watching me with the same intensity in his eyes. Then I felt his left hand move to my cheek, ever so gently caressing it. As if I was a china doll that will break by a single touch.

“I don’t want to stop seeing you.” Jaejoong confessed in a husky whisper. “I don’t have anymore excuses to keep you near.”

I stared up at him. My chest clenched at his words.

Ever since, we’ve met we have been drawn to each other like magnets. None of us wanted to be away from each other. I tried to fight it. I keep trying to fight the pull. Fight him. But I can’t.

He won’t let me.

Hell, he made up ridiculous excuses to see me these past few weeks. Even went as far as calling me for something stupid in order to strike a conversation to stay on the phone for hours. The idiot even kept me on the phone two nights ago arguing with me about dangers of butterflies. I you not. He seriously thinks butterflies are dangerous insects that plan to rule the world.

Now, it seems like this will end soon. We already finished recording the title song and that was the ultimate excuse for us to keep seeing each other. Now that it’s over then it’s over for us. We have no reason to see each other.

But, what if there doesn’t have to be a reason.

What if I want to keep seeing him to just see him.

Lifting my hands up, I cupped Jaejoong’s face. His skin soft and smooth under my warm touch. Looking up at him, I remembered Yoochun’s words from yesterday.

Figure out yourself first. Be sure about this. About him. If you are, don’t runaway from it.

The more I stare at him. The more I know. The more the magnet inside of us becomes stronger. The pull between us is something I can’t fight. Nor do I want to. Jaejoong stared into my eyes. Brown orbs almost staring into my soul. He leaned his face down closer to me. I can see every fine detail of him.
He makes me laugh. He makes me happy. When I’m not near him it almost feels like a part of me is missing.

How can that be?

We haven’t known each other for a long time. The world is against us. We can’t be together. We can’t be like this. I continued to stare at him. His soaked and soapy covered body. I don’t want to deny it. I don’t want to deny him. This pull I feel towards him is real. This feeling is real. I feel like I’ve known him my whole life. I feel like I trust him with my whole life. Who am I to walk/run away from something like this. Who am I to deny it. Deny my own happiness.

My eyes widen in shock.

Holy !

Did I just figure out myself?

Am I seriously sure about this?

“Sam?” Jaejoong let out dragging me out of my thoughts. He looked down at me in concern. , how long have we been like this. Where the hell are the guys? “What are you thinking?” His thumb lightly traced my bottom lip making me shiver in delight.

I stared up at him. I felt it deep with in my soul and heart.

I am sure.

More sure than I have ever been in my life.

But can we start something like this? Something that didn’t exist in our lives two months ago. Something that happened out of the blue.

A magnetic like pull overcame over my body almost begging me to close the distance between us. Pushing me to follow the course fate has set up for both of us. Together. Who cares about the problems ahead.
We can’t do this. But we will. I will. Screw everyone. What everyone thinks doesn’t matter. I am an idol not a puppet. I have my own happiness and my own life to think about. They will never know what happens in my real life. They will never know the real me.

They don’t have to know about us.

I shut down my brain not wanting to over think anything. Not wanting to overthink anymore.

“I was thinking.” I breathed out. “I was thinking no more excuses. If you want to see me, see me. If I want to see you I will see you. I don’t want to stop seeing you either. In fact..” I used my hands to pull his head down to me. Our faces only an inch apart. , I must be crazy. I am crazy. What am it doing? I’m being way to bold about this. “I never want to stop what we have.”

Jaejoong smiled and went to say something. But I didn’t let him. I didn’t even let him get a sound out for I pulled his face down to mine closing the distance.

My lips sealed his into a kiss.

And do you know those cheesy movies that described first kisses like fireworks? Well, this was like that, but a billion times better.



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Chapter 23: HAHHAH seriosuly my like for Jon has developed into love
Killerkhaos #2
Chapter 22: I really want something bad to happen to Medusa.
Chapter 22: I like Jon
Chapter 20: Bravo Jon.
LOL Medusa
Chapter 19: The ending was worth the days hassle honestly hahahhahahahah
WindaSelf #6
Chapter 19: I'm so sorry for Sam....
I just hope that one moment she colaps and that make her member and SM know that they make her drain for the work she do after the scandal....
I hope the fans can see how tired Sam and make comments to Sm about her work, and SM will get what they will get....
seaspray #7
Chapter 16: Damn SM! Doesn't SM know that their "damage control" will just make the situation get worse?
Chapter 16: :( this is just painful damn CEO lol
Chapter 15: OMO seriously I love this
seaspray #10
Chapter 15: Damn it Taemin and her members. Like her members don't even know how she feels and what she was doing and judge her. Taemin should also not have kissed her. And the netizens (cough cough crazy fans) are so judge mental all the time. Like if she gets close to "your oppas" it doesn't mean that she is terrible and they should let people be happy and date. Plus she is not a . All in all this chapter made me mad. I still love this story though. Thanks for the update! Have a good day^^