All Odds

I'm Not Gay
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Days are getting busier for Luhan, he can't exactly remember when was the last time he spent good time outside the field and the campus, his only break actually is going home to sleep on his king-sized bed. And verily, his soccer teammates are going through the same pickle, so they all dealt to hang out to enjoy themselves, once and for all, after their practice games.


Hang out, in Luhan's definition is going to clubs and flitting with harlots or whatsoever, but his teammates obviously are immaculate that they prefer a decent noraebang over nightclubs.


They get into the largest room due to their number, Luhan claims the seat at the farthest corner of the supple navy blue couch as he examines the room for a brief moment. The last time he entered to a noraebang was during his middle school years so he is quite amused that there's no huge difference on noraebangs these days, just some improvements on the facilities.


His teammates are starting to have their song choices but Luhan is too preoccupied with his thoughts again to even mind them. He knows he saw Sehun earlier at the soccer field, he was with a girl and that girl is gripping on his arms, like a clingy monkey, as if her life depends on him. There's nothing to falter about, he's sure with it, though he can't help but recall that scene—it actually keeps on haunting him—from the moment they left the university until now. He was about to call him but Minseok yanks his wrist to the other direction, tracing their other teammates' path. The girl is pretty, he can say that despite of the distance, and they look cute together. Luhan should be proud of his bestfriend because finally, in his 20 years of existence, he got his girl, but being proud isn't the case—isn't his case. He doesn't know why, but he keeps on worrying, perhaps he's just concern with his bestfriend? It is the very first time Sehun dates someone, he goes to clubs with him, yes, but he never gets interested to anyone—as far as Luhan is concern. He has never been into relationship, unlike him who had good numbers already. It is normal to be worried for your bestfriend's kinship, right?


He's so confused and his head is beginning to ache from too much thinking.


"Luhan, are you alright?" Minseok half-shouts to subdue the off-tuned voice of one of their teammates, as he slumps down beside him.


The mentioned guy doesn't respond so the captain taps his shoulder gently to have his attention. He stares at him with his doe eyes as if Minseok is a stranger.


"Mentally-absent, uh," he chuckles. "Hey, get unwind, you look troubled."


Luhan finally gets his senses back. "Hn, sorry, I was just thinking," he blinks.


As if on cue, the song has ended, Minseok gets the microphone from his teammate and hands it to Luhan. "Sing!" he grins.


"I don't sing," Luhan half-lies as he puts the mic on the nearest edge of the mini table in front of him. It's not that Luhan can't sing, he actually has angelic voice according to Sehun, he just can't find his confidence at the moment, because the last time he sang was also the last time he went to a noraebang and it was aeons ago; his voice would definitely change through the years.


"C'mon, everyone can sing," Minseok coos, and Luhan cusses under his breath because his other teammates agree with their captain, coaxing him to grab the mic and sing the next song.


Howbeit, Luhan's stubbornness tops the situation, Minseok has to give up and just sang the next song, Luhan doesn't even know. The captain's voice is beautiful, Luhan chuckles as he thinks he could use it to shift his career and quit soccer, but he's sure Minseok won't do that.


The rest of the night is composed of more songs, few chatters and more snacks to fill Luhan's stomach. It is past 10 o'clock when they all decided to pack up and call it a day. One by one, the players are taking cabs and bidding their goodbyes, not taking long when Luhan is left with Minseok alone.


"So, see you on Monday, Lu," Minseok closes the gap between them and gives Luhan a manly hug. The latter is caught off guard but he soon returns the action, though a bit reluctantly.


"Uh, s-sure," Luhan stammers because of reasons he can't even contemplate.


The captain gets into the yellow cab and waves to his friend. Luhan is left alone waiting for another cab to pass.


The latter spends his cab ride pondering about h

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[ING] Sorry for not updating for like 1456 years. I just can't find time to write these days. I hope you understand. Thank you for reading ING! :D


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Chapter 29: supongo que ya no se actualiza esto
hisnameisjohncena #2
Chapter 29: i really enjoyed eberythung i read, even if this is never updated i still feel contented :D
Adore this story, Auhtor-nim <3
Chapter 29: You have no idea how happy you made me with the Hunhan news! T.T Also, in the story as well, I'm glad they're maintaining a long distance relationship, kind if like in real life. ^^
suk_lin #5
Chapter 29: hunhan gives you lyfe. hunhan is lyfe. hunhan for lyfe. T^T
thanksgiving11 #6
cool story
Chapter 28: lolzzz!! thanks for the update!!
Chapter 28: was this updated? :O
Chapter 28: It's okay, if you can't/won't write again. xD This chapter was great anyways! It's great to see Sehun and Luhan being so natural about being lovey-dovey. I wonder what Luhan's mom called for. Also, I love it when Kai teases Sehun or vice versa. Bestfriends goals right there! XD Anyways, see you next time! ^^