Independent Woman

"Hello... Daddy?!"

~*~Your P.O.V.~*~

“Sir, this is too much...  I don’t know what to say...  And, Yul, you really need to explain this to me... how...” I stammered, not being able to process the thoughts in my head. Me, become the fifth member of Miss A? Oh my... This is just... I can’t even...

“I’m sorry if I didn’t inform you well about this, dear. Well if you see, I’m JinYoung-shii’s niece and not only that, I work for him as well. I’m Miss A’s Manager. We’ve been experiencing conflicts because Miss A up to now, still has no leader unlike other groups. When I found out the other day, when we were talking in my car, that you are a singer at this bar, I decided to watch your performances and I found out you were really talented. So, I discussed this with Uncle and that’s how I got him to go here and watch you.” She explained and that moment she finished, I felt like my world was spinning. I never thought that I would ever have this opportunity, but still. It was a tough decision for me to make.

“I’m really sorry for dragging you into this, Minjee. But you have a talent. You should go and show it to the world.  And this opportunity is good for you and your son...” Yulhyan provoked as I rubbed my temples thinking hard.

“This is a tough decision for me. The opportunity you’re giving me is really something to be honest, but don’t you think I’ll only disappoint Say As? I mean, I’m a single mother and I had Moonbin at a very young age. People may not think I’m qualified as a member and, I’ve also stopped training and-

“Wait, You’ve been a trainee before?!”  Yulhyan gasped and I mentally smack my head. Perhaps I said too much. Damn...
“Well, that’s not important anymore. What I’m trying to say is. The fame the fortune, it’s all good and tempting, but if it’ll cost my and my son’s privacy, then I don’t think it’s such a good idea. I don’t know... This is all too much for me to decide in one night...”

“Very well then, we will give you time to decide, but I’m afraid you have to give your decision to us before Miss A debuts with their album, “Independent Women”” JYP said as he handed me a fancy looking calling card. “Call us when you have made your decision.”


After that tiring and surprising work at the bar, I went home straight to my dearest son. I walked inside his room to see him tucked to bed and fast asleep. I smiled at his cute slumbering figure. I bent forward to kiss him on the forehead, then left, closing the door to his room quietly, to not wake him up.

I went to the kitchen to get a glass of water. As I was drinking, I noticed a lot of envelopes of bills that I should pay stuck to the ref by a magnet. I took each one of them and scratched my head. Aigoo... Surely it was hard paying the bills on my own. Even if I had two jobs, the pay I get still wasn’t enough to pay all of the bills...

I started to think of JYP’s offer...

I grabbed my phone and dialled a number of a friend, someone I knew whom I can count on.

“Ara, are you free this weekend?” I asked as soon as she answered it.

“Sure, girlfriend! I’ll always have time for you no matter what.” She replied making me smile.

“How about Yuri?” I asked, knowing that Yuri’s really busy nowadays. SNSD has been a very successful group since their debut.

“I don’t know about her, but I’m sure she’ll think of something just to take a break and hang out with us...” Ara chuckled over the phone. “Wae? Is there something you want to talk about?”

“Yeah... I just need an advice from you guys...”

“Then,  we’ll be there... “


Saturday finally came and the three of us girls met at the cafe I work in. It was a day off so I was a customer at the cafe that time.

Ara showed up pretty early and Yuri showed up late.

“Hey! Sorry I was late. I had to attend a press conference. I think you all know about the cat fight that happened at the bar last time? You know, between Jessica and Taeyeon? Ughh so stressful... Sometimes I wonder if our leader is thinking at all... Anyways, you needed us, dear?” She said as she tried to catch her breath at once.

“I’ve got something to tell you guys, but I hope you control your emotions...”

And so I told them the whole story and I got them really quiet until I finished. I looked at them nervously, fearing that they’re mad or something. They just stared at me with their mouths open in awe.

“Yah! Say something?! You guys are making me nervous...” I complained as I face palmed.

“Girl! That’s great!” Yuri and Ara said together.

“You... You think so? I mean you’re not mad that I feel like working for JYP? SM’s rival?” I asked in a puzzled manner.

“Of course not, dear... We’re happy for you.” Ara said as she patted my shoulder.

“I mean, sure it won’t turn out the way as we planned before. You know, reaching our dreams in SM ent. But at least you’ll still be given an opportunity to reach your dreams and not only that, you’ll be  able to give your son a good future.” Yuri added.

“I say you go for it.” Ara insisted. “Go on, call JYP-shii! Don’t let this wonderful golden platter slip from your hands!”

“You really think it’s a good idea?” I asked, still unsure of myself.

“Of course it is!”

‘Okay... here it goes...’ I thought as I took the card from my pocket and dialled the number.

“Yobuseyo?” I heard JYP’s voice on the phone and I took a deep breath to calm myself.

“JYP-shii, this is Minjee...” I said in shaky voice.

“Oh, Ms. Choi. That was fast. So, have you made your final decision?” He asked and I felt my heart beat fast in nervousness.

“Yes, Sir and I’m accepting your offer...”  I replied.

“That’s great! I’ll go tell the girls...” He exclaimed enthusiastically.

“But in one condition...” I added.

“Sure, what is it, young miss?”

“I want a secured life for my son and I want to make sure that we don’t hide him from the press. I want them to know who I really am, a single mother with a child named Moonbin, who is the main reason why I am still keep my love for music.” I told him.

“Sure. That isn’t a problem at all. There’s no need to hide your son from the public, ma’am. Besides, I see nothing wrong with you being a single mother. And actually, I think you make a great example to Miss A. You’re a perfect example of an Independent Woman, the concept of their album... Girl Power, that’s you! JYP entertainment is grateful to be having you in the company...”

“I am grateful to be working with you, Sir. It is a pleasure to be given a great opportunity...”

“I’ll be expecting you here on Monday, arasso? So you can meet the girls and practice with them as soon as possible.”

“Yes, sir...”

With that we both hung up and me and my besties squealed in excitement!

“We can’t wait to see you on stage!!!” Ara told me as she and Yuri hugged me tight.

“You’re gonna be a hot momma on stage for sure!” Yuri joked, giggling.

“Whatever, Kwon Yuri, you’re the one who’s y...” I told her as I pouted.

“Pshh stop that! You’re flattering me too much!” Yuri said as she flipped her hair.

“You should stop giving her compliments. Look at her head it’s getting big!” Ara said as she rolled her eyes.

“Whatever! You’re just jealous of my charm!” Yuri said, blowing a raspberry. Then the three of us laughed until our stomachs were aching.

That moment all of us were happy. Finally we’ll all be able to live our dreams as friends...

A.N. Yippiee so you finally decided to work for JYP entertainment! I wonder what your members will think about you...

Expect more twists to come, but don’t expect me to update fast anymore... :’( Aigoo, but I’ll try...
Our sembreak is over. I’ll be going back to school starting on November 5. Aigoo I’ll really miss all of you...

With Love,
Kei-chan <3

P.S. Comments and u
pvote pleaseeee? LOL Kamsahamnida! <3

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Hey guys! I posted some pics of "Minjee's" Performance in Chapter 23. I was hoping you'd check it out so you can imagine how it looked like in my head... hahaha


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HyunJane #1
Chapter 45: i love you so uch jess but your a here!xD and oh please~ just wait~~~~~
iamaflamer #2
Chapter 45: i love you sica but you're a in this xD
Chapter 44: I will wait and still love this story. :)
iamaflamer #4
Chapter 44: god i love this story <3
ilabya7 #5
Chapter 43: I missed lots of chap (-̩̩̩-͡ ̗--̩̩̩͡)
Omo!!!! TOP, what a pity you! :( "̮ƗƗɪ̣̇ƗƗɪ̣̇ƗƗɪ̣̇ ๑ˆ⌣ˆ๑ "̮ƗƗɪ̣̇ƗƗɪ̣̇ƗƗɪ
MJ is Yunho's mine FOREVER (◦ˆ▽ˆ◦)

Keep update kei-chan (•̀⌣•́)ง
Hanmie #7
Chapter 43: i missed so much chapters.. ;(

oh please minjae.. confess yp yunho that you still love him.
Chapter 43: why why why? i should've accptd seunghyun, yunho is slowpoke
Chapter 43: why why why? i should've accptd seunghyun, yunho is slowpoke
Goldie #10
Chapter 42: Ohhh damn!