Joon, A Model? Part 1

The Lux of Love

[Joon's POV]

It's now 2PM and I'm waiting for Jokwon to arrive. I didn't tell the others about this offer because they probably wouldn't accept my decision. 

Jokwon entered the room and hugged me with open arms. "Hello, Joon. It's good to see you."

"Good to see you too, Jokwon." 

"Please have a seat." He gestured and I took a seat in front of his office table. I looked around and saw many editorial pictures of various top models. I thought to myself, "Would I really be as glamorous as them?" 

"You see, Joon, ever since I've met you at the lounge, you instantly caught my attention. Your figure is just irresistible and I would really like to see you in photos."

"Why, thank you." I modestly bowed slightly.

"Do you really want to be a model?" He asked with a raised eyebrow and his chin resting on his hand. 

"Yes, I do." I simply replied.

"Then please do sign these papers." He slid some papers out of a brown envelope?" and handed me an expensive sign pen. Man, I hope that the ink won't blot when I sign this paper. 

"Alright, then." But as the pen was about to touch the paper, I realized something. Will I still have the time to work at Lux? Will I still be able to see my friends? 

Jokwon noticed that I was silently hesitating. He tilted his head and asked, "What's wrong, Joon?"

"It's just that, what about the lounge?"

"Well, about that... You may not be able to see them as often anymore." 

"What?!" And that was when this decision became a hard one.

"Would you like to think about it?" 

"Yes, please." I'm now stuck, undecided.

[Taemin's POV]

Suzy is still sick. Actually, she's even more sick than she was yesterday. I'm really beginning to worry about her condition. She always coughs maniacally whenever she speaks and she can't even get out of her bed. What if this is worse than a fever? What if it's incurable? Wait, no. I gotta stay positive about this. Calm down, Taemin, calm down.

"Hey, you should work downstairs. No one's running the coffee station." She softly said.

"It's alright. Kwangmin knows how to make coffee so I'll stay right here... And don't force me." I then felt her forehead and it's very warm, VERY warm. I let out a heavy sigh.

She suddenly held my hand and forced a smile. "Don't worry, I'll be fine." 

My question is, how can I not worry about you when you, too are worried about yourself? 

"Taemin! Taemin! Joon left us a letter." The twins plus Yoseob yelled and went inside the room. 

"Let's read it, shall we?" I read the contents of the paper. 

"Dear friends, 

Yesterday, I've been offered to become a model by Jokwon and as you can already tell, I've accepted it. I'm sorry but I won't be able to see you guys much anymore. I will try to come as often as I can despite my about to be busy schedule. 


"This is Bull!" Youngmin shouted.

"That stupid narcissist!" Kwangmin raged and instantly destroyed the paper with a very dark expression. 

"How dare he end the letter with 'Love, Joon'?" Yoseob exclaimed in utmost anger.

Please don't tell me that this is really happening...

Just a short chapter update~!

Thank you for reading :).

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So nice! Good job!
lainane #2
Chapter 36: kyAAAAAH !! i LOve Suzy !!

kekeke :)) Nice story author-nim.. :))
shineebling #3
omg . i srsly want a life like suzy's T^T such a special girrll . . . oh , this story is AWESOME . i love all of ur stories ! ! !
This was so good! I'm sad that it's over but I really liked the ending! You are a very good writer by the way!
OMG! It ended!! I will miss this story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
--nerdyexotic #6
AWWW its done now, this was like the only decent story with Suzy in it that i liked! and now its done! NOOOO
@Nikki_XiaoWen LOL if Yoseob was my iPhone, I don't know how that will turn out. :))

@Kayla3470 I updated so I guess by the time you read this, you already saw what happened unless you scrolled down first and saw this. xD
--nerdyexotic #8
I can't wait to see what happens!!!
omg!! update soon! cant wait what happen. can i have yoseobbie as my iphone :P