Split Apart

The Lux of Love

[Suzy's POV]

"Dear, you're not being fair!" Dad exclaimed in a ferocious voice. "Let her make a choice!" 

"But it's final!" Mom raged as she yanked her hair in frustration. "She has to go!" 

Kwangmin and I just watched my parents fight as if they were in a drama or something. I honestly hate having to put my dad in such a situation but I don't want to leave. I've already made a lot of good memories here and starting over in another country is not what I need right now. 


Uh oh, mom's resulting to violence. This is bad, really bad. That means Dad has no choice but to stop 'cause if he doesn't the whole living room will collapse on us. 

Mom shot a glare at Kwangmin and pointed at him. "You!"

"Me?" Kwangmin, a mere audience, asked innocently. 

"Yes, you!" Mom grabbed his collar like a beast. "You're the reason why she doesn't want to leave, right? Then break up with her, now!" Say what?!

Kwangmin shook his head. "No way, Mrs. Bae. I love your daughter and I won't leave her just because you say so. Besides, I know what your daughter wants. She wants to stay here, not in Paris. She made up her mind so please, just let her be." Aw, I'm so touched, Kwangmin. I love you, too.

Mom punched Kwangmin right at his nose aw, that gotta hurt! She turned to me and grabbed my arm. "You're not allowed to work in Lux anymore. From now on, you'll be staying here. You can't leave this house for any reason unless I come with you." 

I stomped my foot in anger. "You can't do this!"

"Yes, I can. I have the authority! I am your mother!" Gah, this is pissing me off so much! 

"Mrs. Bae, please," Kwangmin pleaded. "At least think this through."

"Honey, you're being too hard on her," Dad added.

"Silence!" Mom snapped and within a split second, her security guards came running in. "Make sure that that guy with the bleeding nose and his friends are forbidden to enter this place. Also, Suzy is now on lockdown. Don't make her leave this place."

They simply nodded and followed my mother's orders. Dad just sighed, unable to do anything. I know he has a soft spot when it comes to my mother but c'mon, Dad! What happened to your toughness?! Didn't you torture the trio when they worked at your office? 

The security guards approached us, preparing to have me on lockdown and to have Kwangmin banned from this place. No sweat! While I may be... helpless, Kwangmin's just going to shock them and we could just leave. Yeah, that'll work.


Before Kwangmin could attack, the guards hit his head and he lost consciousness. Ugh! Screw this! I told him that we should've brought the others along!

I rushed over to him who was already being dragged away by the guards. Behind me, a few of my mother's buff henchmen were already chasing after me. Of course, they got me. The room was pretty small and it only had two doors and I've lived here long enough to know that they're equipped with armor on their crotches so I was captured just like that. 


I'm now in my room and it's not how it used to look like anymore; it's now more like a jail cell. Everything was confiscated from me; everything but the clothes that I was wearing so basically, I have nothing. The windows are padlocked, the doors are padlocked, and heck, even my closet's padlocked! My gadgets and old toys are chained together into one cluttered ball. The only thing that I could actually interact with was the pen and the contract was neatly placed on a table. This is a messed up plan, Mom. I can't sign that contract and I can not reiterate enough that I don't want to go to Paris! 

I sat in the center of the room and immersed myself in deep thought and that's when I remembered that I made a secret escape route when I was a kid. I crawled under my bed and found it. Wow, the trapdoor's still here! I opened it only to realize that it didn't fit me anymore. How sad. Great! Now I am trapped here like Rapunzel who's trapped in her tower except I don't have extremely long hair. 

Just another short update~! :> 

Thank you all for reading and I hope you guys enjoyed it~! :D

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So nice! Good job!
lainane #2
Chapter 36: kyAAAAAH !! i LOve Suzy !!

kekeke :)) Nice story author-nim.. :))
shineebling #3
omg . i srsly want a life like suzy's T^T such a special girrll . . . oh , this story is AWESOME . i love all of ur stories ! ! !
This was so good! I'm sad that it's over but I really liked the ending! You are a very good writer by the way!
OMG! It ended!! I will miss this story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
--nerdyexotic #6
AWWW its done now, this was like the only decent story with Suzy in it that i liked! and now its done! NOOOO
@Nikki_XiaoWen LOL if Yoseob was my iPhone, I don't know how that will turn out. :))

@Kayla3470 I updated so I guess by the time you read this, you already saw what happened unless you scrolled down first and saw this. xD
--nerdyexotic #8
I can't wait to see what happens!!!
omg!! update soon! cant wait what happen. can i have yoseobbie as my iphone :P