You've Gone Mad

The Lux of Love


[Taemin's POV]

Here I sit beside Joon and Yoseob outside Kwangmin's hospital room. I still feel pretty beat up but Suzy's condition is at a whole new level. It's been hours since we've arrived at the hospital but she been doing nothing but mope and gloomily stare at Kwangmin. She refuses to eat, sleep, or do anything. At this point, it's making me extremely worried.

"Dude, she's gone mad in a very lifeless way," Yoseob said.

Joon slouched back. "I know, it's starting to get creepy."

The two then turned to me. "Why don't you give it a shot?"

"I don't get you guys," I said.

"Y'know, cheer her up." Yoseob said.

"Yeah, and let her eat too." Joon added.

I sighed, stood up and clutched the doorknob. "Here goes nothing."

The moment she heard the door creak open, she slowly faced me with her messy hair that frizzed all over the place. Her eyes were full of misery with orbs that shimmered sadness at first glance. Youngmin on the other hand had fallen asleep from his constant worrying over Kwangmin.

“Hey.” I sat beside her and brushed her hair lightly.

“Hey.” She replied and stared blankly at the floor. I honestly don’t know how to smoothly convince her to eat. Her stomach’s been grumbling ever since I came her and I don’t think she notices it.

“Err, I think that you should get some air.”

She glared at me. “And why is that? What if I chose not to? You can’t tell me what to do.”

Woah, woah. She’s getting stressed from being distressed. Okay, must be calm. “It’s just that your stomach’s kinda…”


“Ah.” She silently stood up.

“Where are you going?” I asked.

“Isn’t it obvious? To get some air and grab a bite to eat.”

I stood up as well. “I’ll come with you.”

Before we left the hospital, Suzy ordered Joon and Yoseob to send her texts to update her concerning Kwangmin’s condition. She’s so damn worried that it’s kind of beginning to piss me off. Still, I’m gonna try to understand her for now.

As we walked the city streets that were crowded with people, all she did was flip her cell phone out every three to five minutes. She’s been doing it so often that the sound of her phone flipping open got stuck in my mind. Now, the music that’s irritatingly ringing in my brain goes clack, clack, clack! Indeed very disturbing.


That’s it! I’ve had enough of this paranoia.

I tapped her shoulder. “Suzy.”

“What?” She asked without even looking at me. Maybe I should try to control myself for now. I wouldn’t want to be asking for trouble.

I took a deep breath and shrugged my anger away. “It’s nothing. Let’s just go to a café.”

She timidly nodded and checked her phone once more. Calm down, Taemin, calm down.

We made our way to a nearby café that had only a few customers so it’s pretty much peaceful there. When I asked her what she wanted to eat, she just weakly shook her head and told me to get her anything. In the end, I got myself a ham and cheese sandwich and for her, a croissant.

“Thanks.” She chewed on her croissant as if she had a cavity on her tooth. Her hands were shaking as she held the crispy bread. It seemed as if was completely blocked, too.

We just ate silently. She made it hard for me to initiate a conversation ‘cause she would always just have a weak, uninterested aura to her one-worded answers. I seriously don’t know how long I can keep this up. Whenever she isn’t checking her phone, her fingers would travel around the table. She would play with the things around her once in a while as if having me around was the most boring thing in the world. I felt my blood boiling with the thought of her just solely thinking of Kwangmin.

“Hey,” Finally, she spoke.


“Why the long face?” she asked. Well, isn’t it obvious? It’s because she's being a soulless girl. I’m really close to losing my patience right now.

“Er, nothing.”

“Nothing again?”

“Okay, there is something.”

“Is it about me?”

This is not going to the right direction but I can’t lie. “Well, it’s just that you’re so preoccupied and it seems as if you don’t appreciate my presence.”

She slammed the bread onto her plate angrily which made a loud sound that caught the attention of the people around us. “Me? Preoccupied? How?”

“Please tone down.” I shushed her politely. “People are looking at us.”

She crossed her arms and said, “So? I don’t care. Just tell me now.”

“It’s just-,”

“Wait.” She cut me and checked her phone once more. “I gotta check up on Kwangmin.”

“I’ve lost it!” I pulled my hair, gnashed my teeth and confiscated her phone.

“Give it back.” She demanded, extending her hand.

I objected. “Not until you calm down and regain your sanity.”

“Regain my sanity? I’m not insane! Insane, I’m not!” She began to breathe heavily as she walked around our table in denial. “Give me my phone back.”


She became violent, punching me and whatnot. It doesn’t hurt though since I’m clearly protecting myself.

“You heartless dimwit! Give it back!”

Heartless?  She better take that back. I grabbed her wrist, dragged her out of the café and took her to an empty parking lot.

I pinned her to the wall. “Me? Heartless?”

“Yeah, I said it!”

“Suzy, you’ve gone mad!”

She struggled to free herself from me. “I’m not mad! I’m not!”

“You’re screaming like a maniac, Suzy. Look at yourself, you’re like a shriveled up fruit that’s ready to rot.”

“Isn’t it normal? Isn’t it normal to worry?!”

“But not to this extent. It’s becoming scary to be honest.”

“No,” she shook her head with her pupils shaking. “No…”

“It is. You’ve gone mad.”

She faced down and she became as weak as soft jelly, her body wobbling from side to side. “No, I’m fine.”


“… Why’d he have to take that bullet?” She sadly chuckled and closed her eyes.

“… Why?” She fainted with a teardrop on her cheek.

It started to drizzle and soon after, rain poured down from the skies. I carried her and ran back as fast as I could to the hospital. When I arrived there, I was soaking wet and so was Suzy. She was immediately confined into the room beside Kwangmin’s. I refused to talk to anyone and left right after she was put into her room. It’s just that I’ve been hurting her lately. Perhaps, I’m just a nuisance to her right now.

Having no place to stay, I had no other choice but to stay at Minzy’s place that night. I couldn’t sleep. I kept questioning myself if I am really the right guy for her. Did I give her my all? Did I not try hard enough? Or maybe was I missing something? For some weird reason, I did feel like a part of me was missing but that missing piece yearned not only for Suzy but for someone else that I couldn't exactly identify. My heart’s confusing me right now. These thoughts filled my head ‘till I found myself bidding farewell to the moonlight and greeting the rising sun. As I watched the sunrise, I couldn’t help but feel empty. 

Hey guys~! It's been a really long time. I'm sorry for not being able to update some stuff just happened with my other fic and the usual school and other distractions [such as games] have been keeping me busy. Anyways, here it is~!

Thank you for reading and I hope that you guys enjoyed it :).

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So nice! Good job!
lainane #2
Chapter 36: kyAAAAAH !! i LOve Suzy !!

kekeke :)) Nice story author-nim.. :))
shineebling #3
omg . i srsly want a life like suzy's T^T such a special girrll . . . oh , this story is AWESOME . i love all of ur stories ! ! !
This was so good! I'm sad that it's over but I really liked the ending! You are a very good writer by the way!
OMG! It ended!! I will miss this story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
--nerdyexotic #6
AWWW its done now, this was like the only decent story with Suzy in it that i liked! and now its done! NOOOO
@Nikki_XiaoWen LOL if Yoseob was my iPhone, I don't know how that will turn out. :))

@Kayla3470 I updated so I guess by the time you read this, you already saw what happened unless you scrolled down first and saw this. xD
--nerdyexotic #8
I can't wait to see what happens!!!
omg!! update soon! cant wait what happen. can i have yoseobbie as my iphone :P