Lights, Camera, Fashion

The Lux of Love

[Suzy’s POV]

After much difficulty, we finally arrived at the venue. One cannot imagine how excruciatingly stressful it is to wake five deadweight, groggy to the core guys up early in the morning. I was so close to strangling them one by one but since I was pressed for time, I just had to yank their hair – painfully, of course.

My mom spotted us instantly and gave us all a big welcome. “You’re here!” She looked at us from head to toe and became dumbfounded. “Why are the guys in their jamas?” Yes, it’s very embarrassing to appear in sleepwear in front of these highly influential, edgy fashionistas. Minzy and I couldn’t do anything but sigh and cover our faces as the guys behind us yawned and scratched their bushy heads, not giving a crap about how they look.

“They’re barbaric in the morning,” I simply replied.

“Good morning, Mrs. Bae.” Joon faintly waved with his eyes barely opened, spreading his bad breath all over the place. We all pinched our noses and stood a bit further away from Joon.

“Err…” Mom snapped once and a few stylists came over in a flash. “Have them beautified and ified.”

The stylists nodded and took us to the male and female dressing rooms. When we got there, the first thing we heard was the sound of blow dryers and makeup brushes being slapped against the table. Minzy was still trying to adapt to the hectic environment but to me, it was normal. In fact, I kinda miss this.


“Attention, everyone!” My mother said amidst the bustling crowd of models and staff just half an hour before the show. “Remember your cues and Taemin, remember to put force fields around the audience to keep them safe.”

“Got it,” Taemin replied. “But first, can I go to the bathroom?”

Mom chuckled. “Okay but please be fast and don’t ruin your clothes.”

“Thank you.” Taemin went to the bathroom to do his thing and from then on, it became very hectic. The stylists were doing their finishing touches that took forever; retouching the makeup every now and then, making sure that my dress is perfect with no flaws whatsoever.

“Suzy!” Yoseob called out with open arms. Unfortunately, I had to lower them . I can’t be hugged or else a swarm of stylist will frantically fret over the miniscule wrinkles of my dress.

“Sorry, Yoseob.” I gave him an air hug instead. “This is the closest I can get at the moment.”

“It’s alright! I wouldn’t want to ruin your beautiful dress.” He sprinted to Kwangmin who was at the other side of the room then came back with him after five seconds. “Look Kwangmin! Isn’t she pretty?”

Kwangmin said nothing and just gave me the you-are-really-beautiful-so-I-will-just-smile-widely-at-you look. Its cheesiness was just bothersome.

“Suzy, I need Suzy!” The staff member said.

“Here!” I waved at her just in time for me to go out. Runway, here I come!

[Third Person POV]

Suzy stepped out to the runway only to be greeted with blinding flashes and applause from many highly influential people in the fashion industry. She struts down the runway wearing her intricate and extravagant white dress that emphasized her slender, milky white legs. She makes a chic pose and turns her back to finish her walk. As she left the runway, the crowd was still applauding and they didn’t need Joon to help them in doing so.

“You did great!” Kwangmin walked towards her with arms wide open only to be shoved away. Hug fail, indeed.

“Sorry, I have to change and get splattered on,”

“Splattered?” Yoseob asked.

“No time to talk, I’ll tell you later,” Suzy said as she was being dragged away by one of the stylists. It’s really hectic behind the scenes compared to the organized fashion show.

Youngmin chuckled. “She sure is busy today.”

Kwangmin sighed. “Tell me about it”

“Taemin and Minzy, please get ready,” The staff member said.


“From this point on, may we request the audience to refrain from using flash photography in order to not blind our models,” Joon announced.


“I said no flash photography!” Joon yelled. “Or else we’ll confiscate your cameras! We don’t care how expensive they are so follow the rules or suffer the consequences!”

The violators timidly nodded and changed the setting in their cameras.

“And now,” Joon said with his try-hard epic narrator voice. “A destructive battle scene!”

Taemin and Minzy entered the runway and posed fiercely in the middle. The music faded and the smoke machine was activated, adding a more dramatic effect to the scenario.

“Begin,” Joon signaled then Minzy transformed into a large robot, frightening the audience.

“Fear not!” Taemin said theatrically and surrounded the whole place with force fields. “You are all protected.”

“Prepare to be smashed into smithereens,” Minzy threatened.

Taemin smirked. “Challenge accepted.”


A destructive missile was launched, causing a very big explosion. Through the thick smoke, Taemin was unable to be seen and the audience began to worry. Some even stood up and searched in every part of the runway as to where Taemin was.

The smoke cleared up and slowly revealed Taemin who somehow got to Minzy’s shoulder. “So, where were we?” He asked then disappeared.

Minzy scanned the whole room to see dirty footsteps being made on the surface of the runway. “I see you!” She shouted and shot a lazer at the spot only for it to be blocked by a force field.

Taemin reappeared. “Nice try.”

Minzy stomped her gigantic robot foot that made the place experience a minor earthquake. Taemin became invisible once again, leaving the impatient Minzy no choice but to convert her arms into machine guns and shoot the entire area.


Minzy’s going insane, shooting here and there thinking that somehow, she would hit the invisible bulls-eye.

The firing stopped for she had lost all of her ammo. “Damn it!” she hissed.

Taemin became visible, activated his force field shield and said, “Let’s end this.”

Minzy prepared her best missiles. “Yes, Let’s.”

The two stood at the opposite ends of the runway and did a pose. Minzy smirked and began to continuously fire numerous missiles at Taemin who just kept shielding himself. Smoke started to pile up again as the explosions became more intense until BAM! The final explosion was made, leaving the place to be filled with dust. Soon, the smoke faded but the two were not anymore seen on the runway. The battle ended.

Meanwhile, behind the scenes…

 “Jo twins, please get ready. You’re almost up.” The staff member said.

The twins nodded and prepared for their cue, leaving Yoseob to be forever alone.

The lights dimmed and the twins got into position. The audience was puzzled, unable to completely assess the situation.

“For those who have weak hearts, medical conditions, or are easily startled, please exit the room immediately,” Joon commanded and the old people did as they were told.

The smoke machines were activated and the dust from the battle helped in creating gray clouds thus, the reason why Taemin and Minzy went before them. Yes, Mrs. Bae is very resourceful. If there is a possibility to have both quality and quantity, she would go for both.

Youngmin did chic hand movements as the water crashed and splashed all over the place. It’s a good thing that they didn’t have a splash zone like how amusement parks would; they surely wouldn’t want to get hit by Youngmin’s powerful strikes unless they want to be sent to the hospital. Soon, he made it rain, signaling Kwangmin to start the thunder.


The clear and crisp sound of the thunder accompanied by lightning left the audience to be shocked.                                                                                               

“BAM! FLASH! BOOM! THIS IS A THUNDERSTORM!” Joon narrated in a psychotic manner as he ripped his shirt open just so that he can flash his abs. For a moment, the storm became shaky because the twins were trying to hold in their laughter due to Joon’s overboardness.


Suzy, on the other hand, was already dressed up, her hair was messily curled and she wore a beautiful ensemble that made her look like a white, fluffy cloud with some crystals here and there. She heard the sound of the loud thunderstorm and she knew that she needed to come out soon. 

"Okay, Suzy, get ready," the stylists said, each holding a bucket of paint that's filled with a color of the rainbow. 

Suzy closed her eyes and said, "Ready!"


The seven stylists simultaneously splattered the pain all over her. When Suzy opened her eyes, she looked like a beautiful mess. 

"Can we have Yoseob, please?" One of the stylists commanded and a minute later, Yoseob came rushing in as a unicorn with a rainbow mane and tail. The stylists put the diamond studded saddle on Yoseob.

"Yeah, that's my bling!" Yoseob joked.

Despite the stressful situation, they all laughed at Yoseob. Suzy then got on Yoseob then they were guided to the runway. 


The thunderstorm finally ended and Suzy and Yoseob were told to enter. As the twins and Yoseob and Suzy passed each other, Kwangmin brushed Yoseob's curled rainbow mane and said, "If you drop her, I will kill you."

"I won't," Yoseob responded although he felt the heavy weight of pressure falling upon him.

Suzy and Yoseob entered the runway and the audience was still applauding although Yoseob was feeling too uneasy. He was fretting. He didn't want to make Suzy fall or else he's gonna get it from Kwangmin but knowing Yoseob, he's one that works worst when he's heavily burdened.


Yoseob slips and Suzy falls from his back. Luckily, she was professional enough and got up as if nothing happened. The clumsy unicorn looks back and sees Kwangmin's eyes filled with anger. Yoseob knew that he's going to be in lots of pain later, lots and lots of pain. 

"Hey, let's finish this walk," Suzy whispered to Yoseob as she pulled his mane. Yoseob nodded and they finished the walk side by side. She didn't want to ride on Yoseob anymore 'cause she got a bit scared and didn't want to risk having to fall again.

"Alright, let's go!" Mrs. Bae shouted and all the models and her walked on the runway, clapping and smiling. The audience applauded as well because of the overall spectacular show despite Suzy's fall.

"Thank you for attending this fashion show!" Joon said and exited the runway after the last model. Thus, the fashion show ends.

Hey guys~! I'm on vacation now so I'll probably be updating faster. :) 

Thank you for reading and I hope that you enjoyed it~! :D

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So nice! Good job!
lainane #2
Chapter 36: kyAAAAAH !! i LOve Suzy !!

kekeke :)) Nice story author-nim.. :))
shineebling #3
omg . i srsly want a life like suzy's T^T such a special girrll . . . oh , this story is AWESOME . i love all of ur stories ! ! !
This was so good! I'm sad that it's over but I really liked the ending! You are a very good writer by the way!
OMG! It ended!! I will miss this story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
--nerdyexotic #6
AWWW its done now, this was like the only decent story with Suzy in it that i liked! and now its done! NOOOO
@Nikki_XiaoWen LOL if Yoseob was my iPhone, I don't know how that will turn out. :))

@Kayla3470 I updated so I guess by the time you read this, you already saw what happened unless you scrolled down first and saw this. xD
--nerdyexotic #8
I can't wait to see what happens!!!
omg!! update soon! cant wait what happen. can i have yoseobbie as my iphone :P