Double Lockdown

The Lux of Love

[Kwangmin's POV]

"Ugh! My nose! My head!" My nose was bleeding nonstop and my head was just felt as weak as jelly. I couldn't think straight and I was acting like a complete retard. "Suzy!!!!!" I yelled, trying to get up but failing to do so.

"Dude, just lie down," Youngmin said. 

"I told you that we should've went with you!" Joon nagged. "You look so ugly right now!" Wow, thanks, Joon.

"Kwangmin, am I soft enough? Do you want me to be fluffier?" Yoseob, who was a fluffy blanket, asked.

Suddenly, a lot of blood rushed out of my nose and everyone began to panic as if I am one of those crazy patients in those shows about doctors. 

"Gah! He's bleeding! What should we do?! What should we do?!" Blanket Yoseob was uselessly fanning me. Like that'll help!

"Turn into a cotton ball, you stupid twit!" Joon commanded then Yoseob turned into a freakin' huge cotton ball and charged at my face. It hurt a lot. Moreover, it's so gross to have Yoseob stuck to my entire face like this. 

"Are you okay now, Kwangmin?" Yoseob asked but I didn't reply. Thankfully, Taemin removed Yoseob from my face and replied for me. "Perhaps, we should use smaller cotton balls," Taemin said.

"I couldn't agree more," I said.

"You have some blood on your arm," Youngmin got Yoseob and used him to wipe the blood away. Afterwards, Yoseob turned back into being a human but he looked really creepy; he had blood all over him. My blood.

"Gross!" Yoseob and I said in unison. 

"I'm taking a bath!" Yoseob yelled and headed straight to the bathroom. I heard Youngmin cackling beside me. He told everyone to keep quiet, targeting Yoseob. We all silently grimaced and played along. While we may not know what Youngmin's plan is, we all know that it's going to be hilarious.

The bathroom door closed.

"Wait for it," Youngmin said with a mischievous smirk.

 we heard the shower being . 

"Gah! Youngmin!" Yoseob came running out of the bathroom , all soaked up in freezing cold water. We all laughed at him, pointing at him and his exposed body.

"I can't bear seeing you like this, Yoseob!" Joon joked and began to take pictures of Yoseob. He tried his best to cover as much of his manhood with his hands but his was, of course, still seen. 

"Taemin, make me invisible!" He squealed, not being able to handle the abuse. "Please!"

Taemin chuckled. "No way!"

"Aw, c'mon!" He was clearly irritated, shivering like there was no tomorrow. "Instead of goofing off and torturing me, we should all think of a way to save Suzy!"

Everyone became quiet and the mood became more serious. He's got a point. I can't believe that we were just having a laugh while Suzy's just locked inside her house. Damn, I feel pathetic right now.

"Taemin, give me painkillers. We're going to get Suzy."


[Suzy's POV]

I am so bored. I am so sleepy. I can't sleep. 

There is absolutely nothing to do in here! I'm seriously gonna go crazy! I've been staring at the empty street from my window, just hoping that something interesting would happen or at least for someone to pass by but no, there's nothing to watch. 

"Suzy." Great, now I'm hearing things. Kwangmin isn't here. Damn, I must be going mad again.

"Suzy." I heard it again but it seems as if he's struggling. I continued to ignore it.

"Suzy, it's me, Yoseob!" Now, Yoseob's voice as well?! 

Kwangmin suddenly appeared directly in front of the window. Startled, I hid under my blanket. He looked pretty scary. I mean, he had bandages on his head and cotton balls blocking his nose holes! 

Kwangmin then smashed the window open with a hammer and entered my room. "Suzy, it's me! I just look stupid right now!"

"I know," I said as I slowly got up. "But you're still scary."

"I feel Dizzy." Turns out, Yoseob was actually the hammer. Aw, poor him. 

"This place is boring," Joon said as he entered my room through the window and soon, Youngmin and Taemin followed.

"Yeah, there's nothing fun in here at all," Taemin added.

"My mom took away everything here. The only thing that's left is that damn contract and a pen."

"Psycho," Joon hissed. He then tore the contract in frustration.

"Nice try, I already tore like ten of those. They just give me a new one every time."

"Super Psycho," said Taemin.

"How'd you guys get here?" I asked but before they could answer, we heard some heels clacking, fast approaching my room. The five immediately turned invisible except for Yoseob who made himself into a large clock in order to cover the smashed window. 

"Have you signed the contract yet?" Mother said as she busted into my room. Wow, not even a single greeting. She glanced at the table then glared at me. "Ah, you tore it again."

I said no reply.

"Well, take a look at this." She smirked and held a contract with my forged signature on it. Oh, that's just too crazily desperate of her. This makes my head fume up!

She walked to Bookshelf Yoseob and kicked him. "You and your friends should take a look at this as well." What?! How did she know?  

"You may have paralyzed my guards and invisibly got into this room but I saw you guys going here while I was riding my car. Plus, why would a clock that I don't remember seeing here this morning be here right now?"


"Sorry, Mrs. Bae, I had to do it!" Kwangmin appeared and electrocuted my mother. I didn't know how to react to this given the situation. 

"Ma'am!" A maid yelled and the guards immediately came running in with rubber suits and plugged ears. Great, Joon and Kwangmin can't attack. One of them then picked my mother up and carried her back to the room while the others just surrounded us. I held onto Kwangmin's hand tightly, hoping that we're gonna get out of this alive. 

"Agh!" Kwangmin grunted and knelt down. "The painkillers, they're wearing off." 

The guards stuck their very blunt yet obviously heavy clubs. By the look of their slick shades and evil smirks, we're screwed. 


We were screwed. I didn't exactly know what happened to me but telling by the blood on my head, I was hit by a club. They should be more original. It seems that all they could do is hit people in the head. My vision began to clear up as I felt something vibrating and lighting up in my pocket. It was an iPhone. It wasn't mine but I was thankful to see it; I could communicate with the guys and somehow, plan an escape.

"Suzy, it's me, Yoseob." It wrote on the lock screen. "I can't talk 'cause I don't want to be heard. The guards forgot all about me so I stayed here. It was scary!"

I unlocked Yoseob and from then on, I used Notes to communicate with him.

"What happened?"

"It was bad. The guards just kept on swinging their clubs. They hit Taemin first so the others were seen, beat up, then were dragged away. They are now under lockdown in the lounge. We've been messaging each other but they haven't been replying recently. What should we do?!"

"For now, I don't know. We'll think of something... somehow... I hope."

Thank you for reading and I hope you guys enjoyed it~! :D The next chapter will be the last. 

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So nice! Good job!
lainane #2
Chapter 36: kyAAAAAH !! i LOve Suzy !!

kekeke :)) Nice story author-nim.. :))
shineebling #3
omg . i srsly want a life like suzy's T^T such a special girrll . . . oh , this story is AWESOME . i love all of ur stories ! ! !
This was so good! I'm sad that it's over but I really liked the ending! You are a very good writer by the way!
OMG! It ended!! I will miss this story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
--nerdyexotic #6
AWWW its done now, this was like the only decent story with Suzy in it that i liked! and now its done! NOOOO
@Nikki_XiaoWen LOL if Yoseob was my iPhone, I don't know how that will turn out. :))

@Kayla3470 I updated so I guess by the time you read this, you already saw what happened unless you scrolled down first and saw this. xD
--nerdyexotic #8
I can't wait to see what happens!!!
omg!! update soon! cant wait what happen. can i have yoseobbie as my iphone :P