The Seductive Mall Thief and the Confession

The Lux of Love

[Taemin's POV]

So it's day two for the three of us under Mr. Bae's tyrannical rule and we're all basically at our limit. It's as if in every move we make may it be right or wrong, he'll just yell maniacally at us. I know he's just being a protective dad and all but in my opinion, he's taking it too far. Plus, we have to catch a mall thief today and I don't think that Mr. Bae would let us off too easily. Sigh, what to do...

Joon approached me and hit my shoulder to get my attention. "Taemin, how are we gonna get away from this old man?"

"Dude, that hurt." I said with an irritated expression as I rubbed my hurting shoulder. 

"Well, sorry if you have such fragile shoulder bones." He insensitively said with his arms crossed. I got agitated and hit his shoulder twice as hard. He winced in pain. "Taemin, why you-!"

"STOP~!" Yoseob came in at the right moment, blocking the two of us from battling out once again. He shushed us and pointed at Mr. Bae who just came in from his meeting. "He's watching."

Joon and I composed ourselves and went back to discussing our plan to be. "So Taemin, Yoseob, any ideas?" 

The three of us began to think deeply. There was complete silence for a good five minutes as we circled around a round glass table. Suddenly, Yoseob's eyes widened and he did a loud snap. "I have an idea!"

Our jaws dropped in shock. "YOU have an idea?!"

Yoseob clenched his fists and wailed. "Is it that impossible to believe?"

"Yes." Joon and I answered straightforwardly. 

"Anyway, go on with your idea." I said.

Yoseob then told us to huddle up so that Mr. Bae wouldn't hear us. "So here's the plan."

"Just say it now!" Joon was very impatient.

"I'M ALREADY SAYING IT!" Yoseob exclaimed. 

"SHH!" The surrounding employees shushed. Oh, these two. 

"Yoseob, just say the plan." I said to bring back the peace and order.

Yoseob huddled up once again and explained to us his plan. "Joon will put Mr. Bae to sleep then Taemin will make us invisible so that the surveillance cameras wouldn't catch us. After that..." He paused for a dramatic effect.

"BOOM!" He said with weird hand gestures. "We're out of the building."

We were dumbfounded by the very simple yet effective plan that Yoseob thought of. "It's brilliant."

"So, shall we make our move?" I asked. They nodded and the three of us approached Mr. Bae naturally. 

He shot us a death glare then looked back at the files that he was reading. "What do you guys want?"

Joon smirked. "Sleep." And so, Mr. Bae fell asleep and we positioned him in his chair in a way that he really looked like he was resting so that the staff wouldn’t notice a thing. After that, I made the three of us invisible and we successfully left the building.

"FINALLY, FREEDOM!" Yoseob rejoiced while jumping up and down. 

"Okay, to the mall!" Joon marched until he realized...

"Where is it?" He asked. Sigh, our team really with directions and navigation so we invisibly went back to the building, got the directions from the internet and went back out. We then headed to the mall and to my surprise, there weren't many people around. Then again, I forgot the fact that it's a Monday morning so the students are still at school. 

"Time to find that Hyuna girl." Joon said as he looked around. Yoseob called us over to a makeup store called Tony Moly and pointed over to a poster. "Is Hyuna this girl?"

Joon drooled over the poster. "No, that's T-ara and man, they're hot."

I hit Joon's head and pointed to the poster beside T-ara's. "Joon, that's Hyuna."

Joon shifted his gaze over to the mall thief's poster. "She's hot, too."

"Why, thank you." A cute and alluring voice accompanied by the sound of clacking high heels came from behind. We turned around to see that Hyuna just appeared out of nowhere wearing a very y white top with a jacket that dangled around her arms as if they were about to fall off. She blew her pink bubble gum until it popped and for some weird reason, her iness was making me feel uneasy. 

"You're welcome!" Yoseob happily said and shook her hand. Dumbfounded, Joon spanked his head and scolded him. "Can't you see that we're supposed to catch her?!"

She blew another bubble and popped it. "Well, that changes everything." She then got a few lollipops and threw it on the floor. "Sayonara, fellas."


They were exploding lollipops. Luckily, I was able to block us all before we turned into ashes. Damn, if it weren't for me, the whole mall would've been destroyed. The sad part is that she had escaped. As hard as we tried to look for her, her and her S-line were no where to be found. Suzy, I'm sorry to have failed you.


[Suzy's POV]

So here I am standing in the balcony with Kwangmin as the wind blew softly. He suddenly held my hand and smiled. "It's a nice night, isn't it?"

"Yeah..." I weakly replied, avoiding his gaze. "Very nice..."

Suddenly, he looked at me straight in the eye. His gaze was so serious that it made me feel intimidated. He held my hand tightly and the words finally escaped his lips. "Suzy, I have always liked you."

My eyes widened in shock and I stayed there, paralyzed. 

"I just had a difficulty showing it but after Taemin stole your lips, I just couldn't handle the sight of it. I felt that I needed to step up and tell you." He said with his whole body slightly glowing, making him look like a prince from a fairytale.

I shook my head slightly and let go of his hands. "I'm sorry, Kwangmin. It's just so sudden and... I have no feelings for you. The tub scene may have taken me aback but other than that, nothing." I said with much pity for the heartbroken Kwangmin.

"I see." He let out a sad smile and looked at me. "But let me ask you something?"

"Sure." I nodded, it was the least that I could do for him.

"You were also caught off-guard when Taemin kissed you, right?"


"Did you feel anything?" He asked. Right, did I feel anything? 

"I don't know." I replied and touched my lips lightly. "All I know is that I couldn't stop thinking of it ever since. It begs me to question if he really did that to just turn himself back to normal."

"Looks like I have to let you go." He gave me one last hug and walked away. "Now leave me to reflect on myself."

I understood and nodded. "Don't kill youself, Tinker Bell." Yes, he was still a glowing prince. 

"Of course." He said and left.

I'm glad that you took it well, Kwangmin, and I really hope that you'll find a girl that's more suited for you. As for my love life, I don't know at all. Joon's clearly out of my list, Yoseob said that he'd date me but that's just all first impressions and he's more like a child to me, and Taemin... My feelings for Taemin are nothing but a measly crush that came from a kiss that had to be done for a reason and even if he did mean it, I still wouldn't know what to do. I hope that I'll be able to figure all of this out sometime soon 'cause I hate feeling like this. 

Back with another update :). So yeah, Kwangmin's been rejected but we'll see. >;]  Also, Youngmin is just an additional character to add laughs so yeah, there are only four guys for Suzy. Sorry to disappoint the YoungZy [made-up couple lol] fans if there are any.

Happy New Year, everyone!

Thank you for reading and I hope that you guys enjoyed it even if it's a bit short~! :D

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So nice! Good job!
lainane #2
Chapter 36: kyAAAAAH !! i LOve Suzy !!

kekeke :)) Nice story author-nim.. :))
shineebling #3
omg . i srsly want a life like suzy's T^T such a special girrll . . . oh , this story is AWESOME . i love all of ur stories ! ! !
This was so good! I'm sad that it's over but I really liked the ending! You are a very good writer by the way!
OMG! It ended!! I will miss this story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
--nerdyexotic #6
AWWW its done now, this was like the only decent story with Suzy in it that i liked! and now its done! NOOOO
@Nikki_XiaoWen LOL if Yoseob was my iPhone, I don't know how that will turn out. :))

@Kayla3470 I updated so I guess by the time you read this, you already saw what happened unless you scrolled down first and saw this. xD
--nerdyexotic #8
I can't wait to see what happens!!!
omg!! update soon! cant wait what happen. can i have yoseobbie as my iphone :P