Taemin Vs. Minzy

The Lux of Love

[Suzy's POV]

"WAKE UP! WAKE UP!" Joon said as he moved around the rooms while beating a wooden spoon with a large, clanging pan.  

"Damn it, Joon! It's just dawn and you're already waking us up!" I whined and threw a pillow at his face. He threw it back at me with twice the force. "Just shut up and gather in the living room!" 

And so, I did but unwillingly, of course. I hate being woken up so early in the morning. If this is for a stupid and useless reason, Joon's gonna be sleeping in hell later. We all gathered in a circle except Taemin who was still agonizing on his bed. As for Yoseob, who's still a merman, hopped out of his aquarium and just lied down in between Joon and I. 

"Let's make this quick, I only have ten minutes before I run out of breath." Yoseob said while flapping his wet tail causing droplets of water to splash on my face. 

"So, why'd you call us today?" Youngmin asked while scratching his head. 

"I forgot to tell you guys, we need someone to be the bait." Joon replied, eyeing everyone to check for signs of a volunteer to come up.

"So, it's a tag team kinda thing?" Kwangmin asked.

"No, that person just has to stand there and be protected. The mouth will be taped shut." 

Yoseob was taken aback. "So basically..."

"Yeap." Joon nodded. "The bait has to be beaten first before the actual opponent." 

"I can't be the bait then since I'm still half fish." Yoseob stated and everyone understood that. Imagine if Taemin had to carry a large merman all around. That's just dreadful and burdensome. 

"I'll do it." I boldly raised my hand.

"Are you crazy?!" Kwangmin squeezed his skull tight with his eyes wide open. "How many times do you hafta put yourself in danger, huh?"

"Errr.... I'm still alive, right?" I shrugged. "Besides, I'm the lightest."

He did a facepalm and sighed. "Fine, just do whatever you want."

"Why is Taemin so gloomy and anxious these days?" I asked in curiosity. 

"Of course, Minzy's his ex-girlfriend." Youngmin said. "But not just any ex-girlfriend." Kwangmin added.

"You see, before Taemin lived here, he was a complete rebel. In fact, he and Minzy were partners in crime." Yoseob said.

"They were the best vandalizers and pickpockets ever." Joon said. "And no one knew who they were since they were both... Invisible." 

Wow, I never thought that Taemin would be such a bad guy. I mean, just look at his kind-hearted attitude and appearance now. As our conversation progressed, I found out the reason why Taemin's so nervous for today's battle. Turns out, Minzy and him were more than just an item. Taemin had grown so attached to Minzy to the point that he thought that she was the one that he'd spend the rest of his life with. Despite being a rebel, he tried his best to be the perfect lover to Minzy until one day, he found out that she cheated on him with a guy named Taeyang. Not to be mean or anything but I'm so excited for today's battle. Also, I was told by them to not be hurt as much as possible in a very exaggerated way. Of course, I know that. Today, we have to win or else I have to work for those four girls. No way would I work for them. Besides, I'm already beginning to enjoy staying with these five. Bring it on, Minzy.


So we're here inside an empty enclosed stadium. Minzy herself requested for this to be the venue due to her powers which are still left unknown to me. Does she grow really big or something cause this place is huge!

Taemin looked at me worriedly and held my hand tightly. "Are you sure about this?" 

I just nodded twice since my mouth was taped shut.

"Just stay by my side, alright?" He said and we both walked forward, facing Minzy and her bait. He was a guy wearing black shades and he looked as if he just came out of a club.

Taemin smirked devilishly. "I'd be happy to beat your bait up before I destroy you." 

Minzy smirked back. "I'd be happy to beat yours up as well." 

"GO TAEMIN!!" Yoseob said in his seat, still in his aquarium. He was flapping his tail so much that he ended up splashing water all over the other three. Kwangmin threatened Yoseob by flashing a lightning ball in front of him. After seeing this, Yoseob restrained himself and kept quiet in his aquarium. 

CL got a microphone and yelled from her seat, "LET THE FINAL BATTLE BEGIN!" 

This'll be a piece of cake. I mean, if he has to protect me then he'll just summon a forcefield around me. No biggy and I won't be hurt at all. I wonder why he has to be so nervous and cautious about this battle. 

"TRANSFORM!" Minzy yelled and she turned into a 7-foot robot that was very similar to a gundam. Taemin looked at me and whispered, "Here we go."

"PREPARE TO ACCEPT YOUR DEFEAT!" Minzy screamed and began to shoot large missiles simultaneously at us. Thankfully, Taemin was able to summon a forcefield to block us but then it seems as if his forcefield is weakening a bit. The missiles continued to rock the forcefield and Taemin's hands were feeling the heat and force of the exploding ammunition being thrown at us. He gritted his teeth in pain, trying to hold the forcefield even though his energy was depleting at a fast rate. Eventually, Minzy ran out of ammunition so she had to stop and refill her missiles. That could've been our chance to get her and her bait but Taemin could barely stand up after that shocking first blow. I patted his shoulder and wiped his sweat away with a towel as he panted. 

"Thanks." He said, forcing a smile. I knew he was hiding his fear away. I, too am beginning to fear. Minzy doesn't seem to be tired at all.

"Wow, what a sweet girlfriend you have there, Taemin! She's the ugliest piece of crap that I've ever seen!" Minzy teased.

I was about to give that girl a piece of my mind but Taemin restrained me. "At least my bait takes care of me. Your bait is doing nothing but listening to his iPod right now. I can't believe you'd trade me for that abomination!" Taemin said. So the guy wearing shades is Taeyang. No wonder he wanted to beat up her bait so bad. Taemin's powers aren't really the offensive type so how will he win at this rate? Well, I'll just hafta wait and see. 

"You take that back!" Minzy was now done loading and her right hand turned into a machine gun. She hid her bait behind her and began to circle around while shooting the machine gun everywhere. Taemin held my hand and shielded the two of us. We both ran really fast and were able to evade the machine gun's deadly attacks... Or so I thought. For a few seconds, Taemin just stood there and didn't even talk to me. I looked at his shoulder and it started bleeding. My eyes grew big as he slowly fell to the floor, wincing in pain. I was panicking at this point and so was the audience. 

"So, I have to destroy you first, huh?" She said, grabbed me and held me high up. Taemin tried to stand up but he was in too much pain. "No, you can't... Please." He pleaded.

"Sorry, but I can." She replied and started squeezing me tightly. 

"Minzy, stop it." Taemin commanded. 

Minzy stuck her tongue out. "No way." She then fired a missile at him but he made a special forcefield that bounced the missile and it hit Taeyang which means we only have Minzy to beat before we win. Minzy then slammed me hard to the wall. I fell onto the ground beside Taemin, coughing and curling up in pain. For a moment, Taemin had forgotten that his shoulder was painfully wounded and rushed over to me. "Suzy, are you alright?" 

I shook my head with my eyes closed, still curled up and coughing. 

"That's it! I'm taking this to a whole new level!" Minzy declared and stepped on me with her heavy robot foot. 

"Agh!" I extended my shaky and weak hand towards Taemin but afterwards, my energy depleted and I couldn't move. All I could do was watch and feel the pain. She was stepping harder and harder by the second. Taemin, please end my misery cause my spine is in the brink of shattering into pieces.

[Joon's POV]

Damn it! Taemin, wake up and save Suzy, would ya?! Why is he just standing there with his head facing down!? Suddenly, he summoned a distinct kind of forcefield around everyone except Minzy and her bait, it's the anti-sound forcefield. Wait, is this really happening? Right here? Right now? I looked closely at him and he had already developed his fangs and his hair became messed up and long. This only happens when he's been pushed beyond his boiling point. Here we go, Taemin's destructive mode. 

"GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Taemin yelled out a vicious sound wave that blew Minzy up. She turned back to her human self completely bruised. Taemin grabbed her collar and gnashed his teeth. "You... You broke my heart." He growled. 

"T-Taemin, I'm sorry. I should've told you beforehand." She now became the weak girl, crying over the dominant guy. She trembled in fear at the sight of beast Taemin.

"But now it's too late, right?" He was about to punch her until Taeyang, who had recently been hit by a missile, got up and blocked Taemin's fist. "Don't stoop so low to hit a girl. We both sincerely apologize and give up." Taeyang said and extended his hand towards Taemin, signaling for a handshake to reconcile. Taemin just glared at them and was about to charge at Taeyang until Suzy was able to crawl and tug Taemin's shirt on time. She gave him a look that told him to just let go of the past and forgive the two. Anyways, they were sincere about it. Taemin nodded and shook Taeyangs hand. 

CL said through the microphone, "WINNER, TAEMIN AND HIS BAIT, SUZY." Taemin then smirked, knelt down and pulled Suzy in for a hug. Hey, Hey, Taemin, don't be so affectionate with her. It's making me feel kinda... Jealous. He carried a sleeping Suzy up the stairs but then fainted upon reaching our seats so we ended up carrying two people home.


When we got home, Taemin was the first to wake up. He couldn't speak and his appearance is still his destructive stage. He felt his messy and long hair as well as his fangs. He looked at me and pointed at Suzy's room. 

"She's still sleeping." I replied. He let out a really sad and silent sigh. He's really disappointed of himself for causing so much pain to Suzy. I patted his back, comforting him as he frowned. Looks like he'll be stuck in this state for a while just like how Yoseob is. For now, we'll just have to take care of the recovering ones. 

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So nice! Good job!
lainane #2
Chapter 36: kyAAAAAH !! i LOve Suzy !!

kekeke :)) Nice story author-nim.. :))
shineebling #3
omg . i srsly want a life like suzy's T^T such a special girrll . . . oh , this story is AWESOME . i love all of ur stories ! ! !
This was so good! I'm sad that it's over but I really liked the ending! You are a very good writer by the way!
OMG! It ended!! I will miss this story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
--nerdyexotic #6
AWWW its done now, this was like the only decent story with Suzy in it that i liked! and now its done! NOOOO
@Nikki_XiaoWen LOL if Yoseob was my iPhone, I don't know how that will turn out. :))

@Kayla3470 I updated so I guess by the time you read this, you already saw what happened unless you scrolled down first and saw this. xD
--nerdyexotic #8
I can't wait to see what happens!!!
omg!! update soon! cant wait what happen. can i have yoseobbie as my iphone :P