Suzy's First Kiss

The Lux of Love

[Suzy's POV]

Today sure is another busy day at work. With Taemin still in his recovery stage, the girls just can't stop accumulating especially during lunchtime. True, his used to be long and brown hair is becoming shorter and redder now but the gestures are still there. All I've been hearing are one-worded answers like "Okay" and "Thanks".

"Taemin, one Frap for Tia." I said, jumping and waving my arms around to get his attention from afar but he still couldn't notice me. I swam through the irritating crowd of screaming fangirls. Yes, their squeals were not my cup of tea AT ALL. Finally making my way through Taemin's stall all messed up and whatnot, I said  the order once again with much difficulty while being pushed back by the crowd. "TAEMIN! One.... order.... Frap." At first, he didn't notice me but as I was being engulfed by the crowd, he yelled, "AGAIN!" Pissed, I yelled at the top of my lungs, "ONE FRAP!!!!!". At that moment, everyone stopped and stared at me. Like I give a damn. I heavily stomped my way to an empty table and sat there in a very unladylike manner, resting my face on one hand causing my left cheek to look distorted. Once again, like I care. People will just stare at Taemin.

I let out a heavy sigh and spoke softly to myself, "I'm so ticked off..."

"... Me too." Joon said out of the blue and sat beside me, too close actually. "He's getting all the girls so no one's going to my station anymore..."

I slowly moved away from him, giving a weird look. "What are you doing here?" 

Yoseob scooted out of nowhere. "I dunno, I'm just bored."

Slightly startled, I turned to the side. "Where'd you come from?" 

"Today's just a total drag." The twins said as they leaned on opposite sides of the table like lazy cats.

"Is anyone even listening to me?!" I asked and no one answered. 

"Hello?!" I yelled and looked at them. They were already sleeping 'cause they prolly died of boredom. I just shrugged and joined them in their "beauty" sleep. "Beauty" 'cause they don't look so beautiful at the moment. Yoseob was drooling puddles of saliva, the twins lied down on the table in a sloppy way with their arms dangling at the edges of the table, and Joon is snoring like papa bear with a full stomach after eating his overly hot porridge. 

"Hey Yoseob, can you turn into a big fluffy teddy bear for me?" I softly asked and since he was sleepy, he just did as I commanded him to. I hugged the teddy bear Yoseob tightly and fell asleep.


"Errr... Suzy." I heard Yoseob's faint and blurry voice. 

"Suzy." The voice was now louder and he was nudging me.

"SUZY!" He shook me but I just cuddled him. "Five minutes..."

"Suzy, Taemin's about kill meeeeee-!" He screamed until I realized that I could no longer feel the fluffiness of a warm teddy bear.

I slowly half opened and rubbed my heavy eyelids. "Wh-whut?..."

"Yoseob..." I heard Taemin grunted. I followed the voice and saw him clawing the stuffing outta Yoseob. Upon seeing this, I suddenly awakened, got a vase and smashed it to wake up the three other deep sleepers beside me. 

"WHAT!?" The three of them screamed in unison. I pointed over to Taemin and Yoseob in a very panicky manner. Immediately, they rose up and sprinted to the two. I then followed afterwards so as to not be damaged with all the ruckus that they were making.  

"Guys! Help me!" He whimpered while dangling upside down with his foot having stuffing coming out of it. "This is not slapstick at all!" Sigh, the girls surrounding the two were just laughing. They thought that this was all a skit but no, it's not. If this was a skit, Yoseob would've not been crying real tears of pain.

"Taemin, put Yoseob down." Joon commanded. Trying to resist Joon's mind control, Taemin struggled to reject his unwilling hand, gripping onto Yoseob tightly. Joon, too, was surprised. Never was someone strong enough to fight back against Joon's orders. Once again, Joon commanded, "Put him down."

"Argh!" Finally, Taemin let go of Yoseob and he turned back to his human form with his clothes all ripped up. I ran over to Yoseob and helped him up. "Thanks, Suzy." He said weakly and gave me a hug. I looked back at Taemin and he was gritting his teeth so intensely to the point that his fangs made his bottom lip bleed. Suddenly, he appeared in front of me within a blink of an eye and pressed my cheeks between his thumb and index finger. I grabbed his wrist, forcing him to let me go but he just shook his head. 

"... Sorry." He pressed my cheeks tighter and pulled me in for a kiss. My eyes were wide open while his were closed. I could hear the fangirls screaming in the background and I had mixed feelings of embarrassment and butterflies. I also questioned his motives as to why he suddenly kissed me. Must I say though, his lips were soft, very soft. When he pulled away, his hair became shorter and red once again. 

"Suzy, let me explain." He said. Wow, a full sentence! I guess he's back to his normal self but setting that aside, I am still taken aback by the kiss. 

"... How could you?" I covered my lips with the back of my palm and looked away, hiding my blushing cheeks. "How could you steal my first kiss?"

"What?" Taemin's eyes suddenly widened with guilt and shock.

"WHAT!?" Everyone's jaw dropped except for Joon who had a rather viscious look on his face.

 "Yoseob, club, now." Joon mercilessly commanded the worn out Yoseob.

"... Spiky or blunt?" Yoseob asked.

"Spiky... very spiky."

"Alright!" Yoseob then turned into a spiky mace that looked really deadly. Just by touching a spike, you'd probably be wounded. The twins took me to a table that was far away from the three who were about to fight. That's a good idea 'cause I feel that it's gonna be intense.

"Prepare to get beat, Taemin." Joon said with a devilish smirk as he swung his spiky club chicly. 

Taemin took a step forward. "Joon, let me explain." 

"You have one sentence."

"I was fed up with not being able to communicate so kissing a girl was the only way to turn me back instantly." He said rapidly. 

"Then why not make Yoseob turn into a girl and kiss him, hmm?" 

"Hey!" Yoseob said in between but Joon slammed him to the wall so he just kept quiet from then on.

"A REAL girl." 

"Whatever, you're still getting beat up." Joon was about to charge at Taemin but he blocked it with a forcefield and became invisible. 

"Damn it! I can't see you anymore." Joon hissed.

"I'm invisible. What do you expect?" Taemin replied. 

"Reappea-" Joon was about to command until Taemin intruded, "BY THE WAY, I COVERED MY EARS WITH A SOUNDPROOF SHIELD SO I CAN'T HEAR ANYTHING."

"Well, screw you!" Joon yelled and began to swing his club around, hoping to hit Taemin by chance. 

"OH, FOR PETE'S SAKE!" I stormed over to Joon and he almost hit me with his club. Angered, I hit his head with a nearby clipboard. "You're acting like children!"

"Ouch! What was that for?" Joon exclaimed as he rubbed his aching head.

"That was for scaring all our customers away and completely destroying the lounge, you twit!" I then wrote on a piece of paper with a black marker and raised it high up in the air fro Taemin to see. "TAEMIN, WHEREVER THE HELL YOU ARE, REAPPEAR AND COME HERE!" Taemin reappeared in front of us and apologized. 

"Joon, put Yoseob down. He's already weak for cryin' out loud!" 

"Alright." Joon blankly replied and let go of Yoseob carelessly causing him to plop down onto the floor. I rubbed my forehead in frustration and hissed, "The money that we'll need to pay for these damages... I can't even explain." 

"Your dad's rich, right? We could just ask money from him." Taemin said. 

"Seriously, hearing that from you, Taemin? I can't imagine." I shook my head away, preparing to go back upstairs and contain my anger there. "I can't always rely on my overly successful parents." I then went to my room and locked the door shut. 

That night, all I did was calculate for the amount of money that we needed to repair the damages. By the time I slept, my eyes were filled with heavy bags and my hair messed up from the intense stress. At this point, we'll have to do missions simultaneously in groups and shut down the lounge for a while cause it's pretty much a train wreck. For now, I'll try to get some sleep but I highly doubt that this'll be a comfortable night for me. 

"'Night, me."

LeSigh, I apologize once again for a late update. I wasn't able to write a lot for a while due to the sudden hectic-ness of school. Also, I tried to write this chapter without a clear outline so I hope that this came out alright. @w@;

Thank you for reading and I hope that you guys enjoyed it~! :)

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So nice! Good job!
lainane #2
Chapter 36: kyAAAAAH !! i LOve Suzy !!

kekeke :)) Nice story author-nim.. :))
shineebling #3
omg . i srsly want a life like suzy's T^T such a special girrll . . . oh , this story is AWESOME . i love all of ur stories ! ! !
This was so good! I'm sad that it's over but I really liked the ending! You are a very good writer by the way!
OMG! It ended!! I will miss this story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
--nerdyexotic #6
AWWW its done now, this was like the only decent story with Suzy in it that i liked! and now its done! NOOOO
@Nikki_XiaoWen LOL if Yoseob was my iPhone, I don't know how that will turn out. :))

@Kayla3470 I updated so I guess by the time you read this, you already saw what happened unless you scrolled down first and saw this. xD
--nerdyexotic #8
I can't wait to see what happens!!!
omg!! update soon! cant wait what happen. can i have yoseobbie as my iphone :P