The Casanova and the Soothing Bubble Bath

The Lux of Love

Btw, in the last chapter, they slept at 6 PM, not AM. I apologize for the error. >.<" 

[Taemin's POV]

"BEEEEEEEP!!" A loud whistle was blown accompanied by the footsteps of a person approaching us but we didn't budge. 

"BEEEEEEEEEEEP!!!" The footsteps became faster but we all just tossed and turned. 

"HEY!" yelled Mr. Bae and after realizing that it was him, we all jolted up from our sleeping bags and bowed down to him. 

"We're sorry, Mr.Bae! We're sorry! Please forgive us!" We all pleaded. 

"Hmph! I can't believe my daughter lives with twits like you!" He yelled while whipping out his discipline stick. No, it's not that stick. It's literally a long wooden stick. [That's what she said.] Okay, that still sounded wrong but you get my point. 

Yoseob, who actually had the guts to meet Mr.Bae's eyes, stood up and extended his hand. "Mr.Bae, I-"

"DON'T BREATHE MY AIIIR!" He yelled once again, even louder actually. 

"I APOLOGIZE, MR.BAE!"  Yoseob whimpered and ran away while flailing his arms around. Mr.Bae went out of the room to run after Yoseob. "YOU, COME BACK HERE!" 

"Damn, he's really Suzy's father." Joon said as he rubbed the back of his neck. "He's more ferocious than his daughter."

Suddenly, we heard Mr.Bae scream from outside. "Whoever said that will get it from me later!" 

I let out a heavy sigh. "And this is just the beginning..."


[Suzy's POV]



"Nice shot!" 


Wow, is it just me or is this photographer playing golf instead of taking pictures? Right, the twins and I are currently at our photoshoot and its theme is seduction. Perfect theme for the mission, right? My outfit's pretty alluring so it'll be easy to trap Hyunseung in later. 

"Crap! My camera's battery died." The photographer said with a frown on his face.

Kwangmin approached him and politely asked, "Sir, may I borrow your camera and its charger?"

The photographer willingly nodded and handed Kwangmin his camera. "Sure thing." And in a blink of an eye, Kwangmin recharged the camera just by holding it and gave it back to the photographer. "Shall we continue, sir?"

The photographer was amazed by Kwangmin. "Why, thank you! And yes, we shall continue!" 

And so, the photoshoot went on and I was quite impressed by how the twins were so professional and must I say, their poses were really good. Well, they are meant to be handsome so I guess they're very easy breezy about this. 

By the time we were done with the photoshoot, it was already night time so without any delay, we headed back to the hotel. We purposely didn't change clothes since they already fit the mission. 

"Where do you think he is?" asked Youngmin as we entered the luxurious lobby.

"Just look for a guy in a dark red suit with the distinct ring." I said while navigating my eyes around the place. 

"There!" Kwangmin said and pointed over to a dark haired guy.

"Dude, that ain't him! His suit is black!" Youngmin corrected.

"Nope, that's him. He has the ring." I confirmed.

"But you said-" 

"Forget what I said." I cut Youngmin and checked my appearance in the mirror. "I'm goin' in."

I then approached Hyunseung in a very coquettish manner. "Excuse me, Hyunseung?"

He turned back to face me and damn, he's hot. "Why, hello there. How do you know my name?"

Crap, I can't blow my cover. "Word on the street is that you're a real gentleman."

He took a step forward and whispered. "I'm not as gentle they say." When I heard that, it brought shivers down my spine. I should've thought this through. I don't want to go that far with him.

"So, are you staying here?" He asked with a charming smile.

I nodded. "Yes, I am."

He used his index finger to twist a lock of my curled blonde hair and pointed it upwards. "Shall we?"

"We shall." We then linked arms and walked into the elevator. The twins should be following our every move and watching from a distance. They better not screw this up or they'll surely be the next ones to experience suffering from my father.

We arrived at my hotel room and Hyunseung poured some wine for us to drink. Sadly, I can't drink alcohol for my tolerance is very low and after Joon accidentally gave me a strong flaming shot, I wouldn't be wanting to embarrass myself again.

"Would you like something to drink?" He asked as he held the tip of the wine bottle against the edge of the wine glass. 

I shook my head and gestured. "No, thank you." He then poured a drink for himself and drank it all in five seconds. My, what a very strong drinker. I glanced at every direction, looking for the twins. They slightly waved at me from behind the bed. Perfect, Kwangmin can taze Hyunseung there. I grabbed Hyunseungs hand and travelled my fingers down his body. Not to be a mood-killer but no, I didn't touch his crotch. I pulled him into a hug and kissed his cheek with my eyes closed.

"You move pretty fast, don't you?" He said as he kissed my shoulder. Okay, I'm feeling very uneasy at this point. He began to smell my hair and travel his hands around my body. I could see Kwangmin gritting his teeth as he piercingly glared the Hyunseung. He couldn't take it anymore and jumped out too early.

"Stop it." Kwangmin commanded. Hyunseung freed one of his arms from me, got his gun and pointed it at Kwangmin. "I see that we've got company."

"You're gonna get beat first." Kwangmin said and charged up a big ball of electricity around his hand. 

"Once I pull this trigger, you're gonna die first." Hyunseung said but then he pointed the gun at my neck and my cheek. "Or maybe she'll die first."

At this point, Kwangmin was completely enraged. He can't do anything 'cause if he moves, I'll die. Think, Suzy, think...



Yeap, 4-inch heels are a charm. I stepped on his foot hard and smacked his disco stick as well to completely weaken him. Hyunseung dropped his gun and I immediately got it while he was too busy groaning in pain. 

"Youngmin, Kwangmin, now!" Youngmin then got some water from the bathroom and turned them into ice handcuffs and put them on Hyunseung. After that, Kwangmin electrocuted him until he became unconscious. 

"Serves you right, you casanova." Kwangmin said as he kicked Hyunseung gut.

With Hyunseung completely unconscious now, I called the police and informed the entire hotel about how Hyunseung's captured now like a weak wild pokemon. The police came after a few minutes and Hyunseung was sentenced to jail. I didn't really care how long his sentence would be or if he could bail himself out or not. I just want to get a bubble bath and rest.


Oh, finally my awesome bubble bath. It's going to be just me in hot water and bubbly goodness! I closed my eyes, stepped into the tub and relaxed myself. Ahh~, my stress is already being relieved. 

"Mind if I join you?" The door suddenly opened, revealing a half- Kwangmin. 

"No way! Get your own tub!" I said and hid my body under the white fluffy bubbles. He then unwrapped the towel from his body and I shielded my eyes. 

He chuckled. "Relax, I'm wearing swimming trunks."


"And you're wearing a bathing suit anyway." He said and got into the tub without my consent. 

"Hey, my tub." I said.

"No, our tub." He insisted.

"Any proof?" 

"Well, we're both using it now." 

"Well, screw you." I jokingly blew splashed some water on him. 

He splashed some back at me. "Don't make me get Youngmin in here."

"Speaking of Youngmin, where is he?"

"Probably pulling pranks on the big fish in the aquarium in the lobby." 

I blew bubbles at him. "Y'know, that sure was a close one..." 

He placed a big blob of bubbles on my head as a joke. "Yeah, you really got him ." 

"I'm that good, eh?" I said with a thumbs up.

"Perhaps." He nodded. 

"Hey, you came out too early a while ago." I said as I pinched his cheeks hard. 

"He was about to do the nasty on you!" He said in defense. "And please get your fingers off of my face."

I went back to my normal position and rubbed my nose. "Well, you got a point there." 

"I wonder what would've happened if he were to go further..."

"Then I wouldn't forgive myself." He strongly said and looked at me straight in the eye. "Taemin... That other day when he stole your lips... To me, it wasn't acceptable."

"True, but he didn't mean to-"

"That's true, he didn't mean to." He then touched my lips with his index finger. "These lips... They're precious."

I felt my heart thumping as if it wants to just pop out of my chest. My face was also becoming warmer by the second. I began to wonder if what my father said about the twins not liking me is true or not.

"My, you're turning red." He said with a grin. "It compliments your milky skin and blonde hair." 

I never knew that Kwangmin had this serious side to him. After all, he's always mischievous back at the lounge. "V-very funny, Kwangmin." I said, laughing off my blushing face. 

"What if it wasn't meant to be funny?" He leaned over to me and stopped when our heads were an inch apart. "What if I really meant it?"

No, this can't be happening. "Kwangmin, if Youngmin comes back and sees this-"

He cut me, covered my mouth with his hand. "Shh." He shushed me with the other and kissed the barrier between our lips. "As I said, those lips are precious." He then got off of the bathtub and dried his hair with a towel.

"Goodnight, Suzy." He said with a smile, changed his clothes and went to bed. 

For some weird reason, my heart's still beating fast and the thought of his eyes staring straight into mine is still stuck in my head. No, this can't be, right? Jo Kwangmin, what are you doing to me...?

Hello everyone~! I've been able to sleep more lately so I don't really doze off anymore during the daytime. Thank you for all the encouraging comments that you guys post down there.  I know I used to not put author's notes and such before cause as I said, I don't really know what to say hehe. ._." Right, I also requested for a review for this fic so that I could improve on my writing in general. I'm honestly a bit scared but at the same time, willing to accept the upcoming constructive criticism that I will be getting. Still, I will take it as a way to improve myself. For now, I'll just wait for the review to come out but I don't know when though LOL.

Anyways, thank you for reading and I hope y'all enjoyed it~! :D

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So nice! Good job!
lainane #2
Chapter 36: kyAAAAAH !! i LOve Suzy !!

kekeke :)) Nice story author-nim.. :))
shineebling #3
omg . i srsly want a life like suzy's T^T such a special girrll . . . oh , this story is AWESOME . i love all of ur stories ! ! !
This was so good! I'm sad that it's over but I really liked the ending! You are a very good writer by the way!
OMG! It ended!! I will miss this story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
--nerdyexotic #6
AWWW its done now, this was like the only decent story with Suzy in it that i liked! and now its done! NOOOO
@Nikki_XiaoWen LOL if Yoseob was my iPhone, I don't know how that will turn out. :))

@Kayla3470 I updated so I guess by the time you read this, you already saw what happened unless you scrolled down first and saw this. xD
--nerdyexotic #8
I can't wait to see what happens!!!
omg!! update soon! cant wait what happen. can i have yoseobbie as my iphone :P