Suzy Moves In

The Lux of Love

[Suzy's POV]

I came back to Lux with all of my suitcases containing all of my clothes, cosmetics and tech stuff. They took me to the second floor where their dorm was located and must I say, it's almost just as luxurious as the lounge. 

"Okay, so, each of us has our own room and bathroom, including you." Kwangmin said as he pointed at the six rooms and mentioned which room belongs to who.

"This is the living room where we hang out and eat as well." Youngmin added.

"And that's the kitchen. That's where you'll cook for us anytime we wish." Joon said with a smirk. 

I smirked back at him with a little more threat. "You're in luck, I also majored in culinary arts. Would you like me to... juggle these knives for you?" I said as I prepared all of the knives. 

"No! No! It's alright, we'll cook for ourselves." The twins said as they pushed Joon away.

"I'll cook for you guys.~" Taemin raised his hand and offered. 

"NO!" They all said. I, too, must stay far away from Taemin's cooking. It seems to be really horrible by the disgusted look on their faces.

I went to my room and began to unpack my things. This'll be a problem, there's no bed at all. Suddenly, Yoseob entered the room with much excitement. 

"Hey Suzy, can I help you unpack?" He asked while jumping up and down.

"No." I stared at him blankly.

He pouted cutely. "Why not?" 

"Cause you might destroy something!" 

He then turned into a cute puppy and sat beside me with his puppy dog eyes while wagging his tail. "Please~?" Dammit, it's just irresistible.

"Fine, but be careful." 

"Yes, ma'am." He changed back to himself and saluted.

Everything started off smoothly. I specifically told him not to touch the suitcase that contained my clothes since there's... personal things inside. He decided to just fix my cosmetics and whatnot as well as my accessories. 

"Wow, Suzy. You really have some cool stuff." He said as he held my laptop and walked around the room with it but then he tripped on one of my suitcases and my laptop fell onto the floor, smashed into smithereens. 

"My... main laptop..." I kneeled on the floor in front of what has now become of my laptop. 

He now started to panic. "I-it's... I'M SORRY!"

"Get... OUT!" I yelled as I punched the floor really hard to the point that my finger accidentally got scratched by a shard of glass and bled slightly.

[Yoseob's POV]

Oh, man! I'm so screwed right now, it's as if I did a mortal sin in front of her. I went out to the living room to see that they're watching a drama while I'm having a gigantic dilemma.

"Hey, guys! We have a problem!" I yelled as I blocked the TV.

"Move." Joon commanded and I stepped to the side against my will. "But-"

"Shhh! They're about to have their first kiss." Kwangmin electrocuted me painfully. Some parts of my blonde hair turned into a dark ash color and I could still feel some static all around my body.

"Just watch a replay, this is important!" I whined.

"What is it?!" Joon groaned only after he watched the scene that he needed to. 

"I broke Suzy's laptop!" 

"WHAT?!" In span of a split second, everyone gathered around me maniacally and began to worry. 

"You know what she can do to us? Our embarrassing pictures, yeah, that's right." Youngmin shook me vigorously, so much for what'll happen to me. Wow, thanks for the concern, guys.

"Go apologize!" Taemin said and pushed me towards Suzy's door and blocked the living room with a force field, leaving me unable to escape. 

I walked to her door and took a deep breath. "I'm goin' in."


"What?" She piercingly glared at me with a silent yet horrifying anger, it made my fingers cringe in fear.

"I'M SORRY! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE FORGIVE ME, I'LL DO ANYTHING!" I bowed down in front of her, forgetting about my pride.

"Anything...?" She raised an eyebrow as she did a devilish grin.

"Yes, anything." I was pretty much trembling at this point.

"Get everyone to bow down before me and apologize for belittling my abilities." She said while crossing her arms with much authority.


"Right now."

I went back to the guys at the living room and they were anticipating something big. 

"So, what did she say?" Taemin asked nervously.

"Well..." I, on the other hand, was hesitant.


"We have to bow down to her and apologize for underestimating her skills..." At that moment, Joon grabbed my collar and gave me a death glare. "Don't you know that we have our pride as men, too?!" 

"I..I-'m sorry." I then turned myself into a piece of cotton so that I could be small enough to slide out of Joon's tight grip. Youngmin, who was also infuriated, blasted water at me. I'm now a soggy and soaked piece of cotton. Youngmin picked me up and scowled at me. "You owe us bigtime." 

I returned to my normal self and we all went back to Suzy's room to apologize. We all lined up in one row and bowed down to her. "We're sorry!" 

"Okay, you're all forgiven." She chicly flipped her hair and dialed a number on her phone. 

"That's it?!" Joon complained. 

"Yeah." She simply replied and signaled him to stop talking for she was calling someone. My question is, who is it?

"Hey, Dad. A twit broke my laptop, can you get me a new one by tomorrow? Thanks!" 

"Dad?" Kwangmin asked.

"Oh, right, my dad owns Bae Technologies so I guess that's where I get my intelligence from." She smiled brightly at us. 

"How about your mother?" Youngmin followed up.

"She's a famous fashion designer." She replied.

"Oh, now we get it." Taemin said.

"Yoseob, please be careful next time or I'll smash you into pieces." She threatened while cracking her knuckles in front of me.

"Yes, I will!" I replied enthusiastically.

"Well, we better get some shuteye since we still have work tomorrow." Taemin said and everyone left and went to bed, except me. I stayed behind to repay my debt to Suzy.

"Yoseob, why are you still here? Get some sleep." She said as she fixed her sleeping bag.

"I came here to treat your wound." I wrapped a bandage around her finger. "Thanks."

"You don't have a bed, right?"

"Yeah, I'll buy one tomorrow." 

"Sleep on me for now. I need to make up for my mistake today." 

"Excuse me?!" She was rather puzzled. I didn't realize that I said something wrong.

"Not in that way~! I mean, I'm gonna turn myself into a bed." 

"Uhh... awkward much." She turned away and rejected the idea.

"C'mon, me or that thin-clothed sleeping bag?"

"Sleeping bag." She replied. I threw the sleeping bag out the window so that she has no options left. "So, the floor or me?" 

"Damn you, Yoseob." I turned into a comfortable bed and she lied down... on me. That's what she said.

"Goodnight, Suzy."

"Night, Yoseob." She replied and slept soundly.

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So nice! Good job!
lainane #2
Chapter 36: kyAAAAAH !! i LOve Suzy !!

kekeke :)) Nice story author-nim.. :))
shineebling #3
omg . i srsly want a life like suzy's T^T such a special girrll . . . oh , this story is AWESOME . i love all of ur stories ! ! !
This was so good! I'm sad that it's over but I really liked the ending! You are a very good writer by the way!
OMG! It ended!! I will miss this story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
--nerdyexotic #6
AWWW its done now, this was like the only decent story with Suzy in it that i liked! and now its done! NOOOO
@Nikki_XiaoWen LOL if Yoseob was my iPhone, I don't know how that will turn out. :))

@Kayla3470 I updated so I guess by the time you read this, you already saw what happened unless you scrolled down first and saw this. xD
--nerdyexotic #8
I can't wait to see what happens!!!
omg!! update soon! cant wait what happen. can i have yoseobbie as my iphone :P