The Luxury of Love

The Lux of Love

[3rd Person POV]

It's been a few hours since Yoseob and and Suzy have been brainstorming and nothing good has been coming out of their minds; no good idea, nothing. It's basically frustrating for them given such limited, correction, almost nothing to work with. The guys haven't been replying and Mr. Bae's phone is off.

"We're damned,"said Suzy. 

The door opened brutally, as if a monster attacked it which was true. It was monstrous Mrs. Bae.

Mrs. Bae threw a huge suitcase and bull's eyed Suzy right on the gut. "We're going to Paris. Now."

Suzy slammed the suitcase to the floor and exclaimed, "No, I refuse!"

"Well, I have your contract here and no one's gonna help you. Deal with it. You're going to get your on the car and into that plane and fly to Paris!"

"The contract's forged!" I stated like a lawyer. 

"But no one will know! What will you do, sue me? I have the best lawyers and you don't have proof!" 

"Damn it," Suzy hissed. 

"You should let go of your wretched boyfriend Jeongmin. You'll find someone more handsome—"

"His name Kwangmin and I doubt that I will find any one else. I love Kwangmin, Mom! " 

Mrs. Bae paused with a hint of intimidation in her eyes due to Suzy's straightforward way of telling her how much she loved Kwangmin. The room was silent as the mother and her daughter just stared at each other but Mrs. Bae cut the silent atmosphere, realizing that she need not to show any sign of weakness and dragged Suzy to the car. Of course, Suzy tried her best but she was overpowered by the overly buff guards. 

When she got into the car, Suzy checked her pocket and realized that Yoseob's not there anymore. She frantically searched around the car, hoping that she would him there but no, he was nowhere to be found.

Meanwhile, in Suzy's room, iPhone Yoseob was on the floor. He didn't know what to do from that point on and was panicking but soon realized that he needed to focus and think positively.

"I got an idea," he said to himself. He then turned into a pigeon and flew off to his destination.


Back at the lounge, things were burtal. While it may look luxurious again, its employees were suffering. Kwangmin's all wrapped in rubber, Joon's mouth was taped and his hands were tied, and Taemin and Youngmin were trapped in unbreakable, strong glass cubes and to top it all off, they were heavily guarded by Mrs. Bae's toughest. Everything from them was confiscated hence, the reason why they haven't been replying to any of Suzy's messages. They were almost losing hope. Even if they were in such a tough situation, they still wanted to save Suzy and they are clinging onto a faint hope that something miraculous would happen. 

One of the guards suddenly stood up and took a closer look at the monitor. "What is that?" 

The other guards then gathered around to distinguish what exactly was that unidentified object. 

"It looks like a robot," one of them said.


The door exploded as Minzy, Bom, Dara, CL entered the lounge. 

"Sorry for destroying your door," Minzy said as she set Taemin and Youngmin free from the glass cubes by snagging the key from the brave turned whimpy guard. Bom's dog then bit the rubber that wrapped Kwangmin and Dara simply untied and untaped Joon. 

"Thanks guys," the four said in unison. "Shall we beat these guys up?"

"We can take it from here. You have other things to attend to." CL pointed at the fast looking car and it's driver who was Mr. Bae.

"Mr. Bae!" The four exclaimed while they made their way to the car.

"And me!" The car was actually Yoseob. The four immediately hugged Yoseob, relieved that he was in good condition. 

"Aw, thanks, guys! Now hop in! We have to save Suzy! She's going to Paris today!" 

"What?!" The four exclaimed and quickly got inside the car.

"Even I didn't know." Mr. Bae said with a snarl on his face. "At first, I got really pissed when Yoseob just came in and intruded my meeting but when I found out about them leaving today, I rushed out and called Minzy."

"So, what's the plan, Mr. Bae?" Kwangmin asked.

"Luckily, they're gonna be travelling using our private plane and I know where it is. The problem is that they're on their way there already and I don't know if my guards are stalling them long enough. For now, let's just hope to get there before they do and stop the plane from flying." Mr. Bae glanced at the four then smirked. "Are you ready, Yoseob?"

"Ready!" Yoseob replied enthusiastically.

"Ready for what?" Joon asked.





Suzy and her mother just entered the plane and as they took their seats, her mother couldn't stop ranting about being stuck in traffic for almost an hour. Little did Mrs. Bae know that the cars around her were just Mr. Bae's guards who doing their best in stalling her. Suzy, on the other hand, didn't give a single damn about the long wait in the car. She wanted to see Kwangmin and the others. 

"Would you like some champagne?" the waiter asked.

Mrs. Bae simply nodded with a smile and took it. 

The waiter turned to Suzy. "Would you like—"

Before the waiter could finish his sentence, he was electrocuted and a split second later, the champagne splashed onto Mrs. Bae's face. 

"What's happening?!" Mrs. Bae shouted.

"We're sorry, Mrs. Bae and waiter," the twins said in unison as they appeared. "But we have to take Suzy back now."

"No, you can't!" Mrs. Bae  ran to the front where the pilot was. "Close the doors and fly us to Paris, now!" 

"I'm afraid I can't do that." Taemin, who got rid of the pilot and was sitting on the pilot seat, faced Mrs. Bae and said, "I don't even know how to fly a plane." He then took Mrs. Bae out of the plane and the twins and Suzy followed. 

When they got outside, all of Mrs. Bae's guards were in deep sleep thanks to Joon. At that moment, Mrs. Bae surrounded and defenseless but she was desperate. With all the strength that she had left, she freed one of her hands from Taemin's hold and took the contract from her bag and raised it up for everyone to see. 

"I still have this!" she stated.

"Not anymore!" A dog jumped and snagged the contract away from Mrs. Bae and began to tear it into tiny little pieces. Of course, we all know who that was.

"Good dog, Yoseob," Youngmin said.

Mrs. Bae knelt down and screamed dramatically to the skies. "No!"

Mr. Bae then approached his wife and helped her up. "Honey, I can't believe that you didn't tell me about this. You've clearly gone insane and I'm offended by it."

"I'm sorry, I just wanted Suzy to have a nice career." 

"It looked like you were forcing your dreams onto her," Mr. Bae said. "C'mon, just admit it."

Mrs. Bae bit her lip and sighed. "Okay, I confess. I've become so obsessed of making her go to Paris."

"You have to understand that what Suzy and Kwangmin have is special just like how we feel about each other." Mr. Bae then hugged his wife tightly. "I love you and you feel the same, right?"

Mrs. Bae nodded. "Right."

"And you want our daughter to feel the same way with someone else, right?"

Mrs. Bae paused for a second but then answered, "Right."

"So let them be."


Mrs. Bae walked over to Suzy and Kwangmin and embraced her daughter. "I'm so sorry to you all. I know I've been a psycho but please, forgive me."

"We forgive you, Mrs. Bae. Just please don't torture us like that again," Kwangmin said.

Mrs. Bae walked back to her husband and said, "You met a really great guy, Suzy. What you have is truly special." 

"Yes, it's really special." Suzy and Kwangmin said in unison.

"It truly is," Kwangmin repeated and soon, he began to glow.

"Aw, come here, Tinker Bell!" Suzy then embraced Kwangmin tightly, burying her face on his chest. Kwangmin wrapped his arms around her and smiled gently. Truly, that was a moment that they would remember. 

What they had was special and hard to achieve; they had the luxury of love.

I used third person again LOL. I figured that it might be easier for me to write that way for this chapter. So I have been told that the word Lux was hard to define. Well, it stood for luxury LOL. Well, I thought that Lux could also mean luxury but when I searched it up... I got weird definitions instead. I heard someone use Lux as luxury so yeah. Well,  it makes sense, right? Oh, whatever. :))

Thank you all for supporting this story of mine and I hope you guys enjoyed it~! :)

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So nice! Good job!
lainane #2
Chapter 36: kyAAAAAH !! i LOve Suzy !!

kekeke :)) Nice story author-nim.. :))
shineebling #3
omg . i srsly want a life like suzy's T^T such a special girrll . . . oh , this story is AWESOME . i love all of ur stories ! ! !
This was so good! I'm sad that it's over but I really liked the ending! You are a very good writer by the way!
OMG! It ended!! I will miss this story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
--nerdyexotic #6
AWWW its done now, this was like the only decent story with Suzy in it that i liked! and now its done! NOOOO
@Nikki_XiaoWen LOL if Yoseob was my iPhone, I don't know how that will turn out. :))

@Kayla3470 I updated so I guess by the time you read this, you already saw what happened unless you scrolled down first and saw this. xD
--nerdyexotic #8
I can't wait to see what happens!!!
omg!! update soon! cant wait what happen. can i have yoseobbie as my iphone :P