Suzy's First Day at Work

The Lux of Love

[Suzy's POV]

Today is the first day that I will work and I've already been given a uniform. Luckily, it's not one of those skimpy ones that will just make me look like a decorative display of some sort. It was handpicked by Yoseob himself so he's really proud and happy that it fits me. I'll admit, he really knows how to dress a girl up. 

"Hey, don't just stand there and take some orders will ya?" Joon commanded as he was adoring himself in the mirror.

"How about you, you're just looking at yourself." I argued, it just wasn't fair.

He leaned toward me and looked at me straight in the eye. "I'm the bartender so all I have to do is stand here and look hot until I get an order, so go." 

"Hmph." I stomped away and took some orders.

At first, I would mostly see girls talking calmly to each other until a few male passersby outside saw that Bae Suzy was working at Lux and entered. Dammit, they better not be erted, men could be such malicious creatures.

Suddenly, the twins showed up beside me and congratulated. "Wow! Because of you, we now have more customers." They jumped and clapped with joy and even skipped around the place. Those two are really weird in an amusing way.

"Uhm... Excuse me." A beautiful, long haired girl shyly raised her hand to get my attention. 

I walked up to her and smiled. "Welcome to Lux. May I take your order?" 

"A special order, please."

I went to Yoseob and asked him what a special order was since it wasn't in the menu. He then screamed, "SPECIAL ORDER!" After that, the other four rushed over and gathered around Yoseob and they all went to that girl's table.

Taemin sat beside the girl and flashed a killer smile. "Hello, what can we do for you?"

"Hello, my name is Go Hara and I have a dilemma. I'm being stalked by someone." 

Joon made a pose similar to "The Thinker" and fixed his gaze onto her. "Do you have any idea what he looks like?" She just shook her head and sighed in disappointment.

"All I get are weird e-mails and unusual presents with creepy letters written on them." 

"That ain't awesome, it's just downright psychotic." The twins nodded with much synchronization.

"Is it alright if we investigate your home?" Yoseob asked.

"Sure." Hara willingly agreed.

As they were about to leave Lux, I begged them to come with me. I wanted to join the excitement too but they just told me to stay, stating that I was  "fragile" and that someone needed to take care of the lounge while they were away. Screw them for belittling my abilities...

[Joon's POV]

And so, Hara took us to her apartment and I must say, it's pretty messy for a girl's place. I mean, her clothes are scattered everywhere as well as her cosmetics and magazines but nevermind about the mess, we're here to investigate.  I first checked her mail to see what that malicious ert tells her. I opened up one of the messages and it said, "I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you." That's just sick, no wonder the girl's scared to death.

"Joon, there's a hidden camera right here!" Yoseob said and pointed at the well-hidden miniscule camera at the corner of the room.

"Taemin, make us all invisible." I ordered and all of us were immediately unseen. Youngmin then splashed water at the camera, thus, destroying it. 

"Joon, wasn't it a bit more logical to not destroy the camera so that we could get the guy's fingerprint or something?" Kwangmin pointed out and dammit, he's right. I just remained silent to hide my mistake and let it go.

"What to we do now? Taemin asked. Suddenly, a new e-mail arrived and it was from the stalker. "The Lux is in danger. Give me Hara by 5PM or else something bad's gonna happen."

We instantly rushed back to the lounge and it was still safe, thank goodness. Suzy was still calmly handling the customers, serving drinks and whatnot. 

"Hey, have you found out who he was?" Suzy asked as she cleaned a table. We all shook our heads in disappointment and spread out around the lounge with Taemin taking care of the troubled Hara until the clock ticked at 5PM.

"BAM!" The window just smashed into shards of sharp glass after being hit by a cannon ball. Taemin was just in time to block the glass from our customers and evacuated the place smoothly alongside them. After that recent cannonball attack, the attacker finally revealed himself... masked. Why do they always have to wear masks? He took out a flamethrower and pointed it at us. "Give me Hara, right now!" He demanded.

"We refuse!" He then scowled and charged the flamethrower at us but Youngmin countered it and stopped the flame from reaching us. 

"Yoseob, turn into a net!" I commanded and threw him at the attacker. He struggled to get out of the Yoseob net but then Yoseob tightened his net self even more because he was being tickled by the guy. "Quick, Joon, just take his mask off!" Yoseob whined in discomfort. Yes, he can still talk even if he's an inanimate object. 

Anyways, I took the guy's mask off and he was pretty handsome for a psycho. "Junhyung?!" Yoseob said in shock. "What's up with you, man?" Yoseob then turned back to his original form.

"I just wanted to ask Hara out, that's all..." Junhyung replied, rather embarrassed.

"That's it?!" Yoseob exclaimed, dumbfounded by his friend's dumbness.

Kwangmin then patted Junhyung's shoulder. "Well, with your way of expressing your love, she won't seem be giving you another chance..." 

"Actually..." Hara came back alongside Taemin. "I could give him another chance if he fixes himself up..." 

"She's so open-minded!" Youngmin clapped his hands in amusement.

"Setting aside this about to become a melodrama situation, why'd you decide to attack Lux anyway?" I asked in suspicion.

"Well, you see, I got an e-mail that Hara's been held captive here so I thought that I should rescue her." 

"And who gave you that idea?!" Yoseob scratched his head in wonder.

"That would be me." Suzy confidently stepped out and raised her hand.

"What?!" We were all surprised.

"You guys wouldn't let me join." She pouted as she stomped her foot like a kid.

"How did you find out that it was Junhyung?" Taemin asked.

 She flicked a lock of her hair. "I think it's about time to tell you more about myself."

"I'm a pro hacker and I also mastered in psychology. I also graduated college at the age of sixteen and began my modelling career soon after and now, I'm here!" 

"Why didn't you say this earlier?!" I yelled, she would've been very helpful for this mission.

"Because you guys were too busy ignoring and belittling me." She said as she gave me a piercing death glare. The twins then hugged her from both sides and begged me to let Suzy join us on our missions. I am honestly having some doubts about this though. 

Before we could debate about the topic of Suzy's recruitment to our group, we let the lovebirds go before they would be feeling out of place. We then gathered at a random table and discussed.

"She might cause drama." I argued.

Suzy nudged my shoulder with her elbow. "Hey Joon, you do know that I can hack into every single one of your cellphones and reveal some... embarrassing information."

"You wouldn't dare..."

"Oh, I surely would." She then got her laptop and revealed all of our shameful baby pictures, secret videos and embarrassing moments.

"JOON, JOON, LET HER JOIN!" They all chanted and shook me back and forth for our image was on the line. 

I cleared my throat and professionally announced. "Okay, fine. She can join but from now on, she has to live with us upstairs so that she can accessible."

"Yeyah!" She clenched her fists in happiness and headed back to her home to pack up and bring her things here.

"Joon, are you sure that having only one girl amongst all of us guys is going to be alright?" Taemin questioned my decision.

"Oh.. I didn't think this through..."

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So nice! Good job!
lainane #2
Chapter 36: kyAAAAAH !! i LOve Suzy !!

kekeke :)) Nice story author-nim.. :))
shineebling #3
omg . i srsly want a life like suzy's T^T such a special girrll . . . oh , this story is AWESOME . i love all of ur stories ! ! !
This was so good! I'm sad that it's over but I really liked the ending! You are a very good writer by the way!
OMG! It ended!! I will miss this story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
--nerdyexotic #6
AWWW its done now, this was like the only decent story with Suzy in it that i liked! and now its done! NOOOO
@Nikki_XiaoWen LOL if Yoseob was my iPhone, I don't know how that will turn out. :))

@Kayla3470 I updated so I guess by the time you read this, you already saw what happened unless you scrolled down first and saw this. xD
--nerdyexotic #8
I can't wait to see what happens!!!
omg!! update soon! cant wait what happen. can i have yoseobbie as my iphone :P