Temporary Shutdown

The Lux of Love

[Suzy's POV]

The next afternoon, after cleaning up all the mess that we could, I gathered everyone in the living room to discuss about how we could pay for the damages. We all sat around a table with our game faces on.

"Let's do this." I declared and the meeting started.

"First of all, exactly how much do we need?" Joon asked.

"23 million won. [Aproximately 20000 USD]" I said and everyone's jaws dropped from the big number.

Taemin slammed his hands onto the table with his eyes wide open. "Are you serious?!"

"Yeap." I nodded while glaring at him. "Dead serious and it's all your fault."

"Me?!" He then pointed to Joon. "It's him who destroyed the walls and furniture!"

Joon then pointed to Yoseob. "He willingly turned into a club for me!" 

"But he commanded me! It was against my will!" Yoseob protested. 

"Did not!" Joon said as he shoved Yoseob.

"Did too!" Yoseob exclaimed while shoving Joon back. 

Suddenly, the twins nudged Taemin with erted faces. "So, how did Suzy taste like?"

Taemin was taken aback. "What kind of a question is that?!" How disgusting! Oh, they're such men. The living room was now filled with the voices of the twins asking Taemin malicious questions about me and Yoseob and Joon's quarreling. I tried to wait for it to subside but I just couldn't take it any longer. 

"JUST ALL OF YOU SHUT UP! PLEASE SHUT UP!" I yelled at the top of my lungs and punched the table and they immediately kept quiet at the sight of a big hole on it. I took a deep breath and calmed myself down. "Now here's how we're gonna do this... We're shutting down the lounge."

"WHAT?!" All of them exclaimed and crowded around me. I pushed them away and got some air. "Relax. It's only temporary."

"Ohhh...." The five nodded and calmly went back to their seats. 

"We'll be splitting into two groups. The twins and I and the trouble trio."

"Yes!" The twins rejoiced with a high five.

"Why am I with these two!?" Joon argued. "They'll just burden me!" 

"Yeah! Why can't we choose our own team mates? I wanna be with you.~" Yoseob added with a pout.

"'Cause I don't wanna be with any of the three who caused me so much stress." I replied and my hair. I then shoved the blonde hair strands on the trio's faces. "You see what you guys did?! You're making all my hair fall out!"

"Damn, that's a lot of hair." The twins side commented and began to brush my hair for fun. 

"Stop it!" I said while shoving them away. "You're just making it worse!"

"Moving on..." Taemin tried to maintain the organization of the meeting and switched back to the main topic of discussion. "How are we gonna earn the money?"

"The two teams will work on different part-time jobs and missions."

"So what you're saying is... We're gonna have to look for jobs?" Taemin tilted his head and began to think of possible job ideas.

"Naw, I got the jobs for you guys already. The twins and I will be working as models for my mother and since Taemin wanted to ask money from my dad so much..." I paused for a moment to smirk threateningly. "You're gonna be working for him as his assistants."

"OBJECTION!" Joon exclaimed.

"State your argument." I challenged.

"That man's a demon! He hates me to the core." He argued. 

"Which is why I assigned you to him." 

The three of them went on their knees and pleaded me to change their job. Tch, like I'll do that. Off with their heads and I shall see them perish under my dad's clutches of vengeance. "By the way, you'll be sleeping in his office, too."


"My mom offered the twins and I to stay at a luxurious hotel. She has a thing for ulzzangs." 

"Really?! SWEET!" The twins rejoiced once again and went back to their rooms to pack up. 

"Don't forget to get missions while you're at it." 

They just gave up and sighed heavily. "Fine. Have fun in your vacation."

"Why, thank you.~" I then mercilessly walked away and waved goodbye.


After getting ready, the twins and I were picked up by a luxurious black limousine and were sent to the hotel. On the other hand, the three had to walk their way to my dad's office. I purposely just gave them an address without the directions 'cause I want them to suffer by solely relying on our horrible GPS system. 

When we arrived at the hotel, the twins dropped their backpacks in awe. Yeap, the hotel was really high class with its expensive furniture and elegance. The chandelier above us was really one to not miss for it was hung really high up and had a lot of real diamonds dangling on it.

"... If we could just steal that..." The twins softly said as they stared at its beauty with dollar signs in their eyes. I, too, agreed. That chandelier alone could be worth twice the amount that we needed.

"Shall we check in?" I nudged them so as to resist the temptation to result to becoming criminals. They shook the greed away from their heads and nodded. 

"Welcome! May I help you with anything?" The pretty employee bowed to us with a smile. She was one attractive employee with big sparking eyes so the twins couldn't resist. They flashed their killer smiles and caressed the girl's cheeks. "We need you to help me find love..." They whispered seductively. What an embarrassment these two are. The girl was feeling flattered yet uncomfortable. I grabbed the twins' arms and pulled them away from the employee.

"I apologize. We're just here to check in." I said and she gave me our room key.

"Is there anything else that you need?" She asked. Hmm... Maybe this hotel is experiencing problems of its own. I mean, there's a lot to steal. Aside from that chandelier, there's the ruby sculpture of a large rose and other expensive art and architecture here. Not to mention that there are many foreign girls to be taken advantage of if you know what I mean.

"Actually, there is something..." I said.

"What is it, miss?"

"Is this hotel experiencing any problem of some sort? We're from Lux you see."

"OH!" She clapped once in relief. "Yes, we do need some help."

"Please, do tell." The twins said and lent their ears to the girl.

"There's a guy who goes around the hotel who targets foreign girls and theresomes with them to get a free room."

"That's just disgusting!" We yelled and everyone stared at us. 

"We apologize." The three of us bowed and everyone went back to their lives.

I then took my laptop and began to take notes. "Any idea as to how he looks like?"

"He has dark brown hair and always wears a dark red suit." She replied.

"Too vague." I simply said.

"He goes to the hotel every night and wears a distinct gold two- ring that says, "Trouble Maker"."

"Indeed, a trouble maker. I identified him." I then turned the laptop around for everyone to see. "Jang Hyunseung. Associated with Kim Hyuna. The duo's a group called 'Trouble Maker'." 

The employee nodded. "Yes, that's him!" 

"Wow, Suzy. You're awesome." The twins were speechless over my skills.

"About the girl, is she another problem?" I asked with much interest. I could assign her to the other three instead.

"Not here but in the mall nearby. She's a shoplifter." 

"I'm sorry but we can't do this for free. If we catch them both, how much are you willing to pay?" I asked and she called the hotel's owner to name his price. 

"How does 10 million won sound for each?" Each?! With 20 million won plus the money that we'll earn from our part time jobs, we can pay for the damages. This is a great opportunity.

"We'll take it." The twins and I accepted and went up to our rooms.

When we got up to the room, the twins immediately plopped down to the soft beds and enjoyed its comfort. As for me, I toured the place and my, oh my, the bathroom has a jacuzzi! I'm gonna like this place a whole lot.

"Suzy, when's our photoshoot?" The twins asked.

"Tomorrow afternoon." I replied. "So after the photoshoot, I'll be the bait and seduce that guy."

"You again with your plans to put yourself in danger." Kwangmin smirked.

I shrugged. "What can I say? I'm daring." 


[Taemin's POV]

"Turn left in .9 miles..." The GPS said and so, we did. 

"Recalculating... Recalculating..." Here we go again. Our horrible GPS isn't leading us to anywhere and I think we're just going around in circles. 

"DAMN IT! THIS THING'S GETTING ON MY NERVES AGAIN!" Joon exploded and kept on punching the steering wheel. 

"Ring~!" The phone rang and Joon picked it up. "WHO'S THIS!?"

"Hello~!" I heard Suzy's voice from the phone. Yoseob took the phone away from Joon so as to not have him pulled over for talking on the phone while driving. "Hi Suzy~!" Yoseob greeted her happily. "What's up?"

"I got you guys a mission so that you don't need to look for one anymore."

"What's the mission?" I asked with much curiosity.

"You're gonna have to catch a shoplifter named Hyuna." She said. "Don't screw this up or you're all dead."

"YES, MA'AM!" Yoseob said with a thumbs up.

"SCREW THIS! I'M FED UP WITH LOOKING FOR HER DAD'S COMPANY!" Joon yelled with so much anger.

"Hey, Suzy. Can you please give us directions to your dad's company? Joon's kinda losing himself here..." I asked.

"Fine, fine. I think you've suffered enough." She then hung up and sent us a map of the place. I texted her back, "Thanks. Have fun in your stay :)."

Finally, we arrived at her father's company. He was waiting for us in the front door with a very intimidating stare. We hopped out of the car and bowed. "Hello, Mr. Bae." 

"What took you three so long?" He said in a very low voice as he glared down on us. "W-well... -"

"Whatever. Get some rest for today. You'll surely need it for tomorrow." He then left for he had some business to attend to. Before he left, he said, "You'll be sleeping in my office so don't mess anything up or you'll be severely punished." With that, he stepped into his car and drove away.

"Damn, I thought he was gonna kill us for a second." I said with a sigh of relief. 

We then went upstairs to Mr. Bae's office to set up our sleeping bags and other necessities. After that, we slept early at around 6 PM to get a whole lot of rest for what he has in store for us tomorrow. If he's Suzy's dad, he would know how to severely torture us. For now, we'll just have to brace ourselves.

Hey guys! I'm now having my Christmas vacation so I can catch up with my lack of sleep. I've actually been falling asleep a lot lately so I guess my body's forcing me to rest. I'll probably have to stop making extra different posters for the rest of the missions since I'm a bit pressed for time. With 3 active fics plus a review shop, I would probably need more time to write than to make posters. ._." Anyways, thank you for reading and I hope y'all enjoyed it~! :)

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So nice! Good job!
lainane #2
Chapter 36: kyAAAAAH !! i LOve Suzy !!

kekeke :)) Nice story author-nim.. :))
shineebling #3
omg . i srsly want a life like suzy's T^T such a special girrll . . . oh , this story is AWESOME . i love all of ur stories ! ! !
This was so good! I'm sad that it's over but I really liked the ending! You are a very good writer by the way!
OMG! It ended!! I will miss this story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
--nerdyexotic #6
AWWW its done now, this was like the only decent story with Suzy in it that i liked! and now its done! NOOOO
@Nikki_XiaoWen LOL if Yoseob was my iPhone, I don't know how that will turn out. :))

@Kayla3470 I updated so I guess by the time you read this, you already saw what happened unless you scrolled down first and saw this. xD
--nerdyexotic #8
I can't wait to see what happens!!!
omg!! update soon! cant wait what happen. can i have yoseobbie as my iphone :P