Bom Vs. Jo Twins

The Lux of Love

[Youngmin's POV]

"Turn left in .9 miles." The GPS said for the enth time. "Recalculating... Recalculating..." It continued.

"Damn it! I'm getting sick of this crap!" Joon yelled in anger as he destroyed the GPS. "I've been turning left for ages!" He's been driving for hours now but we still can't find the abandoned warehouse in the middle of nowhere. I wonder why Bom picked such a place to battle? 

"Hey, instead of just playing or dozing off, can you guys please help me?" Joon was pushed to his boiling point. 

Suzy replied in a very sleepy tone, "Nahh."

"Wh-whut?" Yoseob, who was sleeping from the minute he got into the car, asked cluelessly. 

Taemin then asked, "Joon, how much fuel do we have left?" The car then stopped and Joon finally cracked up. He punched the window and it broke into pieces. "I HATE THIS STUPID THING! WHY DO THEY HAVE TO CHOSE SUCH A REMOTE LOCATION?"

"J-Joon, chillax." Taemin calmly said.


"Okay, Joon." He instantly followed Joon's instruction in order to spare himself from any suffering. Man, we're already having so much drama.

"Suzy, can you please search for directions on how we can get there?" Taemin requested as we all got into the car.

She took her sleeping mask off. "Fine." She got her laptop and searched. "Okay, I got it." 

"What is it?" Joon asked.

"Turn left." Suzy simple said.

"Can you just say everything?"

"Turn left." She replied once again with a blank stare.

"Suzy, can you hear me?!" Joon was loosing his patience.


"Fine, I'll turn left!" Joon turned left and we saw an abandoned warehouse and the four girls stood there. 

"Screw this." Joon said and placed his head on the stirring wheel, all worn out and exhausted.


We got inside the abandoned warehouse and Kwangmin and I stepped down to battle it out with Bom and her dog.

"Are you guys ready?" Bom stepped out with her large poodle and our battle was about to start. 

"We're ready." We both said and amplified our powers. 

"Dangerous." She said with a grin. 

"You bet we are." 

"Let's begin." Bom signaled and she just stood there, doing nothing. We weren't doing anything either 'cause something bad might happen. 

"Baby I'm so lonely lonely lonely lonely lonely~" 

She suddenly sang. Man, her voice is hella awesome. I looked to my right and Kwangmin was crying so hard. What's happening? 

"Bro... Please be there for me... Don't leave me alone." He said as he hugged me tight and cried on my shoulder. 

"Baby I'm so lonely lonely lonely lonely lonely~" 

She sang once more. "What?" I asked dumbfounded and I, too began to cry. Manipulative singing, that's her power.

"Stay with me, too." I said and we both kneeled down and hugged each other. I tried to snap out of it but my body wasn't letting me do so. Tears just kept falling down. Wait, tears! I forced myself to cry some more and turned the tears into an ice mask. I aimed it at Bom and she stopped singing, we no longer feel lonely anymore. 

"We win!" We declared. 

"Nope, not yet." Minzy said.

"And why not?" We complained.

"You still have to beat her dog." She pointed at the dog that just stood there cutely. 

"Bro, you go hit the dog." Kwangmin said as he nudged me.

"No way, that's animal abuse! You go hit him!" I said in return. 


"Can we just temporarily paralyze it for twelve hours?" Kwangmin asked.

"Yeap, that's fine." Minzy nodded but we heard her mumbling to herself. "Bom's so gonna kill me..."

"I'm sorry, dog." Kwangmin then paralyzed the dog. 

"We win!" I yelled. 

"Nope, not yet." Bom said. The ice melted quickly. "What did you do to my dog?!" 

"Uhh... Uhm..." We began to tremble.

"You'll pay for this!" She screamed and stomped her foot onto the floor.

[Kwangmin's POV]

"Hate you eh eh eh eh eh~"

She sang once more and Youngmin suddenly splashed water at me looking very mad. "Dude! What the hell?" I then electrocuted him to the point that his hair became a pointy afro. This isn't looking so good.

"I hate it when you kick me all night long!" He yelled and froze the water around me. I then melted the ice and shot a lightning bolt at him. "I hate it when you snore all night long!" 

We then got into a gruesome fist fight. Each hit caused more blood and sweat to go down. "I hate you the most!" We both fell to the ground, tired and panting with me freezing to death and Youngmin having static electricity all over him. So it's about hate eh? 

"It's the end of you guys, give up?" Bom laughed, feeling already victorious.

"No way!" We both yelled. 

"Bro, snap out of it!" I yelled and he faintly nodded. "Let's do this, bro." We slowly crawled to each other and held hands. Youngmin formed a large tsunami and I charged it with electricity. 

"Prepare to accept defeat, Bom." I said with an evil smirk. She ran for her life but there was no escape, the destructive tsunami hit her. 

"Alright! You win!" She yelled. 

"We did it." We both said.


After that battle, we both fainted and got carried back to the dorm and Suzy treated us. She also styled Youngmin's hair to not be an afro anymore. Even though we went back all worn out and beat up, I'm happy to have won. After all, Suzy is someone we cherish a lot.

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So nice! Good job!
lainane #2
Chapter 36: kyAAAAAH !! i LOve Suzy !!

kekeke :)) Nice story author-nim.. :))
shineebling #3
omg . i srsly want a life like suzy's T^T such a special girrll . . . oh , this story is AWESOME . i love all of ur stories ! ! !
This was so good! I'm sad that it's over but I really liked the ending! You are a very good writer by the way!
OMG! It ended!! I will miss this story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
--nerdyexotic #6
AWWW its done now, this was like the only decent story with Suzy in it that i liked! and now its done! NOOOO
@Nikki_XiaoWen LOL if Yoseob was my iPhone, I don't know how that will turn out. :))

@Kayla3470 I updated so I guess by the time you read this, you already saw what happened unless you scrolled down first and saw this. xD
--nerdyexotic #8
I can't wait to see what happens!!!
omg!! update soon! cant wait what happen. can i have yoseobbie as my iphone :P