Yoseob and Joon Let Go

The Lux of Love

[Joon's POV]

Taemin, that cowardly douchebag. I'm gonna beat him up the moment he gets back here. I'm gonna crush that small frame of his until he can hear the sound of his bounds cracking up simultaneously. How dare he just leave Suzy like that? It's disgusting, the way he's acting right now. He just left without a word to who knows where. He's stupid.

Here lies Suzy in her hospital bed. She hasn't woken up since last night and her skin's becoming more pale. Just lying there, she's like a fragile doll— a work of art that is not to be touched for it may wither. 

Beside me is Yoseob who shares the same expression as me. Worried is written all over his face. Clearly, he's trying to contain it but is failing to do so. Just by looking at his unusually blank and stiff face that shows a hint of a frown on the corners of his lips, he's bottling in his emotions. For goodness sake, that twit should just let it out.

I gritted my teeth for a split second, unable to hold my sadness any longer. 

"Hey Joon," Yoseob asked softly as he looked at me with watery eyes and a crooked smile. "It's okay, let's just let it out."

"So you saw,eh?" Like Yoseob, my eyes watered and my chest began to feel heavy. 

He nodded.

We both sat with our backs against each other, remembering the times we've had with her.

"Isn't this weird? It's not like she's dying, right?" Yoseob chuckled then sniffed a few times.

"I doubt that she is close to dying but we are emotionally." 

"I remember the time when she first came here." Yoseob said with a heavy sigh. I peeked slightly from behind me and saw his cheeks turning slightly red. I couldn't distinguish whether it was because of his crying of if he was just plainly blushing.

"I bet you remember that clearly; you thought that she was a mannequin."

"I know, I was"



"You even said that you wanted to date her."

He began to fidget. "Well, that's, uh."

I tilted my head slightly. "Do you still want to?"

He nodded faintly. I could feel him sulking though as if he had lost all hope. 

I heard his fingers clawing the carpet a little. "Yeah, but that's all over now. You probably have a better chance at her than me."

My snickered a bit. "Me? Like her? Yeah right!"

He sat in front of me and patted my shoulder. "Dude, there's no point in hiding it."

My fake smile turned into a frown. "You're right. But isn't it obvious that she likes someone else? Someone who has dark brown hair, a twin, and the ability to emit electricity or someone who turns himself invisible and runs away like a coward?"

"But Joon-"

I cut him in frustration. "Look, ever since that cocktail incident, it's over. Nada. Nothing."

"Are you so sure that you've given up?"

"I'd like to ask the same question to you."

Yoseob and I fell silent, reflecting on that one question. Truthfully, we both know that we haven't given up completely. Yoseob and I, we're both still clinging on to a faint hope that she will somehow like us. I'll tell you something, forcing yourself to believe in something almost impossible is hard. Even if we've lost, we're the sore losers that keep holding on; trying to raise our rank despite our incapability to do so. 

Suddenly, I heard a faint voice.

"Where am I?" It was Suzy's.

Yoseob and I instantly jolted up, watching Suzy tilt her head slightly from side to side. 

She finally opened her eyes. May they be just small slits, I felt relieved. Yoseob was too, his face brightened up as he looked at Suzy. 

"Where?" She asked. I assume that her vision's still blurred. She can't seem to reach out for anything despite her hand slowly travelling around her bed sheet. 

"Kwangmin?" She said.

Yoseob and I made eye contact. We were both crushed by her first words. Just as I thought, her mind's fixed. 

"Kwangmin?" She asked once more but in a softer, more hushed tone. After that, she closed her eyes once again.

Yoseob's lips were shaking and tears slid down his cheeks.

As for me, I was dazed for quite sometime. Long enough to not realize that Yoseob had already stepped out of the room. I went outside and found him in the next room Kwangmin's room. He was glaring at Kwangmin but I noticed that he was guilty at the same time while doing so. Youngmin just stared at him but for sure, he was ready to attack Yoseob if things get out of hand.

I entered Kwangmin's room and rested my hand on Yoseob's poor little head. "Don't worry, Seob. I feel your pain as well."

He then faced me with his head faced down. "Joon, if you feel the same, I think you know what we should do."

I clenched my fists, trying to accept the truth. 

He directed his eyes toward Kwangmin. "She wants him. We can't change that anymore."

I sighed heavily, covered half of my face with my hand and clawed my hair. "Yeah, we can't."

"We gotta let go." said Yoseob.

"Yeah, we should." I agreed.

"We will." We both said together.

Yoseob and I went back to Suzy's room where she remained asleep. While it may be hard, we have to.

We just sat there in silence. Not one of us spoke a single word for we were trying to cut off all our feelings of love for her. Taemin, I wonder how he'll take it.

[Taemin's POV]

Night's coming soon as the sun sets with all it's beauty. A dark orange color surrounds my unlit room as I lie here on my bed. I haven't gotten out of bed since I came here and it's so embarrassing how I'm being treated like a baby here by Minzy. I mean, breakfast and lunch in bed? Wow, I feel thankful yet spoiled in a bad way. 

I heard a few knocks and the sound of a spoon falling onto the floor.

"Come in." 

"Wow, thanks for helping." Minzy said. I just blankly stared at her silently. She just sighed and picked the spoon up, got another one then went back to the room. 

"Here you are, you stupid baby. You should be thankful that I took you in."

"Thanks." I said. 

Ignoring her, I took a sip of my soup. 

Ignoring me ignoring her, she leaned on my shoulder. I was taken aback by the sudden expression of slight intimacy. On her part, she seems to be so comfortable. It's as if she really wanted to do it for quite sometime. 

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"N-nothing. It's just that I don't think Taeyang would like to see this."

She gently pulled herself away from me and smiled. It wasn't a happy smile though— it was more of an unhappy one. 

"I broke up with him."

"Did he cheat on you?" I asked. Well, it was the first thing that I assumed.

"No," She crossed her arms as if to comfort herself. 

"Then why?"


"Okay." I simply replied. At my current state, I don't seem to care about that. 

She hugged me all of a sudden.

"Let's just say that I was sure with my decision in doing so." She tightened her hug. "Don't let this get to you. I'm just merely asking for comfort."

She continued to hug me until I finished eating. She didn't bother to say anything and just closed her eyes the entire time with that frown on her face. "Don't let this get to you." she said. Well, it is getting to me. When she was embracing me, I have forgotten about Suzy and my pain seemed to have faded. My sadness was replaced by the warmth of her hug. It's just like I how I used to feel when we were... together. It was only when she pulled away from your hug that my pain went back. Gah, my mind's even more messed up now. I am beginning to question if my feelings for Minzy have completely left my heart. I used to think they have but now, it may be a possibility that... No, I doubt it. I have Suzy now. Then again, I am also questioning myself about my feelings for her. Damn, I'm really messed up.

The moon is now visible in the darkness of the sky. Now, I lie here wide awake, prepared for another sleepless night.

It's been sometime. I took a hiatus, you see. Let's just say that I became too obsessed with writing so I figured that I needed to rest. Anyways, I'm back! 

Thank you for reading this and I hope you guys enjoyed it~! :)

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So nice! Good job!
lainane #2
Chapter 36: kyAAAAAH !! i LOve Suzy !!

kekeke :)) Nice story author-nim.. :))
shineebling #3
omg . i srsly want a life like suzy's T^T such a special girrll . . . oh , this story is AWESOME . i love all of ur stories ! ! !
This was so good! I'm sad that it's over but I really liked the ending! You are a very good writer by the way!
OMG! It ended!! I will miss this story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
--nerdyexotic #6
AWWW its done now, this was like the only decent story with Suzy in it that i liked! and now its done! NOOOO
@Nikki_XiaoWen LOL if Yoseob was my iPhone, I don't know how that will turn out. :))

@Kayla3470 I updated so I guess by the time you read this, you already saw what happened unless you scrolled down first and saw this. xD
--nerdyexotic #8
I can't wait to see what happens!!!
omg!! update soon! cant wait what happen. can i have yoseobbie as my iphone :P