
Hyuk POV~
He had expected Ravi to kiss N like he had. As much as Ravi loved Ken, big chunks of his heart were stuck on the tan boy. Hyuk hadn't expected N to try to run away when he had the chance to kiss Leo. Leo's reaction was shocking as well. But Hyuk was just pleased his plan seemed to be working so well.
"Oo! Game two is my favorite!" Ken blurts out and Hyuk sighs. It might look suspicious if all three of them seemed to have planned out game night together. "I mean... Because two is such a great number and all. Like two eyes, two ears, two lungs. It takes two to tango and whatnot." Hyuk saw Hongbin roll his eyes but the others seemed to buy it.
"Anyway. We're playing truth or dare next." Hongbin announced and Ken grinned intensely.
"I like that game too!" He smacked Ravi in the shoulder and giggled. "Spill your secrets to me baby."
"Secretly I think you're weird but I cherish you." Ravi smiles a little as Ken laughs hysterically at him and flaps his hands wildly in front of Ravi's face.
"Reel it in Jaehwan. You're going to suffocate if you don't breathe soon." Hyuk shakes his head. "Since you like it so much you can go first."
"He's going to explode..." Ravi looked slightly concerned for his boyfriend. N and Leo had gone back to nervous silence. That wouldn't last long...
Hongbin POV~
He had almost thought Ken had blown their cover but luckily it seemed that the three key players in their plan had been too distracted by the first game to pay attention to him. Good. Hongbin wasn't going to have to assault his friend later.
"I would love to go first!" Ken squirms in excitement. "Sanghyukkie!"
"No." Hyuk says calmly and then starts laughing at the devistation on Ken's face. "Kidding. Jeeze. I'll go with Dare."
"Ooooo You're brave." Ken grins and taps his chin as he thinks. "I dare you to... Kiss Hakyeon! Dundundun!"
"What? But why? We already played spin the bottle!" Hyuk complains. Hongbin wanted to agree with Hyuk. He didn't want his boyfriend kissing someone else. But maybe if Leo saw yet another person with N then he'd finally accept his feelings.
"Honey you didn't get to play in that game." Hongbin giggles and kisses Hyuk gently. "Have fun."
Ken POV~
"Do I have to play?" N mumbles as he looks up at Hyuk. Ken wants to shake him and tell him to stop being so stubborn and just accept his fate.
"Maybe I should just take Hakyeon home..." Ravi suggests. Ken starts to panic, afraid his boyfriend is going to ruin his first superhero mission. Before Ken realizes it, he tackles Ravi and is clinging to him.
"You can't! Don't take my Hakyeon away! I want to play with him!" Ken wails, his arms wrapped around Ravi's head and his legs wrapped around his chest.
"Jaehwan, sweetheart..." Ravi struggles to remove Ken and Ken only tightens his grip more. "I won't take him away. Just let me sit back up. Please."
"Oopsies." Ken finally released Ravi and then smiles at Hyuk. "Okay. Smooch the Hakyeonnie."
"But Hakyeon didn't want to." This time it was Leo that spoke up but Hyuk ignored him and leaned forward, grabbing N's shoulders and drags him into a kiss. It wasn't as hot as the kiss between N and Leo and it wasn't as y as when Ravi kissed N (Ken knew he probably shouldn't have found his boyfriend kissing their friend that attractive but it just was... Ken was a ert. He couldn't help himself.) but it was sufficient enough of a kiss to leave N blushing and Leo with a very dark look on his face. Yes. Ken was doing well in his top secret mission.
"Okay. Binnie." Hyuk kisses his boyfriend. "Truth or dare?"
"Truth." Hongbin shrugs and smiles. "I have no secrets."
"What kind of underwear do you wear?" Hyuk's smile widens as Hongbin gasps but starts laughing.
"Women's underwear." Hongbin admits, blushing slightly. "They make me feel y."
"So does Hakyeon!" Leo blurts out, making N hide his face and Ravi look startled. Ken just laughed and laughed and laughed. Leo turned red and covered his mouth.
"Okay. Wonshik." Hongbin smirks and Ken watches his boyfriend nervously. "Truth or dare?"
Ravi POV~
He hated this game. Almost as much as he hated seeing Leo kiss N. He desperately wanted to drag N back to their dorm and lock him away to keep him safe from that stoic playboy Leo.
"Bite me." Ravi sigh and then shrugs. "Dare I guess." He watched Hongbin contemplate things for a moment and then nod slowly, causing Ravi to flinch slightly.
"I dare you to Hakyeon's ." Hongbin chuckles and Ken screeches. But Ravi was happy. Honestly sometimes when N had nightmares and made Ravi cuddle him in bed, Ravi would his anyway. But since the start of the year Ravi hadn't had a chance.
"If I have to." Ravi shrugs and reaches over to squeeze N's cute little .
"H-hey!" N was blushing a deep red as Leo made a quiet growling noise.
"Hakyeon. Now." Leo points at the floor beside him. N nods quickly and scrambles over to sit beside Leo. Leo kept his eyes on Ravi as he drapes one arm over N's shoulder. N looked so shy and giddy. It was adorable. Ravi hated that Leo was the reason he looked that way. That Leo was building him up to break him down.
"Jung Taekwoon." Ravi points at him, trying to portray as much hostility as he could. "Truth or dare."
Leo POV~
He didn't want to answer Ravi. Every bit of Leo was screaming that it was a trap. But he knew he had to. He held on to N tighter as he tried to think of the least destructive answer he could give. He didn't want N to leave his side yet.
"Dare..." Leo finally mutters. He keeps his hold on N. He feels like he may need to punch Ravi by the end of the night.
"Dare huh?" Ravi smirks and looks at N. Leo pulls N onto his lap, glaring at Ravi. "I dare you to either break up with your girlfriend or tell Hakyeon you'll never be into him." Leo felt N stiffen for a moment before he broke Leo's hold on him and went to sit between Hongbin and Ken. Leo didn't want to do either of those things... And Leo didn't want N to be so far away from him either... What could he do?
He had forgotten that Leo had a girlfriend... Leo was straight... N had been being foolish. Leo didn't like him. Leo was just playing along.
"Game over." Hyuk decides before Leo could complete his dare. "Wonshik is being too competitive." N noticed Leo give a very prominent sigh of relief.
"Wonshik I was having fun!" Ken smacked his boyfriend's shoulder a few times and Ravi snorted in irritation.
"Don't worry you guys." Hongbin smiles mischievously and pats N's knee gently. "We have one more game lined up. A game even Wonshik can't ruin."
But N was sick of games. He wanted to get as far away from Leo and Ravi as he could. He couldn't disappoint his friends though so he just nods. If the game was as safe as Hongbin claimed, what would it hurt to play it? He'd stick game night out until the end.
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DubufulKoala #1
Chapter 5: This is very nice to read
TheCrazy15 #2
Love this story soo much! Finished literally in one day, even if i went to sleep super late, it was worth it~
Velzonly #3
Chapter 29: Author nim~ i know im so late omg forgive me but this story oh my god! So beautiful, perfect and well written woah the ending and the bonus chapters wow daebak! I read this in one go~ The most interesting and beautiful story of vixx that i've ever read *four thumbs up for you* thankyou for writing this master piece ^^~
sinclair04 #4
Chapter 3: ohhh.. i'm getting hooked with your story.. VERY Nice plot.
Chapter 29: I read this from the top till the end. o/

I have a question though! How did Leo and N meet when they are little? Considering that N liked the boy since he was 5.
DuhFangurl #6
Chapter 23: it's a really good story! :)
What a good story