
He woke up with a headache and arms around his waist. Leo was cuddled against his back. N smiled a little and kissed his cheek, slipping out of bed. He left before Leo's alarm even went off.
His plan the night before had mixed results. He hadn't expected Byoungjun to attack him or that N was going to snuggle in a bed with Leo. But he could tell that Leo's resolve was slipping. Especially after N's award winning performance before he fell asleep, reminding Leo that as long as he was with that girl, he couldn't have N.
"Good morning." N calls as he steps into his dorm the moment the alarm goes off. Hyuk muttered something while half asleep and Ravi sat up and rubbed his eyes.
"I would have thought you were getting ready with Hongbin and Jaehwan today." Ravi yawns and stretches.
"Silly Wonshik. I didn't stay with them last night." N smiles as he starts to get ready for school. "No. After Byoungjun's minor assault and Taekwoon coming to my rescue... I slept over at Sanghyuk's dorm."
"Wait. What?" Hyuk was awake now, looking at N in confusion. "What happened?"
"Good morning sleepy head." N grins at Hyuk as he starts to tell them everything from the night before.
"That... Byoungjun really did that?" Ravi questions. N could see the anger on his face as they finished getting ready for school.
"I still have the lump to prove it." N shrugs and flinches when Ravi throws a book in anger. He still had a small headache and the loud noise was unpleasant.
"I'm going to kill him!" Ravi yells and Hyuk looks concerned.
"You should at least tell your dad, Hakyeon." Hyuk informs him. "Get him kicked out so he can't hurt you again."
"No. I'm not going to get him in trouble for acting out of frustration. I shouldn't have gotten his hopes up." The truth was that N really did feel like he had pushed Byoungjun too far. "It's over now. Nothing too serious happened. Besides the murder of my amazing dress. So let's just drop it." He grabbed his backpack and left for class before either of them could argue with him. Today his goal was going to be giving Leo the cold shoulder. Maybe if he pushed Leo away completely then Leo would do whatever it took to pull him back.
Leo POV~
When his alarm went off he reached out for N, wanting to pull him close and kiss him good morning. But N wasn't there. He sits up and looks around. The ripped dress is still on his floor but N is gone.
Leo curses as he gets out of bed and gets dressed. He couldn't blame N for leaving in the middle of the night. Leo's inability to answer his question last night had bothered Leo just as much as he was sure it bothered N. But how could he explain to N that he just didn't fit into Leo's parent's plans for him. So he didn't fit into Leo's plans either. Get a girlfriend, get married, have kids, take over the family business. No room for N. Even if Leo did desperately want there to be.
He finishes getting ready and goes to class. N is already there. Alone. Leo walks up to him but N just looks away. Was he really that upset? Why does N have to be so hurt when he likes someone else anyway?
"Hakyeon..." He touched N's cheek and N shoves his hand away, getting up to sit somewhere else. "Hakyeon knock it off. Talk to me." But N doesn't talk. He just starts texting.
"Hakyeon would appreciate it if you would only speak to him when you two have to work together." Hongbin informs Leo as he and Ken walk in. "I don't know what you did Taekwoon but Hakyeon is very upset with you."
"Damn it Hakyeon..." Leo sighs and doesn't take his eyes off of N. He hadn't wanted to hurt him. Seeing N shove him away was painful. "Just listen to me." But N just silently stared out the classroom window.
Ravi POV~
He and Hyuk had their main class with Byoungjun. He had severly hoped that he could get his hands on him before class but Byoungjun wasn't in class today. Ravi was pissed. How could anyone want to hurt N for any reason?
He couldn't concentrate during class, thinking about what had happened to N. He hated that he owed N's saftey to Leo. Not out of jealousy but simply because he knew Leo would never be man enough to leave his girlfriend and would just end up hurting N worse than even Byoungjun did.
He wanted to shake everyone involved until they got some common sense knocked into them. You don't hurt someone you love. You don't use someone who loves you. And you don't chase after someone who wont love you. Ravi had learned that last lesson the hard way and didn't want the same thing for N. It .
Ken POV~
When he got the text from Ravi that morning telling him what had happened to N he had been.concerned for his friend. N was pretty fragile. But the texts Hongbin was getting from N was typical peppy N.
It was weird seeing him ignore Leo. It was freaking Ken out. Usually they couldn't pull N away from Leo and now Leo wouldn't stop trying to get N's attention. Had Ken woken up in some weird backwards universe? Maybe in this universe he was dating Hongbin instead of Ravi... he pinches Hongbin's but and gets smacked. Nope. Still the normal universe. Ken was almost disappointed. It might be fun to spend some time in an alternate timeline.
Hongbin POV~
Hongbin noticed Leo's need for N to speak to him growing the longer N ignored him. N just coldly tuned him out. Hongbin was impressed by N's ability to push Leo away when he knew the silence probably bothered his tan friend as much as it did Mr. Grumpy.
But still N ignored him. And the longer N ignored him the more agitated Leo seemed to be. He knew N was a diva but his acting skills were superb and his ability to get the results he wanted was impressive. Hongbin wondered how long it would take N to break Leo.
Hyuk POV~
N had been ignoring Leo all week. Hyuk saw how N's silence was affecting his roommate. Leo couldn't concentrate and was constantly asking Hyuk if N was okay or if N would start talking to him again. It was driving Leo nuts not to have N's attention. It was driving Hyuk nuts to have Leo's relentless line of questioning every day. He was glad N's plan seemed to be working but why did he have to be in the middle of it? It was exhausting.
Byoungjun had been 'out sick' all week too. Ravi had been really frustrated over the whole situation. He wanted desperately to beat Byoungjun senseless but N kept telling him that he couldn't. Even Ken had given Ravi permission to defend his ex crush's honor.
"When are you going to finally talk to Taekwoon again?" Hyuk wonders as he's in N and Ravi's dorm doing homework with Ravi. "He's been annoying me intensely and I may have to kill the love of your life."
"And when can I destroy the bastard that hurt you?" Ravi growls, closing his math book with great hostility.
"Never Wonshik. I'm not going to.fault him for something I probably instigated." N shrugs and looks at Hyuk. "As for you. I have a plan. Tomorrow night I will relieve your irritation." N proceedes to tell them his idea. How had Hyuk not noticed before how cunning N was? It was almost scary how good he was at this whole manipulation thing.
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DubufulKoala #1
Chapter 5: This is very nice to read
TheCrazy15 #2
Love this story soo much! Finished literally in one day, even if i went to sleep super late, it was worth it~
Velzonly #3
Chapter 29: Author nim~ i know im so late omg forgive me but this story oh my god! So beautiful, perfect and well written woah the ending and the bonus chapters wow daebak! I read this in one go~ The most interesting and beautiful story of vixx that i've ever read *four thumbs up for you* thankyou for writing this master piece ^^~
sinclair04 #4
Chapter 3: ohhh.. i'm getting hooked with your story.. VERY Nice plot.
Chapter 29: I read this from the top till the end. o/

I have a question though! How did Leo and N meet when they are little? Considering that N liked the boy since he was 5.
DuhFangurl #6
Chapter 23: it's a really good story! :)
What a good story