
Leo POV~
Leo had brought N to his dorm, silently cursing himself for caring if Ravi had taken care of him instead. He just couldn't stand the thought of Ravi taking off N's clothes... Leo was really starting to hate himself...
He layed N on his bed and pulled off N's pants so he could sleep comfortably without Leo having to change him. It actually made him smile to see N's cute, girly little pink underwear. It looked good on him.
When Leo turned to go crash on N's couch he felt a hand grab his and a sleepy voice call out to him. He wanted to leave but something inside of him made him stay. The voice sounded so small and vulnerable that it tugged at his heart.
"Please... Don't let the monsters get me..." N murmured. Leo turned to see the pretty boy with his eyes closed and a small frown on his perfect lips, still asleep and in the middle of a nightmare. Leo sighed and slipped off his own pants, climbing into N's bed to hold him against his chest. N quieted and went back to silently snoring, the frown on his face disappearing. Leo couldn't stand abandoning N when he looked so desperate for protection.
He watched N sleep for a while and reached down, hesitating for only a moment before brushing some hair gently out of N's face, caressing his cheek. Why was N so beautiful? It wasn't fair. And it bothered Leo that N could make him question everything about himself without even trying to.
Leo had left before N woke up in the morning and had spent the whole free day off campus as not to risk running into him. He wished he could talk to his girlfriend to clear his head. To help solidify his heterouality.
But the truth was... He wasn't sure he ever really liked girls. He hadn't even kissed a girl's cheek let alone been angry when a guy looked at her... And yet... Sleeping next to N was comfortable, almost natural... And when he saw Ravi touch him or when N got confessions, Leo wanted to hit the offenders and tell them to back off. He hated it. He hated the doubt that was growing in his heart.
So when their teacher, the next day of classes, announced that they were doing a group project with their partners, Leo wanted to scream and run away. He had to spend more time with N. Alone. And he wasn't sure he could handle the close proximities.
N had woken up once to find his head on someone's chest. He was shocked when he realized it was Leo. But instead of fangirling like he desperately wanted to, he just snuggled closer, falling back to sleep, not wanting to ruin the moment. When he woke up again Leo was gone, leaving N to wonder if his being there had been a dream. He didn't see Leo again until they were in class and N had to go schedule a time and place for them to study together.
Leo had seemed pretty reluctant but had agreed to meet N after school in Leo's dorm. N was excited. But the more he thought about being alone with Leo after their possible slumber party that may have been a dream, the more nervous he got.
When he told his friends that he had a homework date with Leo, Ken and Hongbin seemed excited for him. Hyuk seemed curious. But Ravi seemed concerned and a little irritated. N shrugged it off. He was too nervous to think about Ravi's bad attitude. He had probably just been doing math before lunch.
Later when he knocked on Leo's door he was starting to wonder if he was going to die from anticipation. Hyuk answered the door and wished N luck as he ran off to do homework with Ravi. N came in and sat as far away from Leo on the couch as he could. N couldn't help but blush at being alone with Leo. It was like a dream come true and N wasn't sure what to do with himself.
"Hey." Leo says as he gets out a notebook and looks at N. "Oh..." He reaches over and touched N's forehead, making N stiffen slightly and blush more. "Are you feeling alright? Your face is red."
"I... I'm okay." N tried to take deep breaths to keep his heart from racing but it wasn't working. Then his text tone went off on his phone, the chorus to Forbidden Love by the band Ukiss. Leo pulls his hand away from N like it had been burned. N sighed and looked at his phone. A picture message from Ravi of N's stuffed bear holding a ripped paper heart. N rolled his eyes and ignored it, putting his phone away.
"Anyway..." Leo wasn't even looking at N now. N silently contemplated murdering Ravi as his phone goes off again and he sees a pouting Ravi face. N groans and ignores it again.
"We're writing a short story right?" N questions and almost screams in anger when his phone goes off a third time.
"Something important?" Leo asks, clearly annoyed by the interruptions. Ravi was officially ruining N's life.
"Just Wonshik being bothersome. I'll just turn my phone off. Sorry." N bites his lip, upset at himself for not turning it off sooner.
"Wait..." Leo leans in and takes N's phone from him, pulling N close to him. N felt his heart skip a beat when he feels Leo's breath on his neck. Leo's lips were so close to his collarbone that N was sure he had died and gone to heaven. But then Leo took a picture and sent a text, sitting back and releasing N as he starts to talk about their project. N was only half listening as he tried to calm himself down. What had just happened? Did he imagine that?
"I'm sorry. I suddenly don't feel well." N says after a few failed seconds of trying calm himself down. He stood and gathered his things. He couldn't do this. Not right now.
"Oh. Want me to bring you to the nurse?" Leo questions. N thinks he may actually look concerned. N can't answer. He just shakes his head and runs out of the room. He was so confused. How could Leo have done that, taken that picture, and then acted like it never even happened in the blink of an eye? How could Leo seem so unphased when N could still feel his breath on his skin?
Ravi POV~
He knew N was with Leo at the moment. It made him nervous. What if Leo made N cry and Ravi wasn't there to cheer him up? So he had started sending N text messages.
Ravi almost threw his phone at the wall and went to Leo's dorm to hit him when he finally got a text back. A picture, clearly taken by Leo, of the man himself glaring at Ravi from the crook of N's neck. Leo had his fists tangled in N's shirt and N looked shocked, his cheeks an alluring pink color. The caption said 'He's busy. Go away. Text your boyfriend.'
Ravi was pissed. What game was Leo playing? He was going to make N even more obsessed with him. And in the end it would only hurt N worse. N deserved better than to be some straight guy's toy for when he was lonely and couldn't get to his girlfriend. Especially if that guy was the love of N's life. Ravi was going to have to do what he could to talk N down from liking Leo before it destroyed him...
Hyuk POV~
He rolled his eyes when he saw Ravi's irritation. He knew Ravi had feelings for N, but Ravi had moved on with Jaewhan. As much as he understood wanting to protect their friend, N deserved to have a chance to fight for what he wanted. Without Ravi getting involved.
"Dude. Just leave them alone Wonshik." Hyuk shakes his head as he starts to try to figure out a math problem. He openly ignored Ravi's angry growl.
"Damn it Sanghyuk!" Ravi throws his phone onto N's bed. "Your roommate is toying with him!"
"I don't believe he is." Hyuk shrugs. He'd been paying attention to Leo when it comes to N. He was starting to think Leo liked N more than he wanted to admit. Even to himself.
"Sanghyuk!" Ravi yells and then smacks his head on the back of the couch with a harassed groan.
"Here. Answer this." Hyuk throws their homework at Ravi, distracting him out of his pout. It had become very clear that Hyuk would have to start running interference between Ravi and whatever was growing between N and Leo... At least as long as Ken was around Ravi, it would be easier to do.
Ken POV~
A short story?! They had to write a short story! If Ken had ever been sure of one thing in his whole life it was this. The team of Ken and Hongbin had been born for this assignment.
"We're not doing a superhero theme." Were the first words out of Hongbins mouth. Silly Hongbin.
"Well duh Captain Obvious." Ken laughs and holds out the piece of paper he had scribbled on. "I was thinking about some kind of supernatural theme. Maybe two brothers fighting against the forces of evil. Sometimes with the help of a quirky angel..."
"Actually... That sounds pretty awesome. Let's do that." Hongbin seems surprised. Ken was proud of himself for always shocking people with his brilliance.
"But then I wouldn't complain if, instead of an angel, Spiderman helped them out..." Ken nudges Hongbin in the side playfully with his elbow.
"So two brothers and an angel huh?" Hongbin smiles innocently at Ken, ignoring the Spiderman comment. Ken burst into laughter. Hongbin was the most fun to tease. He was really glad they were friends.
Hongbin POV~
Ken's suggestion was phenomenal. Suddenly Hongbin was relieved to have him as a partner. Together they worked out a pretty good storyline before N burst into Hongbin's dorm room, panting and looking abnormally distracted.
He showed Hongbin and Ken the picture Leo had taken and sent to Ravi before N collapsed on Ken's bed and started to cry with his hands covering his face. Ken and Hongbin did their best to comfort him. Hongbin really wanted to tell N what Hyuk had been telling him about Leo to ease N's panic attack. But he had promised Hyuk and Ravi that he wouldn't say anything to N until Hyuk had solid proof.
"Well what did he do when he slept over in your dorm on movie night?" Hongbin questions as Ken rubs N's back to soothe him. Hyuk said Leo had been avoiding that question.
"That... He stayed in my dorm?" N peeked out at Hongbin from behind his hands. "That wasn't a dream?"
"Nope. He practically kidnapped you so Wonshik and I couldn't strip you and play dress up while you were asleep." Ken laughs and Hongbin punches him in the arm and rolls his eyes.
"Well I stayed over with Sanghyuk so I didn't have to watch the dumb superhero movie with Wonshik and Jaehwan and then Taekwoon brought you home and didn't come back until morning." Hongbin thinks a moment and looks at N. "So you remember something?"
"I woke up for a moment..." N looks like he's remembering it as a blush creeps over his cheeks. "And I was in my bed cuddling a sleeping Taekwoon... And he was in his boxers... And I was in my underwear... We were wearing our shirts though. But he was gone when I woke up..." Ken fangirl screams and hugs N but Hongbin is thinking about the situation between N and Leo. He promptly texted Hyuk to inform him that he may need to check on his roommate.
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DubufulKoala #1
Chapter 5: This is very nice to read
TheCrazy15 #2
Love this story soo much! Finished literally in one day, even if i went to sleep super late, it was worth it~
Velzonly #3
Chapter 29: Author nim~ i know im so late omg forgive me but this story oh my god! So beautiful, perfect and well written woah the ending and the bonus chapters wow daebak! I read this in one go~ The most interesting and beautiful story of vixx that i've ever read *four thumbs up for you* thankyou for writing this master piece ^^~
sinclair04 #4
Chapter 3: ohhh.. i'm getting hooked with your story.. VERY Nice plot.
Chapter 29: I read this from the top till the end. o/

I have a question though! How did Leo and N meet when they are little? Considering that N liked the boy since he was 5.
DuhFangurl #6
Chapter 23: it's a really good story! :)
What a good story